Xbox 360 surround sound options.

Xbox 360 surround sound options.



Original Poster:

936 posts

198 months

Sunday 18th January 2009
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Hello everyone, i really want surround sound for my 360 but i would like some advice.

Option 1 is as far as the budget will stretch

any other suggestions?


45,899 posts

199 months

Sunday 18th January 2009
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(Unless you've already done your research) You need a system with an optical input to get 5.1 from an Xbox
i.e. using this cable

These cables will only give you 2.1

Should be able to get a system for about £100.


Original Poster:

936 posts

198 months

Sunday 18th January 2009
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yeah been reading up and some people have been saying that you need to buy an adapter to be able to use the optical connector, but on the component cable i have it has a connection for the optical out.