EU Plasma TV Ban



Original Poster:

148 posts

215 months

Wednesday 21st January 2009
quotequote all
Surely they can't be serious!!!!!!!!


67,280 posts

280 months

Wednesday 21st January 2009
quotequote all
Spoons said:
Surely they can't be serious!!!!!!!!
Crap reporting.

They're going to grade sets to their energy efficiency, to promote energy efficiency.

No plans have been made as to how the grading system will work. It's also predicated on a flawed concept in the first place.

Complete non story.


Original Poster:

148 posts

215 months

Wednesday 21st January 2009
quotequote all
So more eco balls then, Right anyone know where I can get a Pany 42/46/or 50pz81b, can't find a 42" anywhere.


35,829 posts

281 months

Wednesday 21st January 2009
quotequote all
Spoons said:
So more eco balls then, Right anyone know where I can get a Pany 42/46/or 50pz81b, can't find a 42" anywhere.
Plotloss does great deals on them.

He's your man, but he's too shy to say so.


Original Poster:

148 posts

215 months

Thursday 22nd January 2009
quotequote all
Soovy said:
Spoons said:
So more eco balls then, Right anyone know where I can get a Pany 42/46/or 50pz81b, can't find a 42" anywhere.
Plotloss does great deals on them.

He's your man, but he's too shy to say so.
smile Plotloss can you help with the Pany pz81?