Hi Fi seperates - Black or Silver?

Hi Fi seperates - Black or Silver?



35,295 posts

268 months

Monday 19th January 2009
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They do and I have it, but irritatingly they went for audio-only, so it has no HDMI inputs. They also didn't bother with the new uncompressed formats, so I'm seriously thinking about chopping in after only two years if I can find a suitable processor with HDMI switching and pre-outs.


1,631 posts

218 months

Monday 19th January 2009
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For people who have silver seperates, do the silvers match? I always assumed they would all be slightly different, like silver cars, whereas black would be moe likely to match.

Dr JonboyG

2,561 posts

249 months

Monday 19th January 2009
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Zod said:
They do and I have it, but irritatingly they went for audio-only, so it has no HDMI inputs. They also didn't bother with the new uncompressed formats, so I'm seriously thinking about chopping in after only two years if I can find a suitable processor with HDMI switching and pre-outs.
That is irritating!

Oh, to contribute - ours is a mix of black and silver!

The Mac Mini has been replaced with an Apple TV running XBMC and Boxee.

Nothing particularly special, but I'm no audiophile so I'd not appreciate where the extra money went.

Edited by Dr JonboyG on Monday 19th January 17:29


15,326 posts

201 months

Monday 19th January 2009
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Dr JonboyG said:
Zod said:
I think Cyrus looks good in silver or black (I have two systems in silver):

I think my Dad has the same ones - you didn't also buy them from that bloke's shop in Maida Vale did you?

Do they make an AV amp? Now that HDMI has become standard, I don't see the point in having a huge cocking receiver that's 6" tall so it has room for millions of RCA cables on the back - just give me somewhere to plug in the speakers, some HDMI in and a couple of HDMI outs, and maybe some opticals, and make the unit as low-profile as a DVD player or cable box.
sounds like you need am Arcam Solo Movie 5.1 or similar? Top kit

Dr JonboyG

2,561 posts

249 months

Monday 19th January 2009
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Digger. said:
Dr JonboyG said:
Zod said:
I think Cyrus looks good in silver or black (I have two systems in silver):

I think my Dad has the same ones - you didn't also buy them from that bloke's shop in Maida Vale did you?

Do they make an AV amp? Now that HDMI has become standard, I don't see the point in having a huge cocking receiver that's 6" tall so it has room for millions of RCA cables on the back - just give me somewhere to plug in the speakers, some HDMI in and a couple of HDMI outs, and maybe some opticals, and make the unit as low-profile as a DVD player or cable box.
sounds like you need am Arcam Solo Movie 5.1 or similar? Top kit
Dunno if you can get Arcam here in the US sadly, but it looks like the sort of thing I'd be after


Original Poster:

1,026 posts

241 months

Thursday 22nd January 2009
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Am I the only one who doesnt like the look of the Arcam stuff? Don't get me wrong, I know they make some serious kit but they just look a tad....cheap? Bit 90's?

I suppose they are subtle, especially in black


13,211 posts

274 months

Thursday 22nd January 2009
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johnnywb said:
For people who have silver seperates, do the silvers match? I always assumed they would all be slightly different, like silver cars, whereas black would be moe likely to match.
I've had plenty of non-matching black separates over the years; some matt, some shiny, some brushed, some smooth. The only way you can really guarantee they'll look the same is if they're from the same manufacturer in the same range. Even my Sony QS Minidisc deck didn't quite match a slightly older tape deck...

Same's obviously true of silver. And how many different finishes do Cyrus do their kit in, all black/grey/silver? Absolutely loads, which if you're buying second hand would be a right pain.


146 posts

230 months

Saturday 24th January 2009
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Silver is a dead finish, Black and white are the way forward and my sales prove it.