Sky + box (Pace) Internal reset button???

Sky + box (Pace) Internal reset button???


fatboy b

Original Poster:

9,599 posts

226 months

Monday 19th January 2009
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I was at the folks at the weekend, and the sky aerial received a lightning strike. I don't think it was a full-power one as the roof is still intact! However the sky box did make a rather terminal-sounding zapping noise, and now it's dead.

I chhecked the fuse - OK. Am I being optimistic in thinking there may be a reset button inside?


1,442 posts

270 months

Monday 19th January 2009
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Probably either an internal fuse blown or something on the power side of the circuit board is fried. Doesn't take a lot of power to damage electronics. My TV and video recorder were blown by a lightning strike in the road. It didn't even make direct contact with the house but it fried them beyond repair.