Magic Eye Issues



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13,319 posts

290 months

Thursday 22nd January 2009
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New TV up and running, old TV moved to the bedroom that already had a TV with magic eye sky connection all working fine.
Tuned the moved TV in to the Sky signal and it shows the picture the same as downstairs, the magic eye LED is on but the remote isn't talking to it. scratchchin
If I reconnect the original TV it all works fine, so no cable issues, but what ever I try I can't get the new one to work. banghead
Had 2 calls to Sky technical, the 1st Indian line was the next best thing to useless and when she hung up on me it was actually worse than when I started as the main TV was nolonger working, but I sorted that out, the 2nd call to the Scottish department was a lot more helpful but still no joy. frown
She suggested a 3rd call today and to request to talk to the 2nd tier technical team, but if anyone has any ideas.......


13,330 posts

240 months

Thursday 22nd January 2009
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Do you have the RF power supply set to on?

It is in the 'secret' installer setup menu.


Original Poster:

13,319 posts

290 months

Thursday 22nd January 2009
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Yeap, that was one of the things that I went through last night with the Sky helpline.


13,330 posts

240 months

Thursday 22nd January 2009
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And of course you have it connected to the powered coax socket on the back of the Sky box?

(Sorry, simple things first!)

If you have, then I am stumped.

Spent an hour or so getting my mates to work, troubleshooting the whole system down to taking sockets apart to find one of his coax leads was at fault in carrying the magic eye signal.

Worth a try with the second box a few feet away and with another coax cable to rule this out.


Original Poster:

13,319 posts

290 months

Thursday 22nd January 2009
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Pretty much tried all of those things, especially as it works fine if I swap TV's back to the original one that was in the bedroom. confused
I'm betting it's some dodgy setting somewhere in the TV but the less than helpful manual and the crappyness of the TV aren't helping.
I might be tempted to mothball the TV until I upgrade to Multiroom in the distant future and attack the problem again then. paperbag


13,330 posts

240 months

Thursday 22nd January 2009
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raceboy said:
Pretty much tried all of those things, especially as it works fine if I swap TV's back to the original one that was in the bedroom. confused
I'm betting it's some dodgy setting somewhere in the TV but the less than helpful manual and the crappyness of the TV aren't helping.
I might be tempted to mothball the TV until I upgrade to Multiroom in the distant future and attack the problem again then. paperbag
It should be nothing to do with the TV, as long as it is of course tuned into the right channel, the magic eye had no connection to how the TV works at all.

Although, you are pointing the control of the Sky at the little receiver connected to the magic Eye, and not the TV are you?


67,280 posts

280 months

Thursday 22nd January 2009
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Was the old television a plasma?


Original Poster:

13,319 posts

290 months

Thursday 22nd January 2009
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Plotloss said:
Was the old television a plasma?
No, the old TV (the one that still works) was an antique Sony CRT.

JustinP1 said:
Although, you are pointing the control of the Sky at the little receiver connected to the magic Eye, and not the TV are you?
yes . wink


67,280 posts

280 months

Thursday 22nd January 2009
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Its probably RF interference from the screen.

Put the remote next to the eye, away from the screen (behind it if possible) once the screen has been on for 15 minutes or so and it will work, probably.


Original Poster:

13,319 posts

290 months

Thursday 22nd January 2009
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I'll give that a try tonight, cheers. smile


Original Poster:

13,319 posts

290 months

Friday 23rd January 2009
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Gave that a try....and no luck, but late last night I had a thought, I recently moved the room about and the TV needed a very long coax extension, now this didn't seem to bother the Sony but I moved the Magic eye box to the join between the original cable and the extension.....and bounce it works.
Only down side is the magic eye is now on the opposite wall to the TV so to change channel it's a bit weird pointing the remote in the opposite direction rotate