Installing satellite cables...

Installing satellite cables...



Original Poster:

140 posts

208 months

Sunday 18th January 2009
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Got a freesat install in the front room, when I had the dish installed I had them pop a quad LNB on there so I can run feeds through to the other rooms. Think its about time I actually got around to doing it! Plan is to put some electrical conduit about the place to run the cables in, will also pop some CAT5 in there for networking the computers.

Can anyone recommend somewhere to get the cabling, conduit, faceplates etc from?
Are there any length limits on satellite cables? Rough estimates put the longest run at about 20m.


11,011 posts

261 months

Sunday 18th January 2009
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beejay said:
Got a freesat install in the front room, when I had the dish installed I had them pop a quad LNB on there so I can run feeds through to the other rooms. Think its about time I actually got around to doing it! Plan is to put some electrical conduit about the place to run the cables in, will also pop some CAT5 in there for networking the computers.

Can anyone recommend somewhere to get the cabling, conduit, faceplates etc from?
Are there any length limits on satellite cables? Rough estimates put the longest run at about 20m.
20m is no problem. 100m + is where you start getting issues.

Screwfix or any good electrical wholesaler will sell cable and bits. CT100 is good Sat cable however there is cheaper stuff that will be fine for 20m runs.