Home Cinema Cabinet



Original Poster:

40 posts

191 months

Saturday 11th April 2009
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I was wonder how everyone manages to hide all the cables for the Home cinema stuff.

We have the usual LCD, dvd recorder, sky hd, xbox 360, ps3 and av reciever. At the moment we have a 3 glass shelf unit and I an using the silver/white thin foam file that the TV comes in to hide all the cables. This is stuck to the back of the glass shelf unit using blue tack. I know it sounds naff but it works.

How do you hide the cables?


5,948 posts

201 months

Saturday 11th April 2009
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Bes tthing to do is buy a home cinema rack that has cable management attached. Failing this you could buy some of that split plastic conduit that all cables can be hidden in....A new rack should only set you back about £100.00


4,475 posts

293 months

Saturday 11th April 2009
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Watch the weight carrying capacity of any new rack especially glass shelves. I can assure anyone that my kit would break a £100 glass shelf rack (my 5 channel power amplifier alone weighs 52kg!). You get what you pay for!



15,285 posts

200 months

Saturday 11th April 2009
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Similar problem. How on earth am I going to cable manage a plasma, centre speaker, Sky box and a Duet with this?!
