Popcorn Hour



Original Poster:

425 posts

252 months

Wednesday 4th March 2009
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I'm thinking about getting some sort of media player to play HD content off but don't know which one to go for.

They seem to start at about £100 for the WD HD player, then £200 for a popcorn hour player and then upwards to Apple TV, MacMini, PCs etc.

Has anyone any experience of these and will the play HD content off the internet?


2,014 posts

251 months

Wednesday 4th March 2009
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have a good read here http://www.avforums.com/forums/streamers-network-m...

Generally the PH is a good bet, not quite as easy to use/fancy as others, but it does soooooooo much smile


1,138 posts

230 months

Wednesday 4th March 2009
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A friend has just picked up a popcorn hour and is raving about it!


4,475 posts

293 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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I've got an HDX1000, a popcorn hour in a better box, and yes it does everything it bsays on the tin, cool kit of kit.

Ripcaster have a lot of info about them www.ripcaster.co.uk



713 posts

207 months

Tuesday 24th March 2009
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Have you considered Apple TV? I have had one in my setup for a year now and I could not live without it!

Get yourself one with a US account and you can enjoy HD movie rentals for $3.99 smile Considering you can get a $200 iTunes voucher off e bay for £60 it makes it VERY cheap.............. wink


8,624 posts

220 months

Wednesday 8th April 2009
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Just a quick note to say that I've got a PCH-A110 for sale if anyone is interested.


15,283 posts

200 months

Wednesday 8th April 2009
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Altrezia said:
Just a quick note to say that I've got a PCH-A110 for sale if anyone is interested.
Got a link mate (on AVF?)?


32,036 posts

230 months

Wednesday 8th April 2009
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We have a Popcorn Hour and the t'other half loves it smile

I like being able to watch all 3 seasons of Dexter in HD wink


1,332 posts

256 months

Wednesday 8th April 2009
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Altrezia said:
Just a quick note to say that I've got a PCH-A110 for sale if anyone is interested.
How much?


8,624 posts

220 months

Thursday 9th April 2009
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Sorry chaps, bloke is picking it up today.

Good bit of kit, but I find it a bit slow - needs a better processor.


8,291 posts

258 months

Thursday 9th April 2009
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Altrezia said:
Sorry chaps, bloke is picking it up today.

Good bit of kit, but I find it a bit slow - needs a better processor.
or updated firmware wink

Mine flew after a recent update


8,624 posts

220 months

Thursday 9th April 2009
quotequote all
Shadytree said:
Altrezia said:
Sorry chaps, bloke is picking it up today.

Good bit of kit, but I find it a bit slow - needs a better processor.
or updated firmware wink

Mine flew after a recent update
Mine was on the latest one frown