Mains regeneration



13,330 posts

240 months

Friday 23rd January 2009
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SJobson said:
I'm struggling with the volume difference. How can it come about? If the mains in your area is the bottom end of tolerance and the PS Audio produces an output at the top end (+6%/-10%, i.e. 254-216V) then there could be a 17.5% difference in the DC rail levels in the equipment. Audible? Probably. Better quality? Well, if something's louder people tend to perceive it as better, even in the absence of any other difference.
I was as surprised as you!

Seriously, it was quite obvious, not like a subjective issue like 'expanded soundstage'.

Maybe the conditioner freed up a bottleneck in the power draw which allowed the original dynamic to be better reproduced? I don't know exactly, I just know that the volume change was there. Second to that, in particular the very lowest bass frequencies were more apparent and I heard - or more accurately felt - the very lowest frequencies which I know were not there.

With regard to the synthesization of the sine wave, I have heard that different separates have different performance and different voltages and frequencies. Again, we are talking about minor differences, but apparently audible.


Original Poster:

6,386 posts

252 months

Friday 23rd January 2009
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I am sceptical, bordering on cynical, about many of the claims made manufacturers so hopefully I will not fall for placebo effects. The gear I use at home sounds, IMHO, 15% better in the early hours ( 2~6 am ) than it does during the rest of the day and that sound quality is what I'm looking to achieve during the day too.

I guess, in recent years, most homes have the big increase in the number of products using switch mode power supplies and this has had a big factor in how much grunge there is in the system.

Have any of you guys tried listening to your systems after unplugging other gear around the house ? Sad to say I have ~ Energy saving lightbulbs are not your friend ranting


13,330 posts

240 months

Friday 23rd January 2009
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If that is the case then, I am pretty sure you would be happy with the Isotek that I have.

That said though, the concept of mains regeneration should work better.

I think the Nordost units that are new out do a similar thing employing more and more filters to get back to the sine wave.


13,211 posts

274 months

Friday 23rd January 2009
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I doubt I could sensibly compare the sound of my system in the wee small hours to the daytime. My mood and mind will be totally different, so my perception will be suitably different too.


Original Poster:

6,386 posts

252 months

Friday 23rd January 2009
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SJobson said:
I doubt I could sensibly compare the sound of my system in the wee small hours to the daytime. My mood and mind will be totally different, so my perception will be suitably different too.
I appreciate that there are significant psychoacoustic effects and that perception changes according to mood, tiredness etc but the changes I've noticed are not subtle ie sound pre 11.30 ~ midnight is merely OK but is much much better post 1.00am. I've put this down to most people having turned in for the night so kettles, lights, boilers, and all manor of switch mode gear ( PC's, TVs, PVRs, DVDs )is dormant. This is guesswork on my part and I'm sure it would be possible to see what was going on with a suitable oscilloscope however the subjective improvements are big enough for a sceptic like me to consider spending the best part of £2000 to achieve.


13,330 posts

240 months

Friday 23rd January 2009
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SJobson said:
I doubt I could sensibly compare the sound of my system in the wee small hours to the daytime. My mood and mind will be totally different, so my perception will be suitably different too.
I appreciate that there are significant psychoacoustic effects and that perception changes according to mood, tiredness etc but the changes I've noticed are not subtle ie sound pre 11.30 ~ midnight is merely OK but is much much better post 1.00am. I've put this down to most people having turned in for the night so kettles, lights, boilers, and all manor of switch mode gear ( PC's, TVs, PVRs, DVDs )is dormant. This is guesswork on my part and I'm sure it would be possible to see what was going on with a suitable oscilloscope however the subjective improvements are big enough for a sceptic like me to consider spending the best part of £2000 to achieve.
You might be right...

...or you might just be a 'night person' and more relaxed and receptive at that time. smile

Just playing devil's advocate. You are likely completely correct, I would also test though too.