Political bias at BBC - something has to be done surely

Political bias at BBC - something has to be done surely


Mr GrimNasty

8,172 posts

175 months

Thursday 30th March 2017
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///ajd said:
And they have also been invited not to be intimidated by the emerging Ministry of Enlightenment.

Simply not credible, the bias is manifest to any impartial observer.

It's propaganda war 101 to claim the perverse reverse (e.g. Remoaners saying the Proms were to be hijacked by Union Jack waving Brexiteers when all along no such plot existed and it was their aim to stage a Euro flag waving 'protest') .

After holding a seminar where only eco-nuts and their own extreme liberals were invited, the BBC decided only climate change supporting fanatics should be given a voice on said issue, as letting the other side speak would represent 'false balance'.

Countryfile has also been the vehicle of choice for relentless unchallenged fake climate change alarmism as well as the anti-Brexit drip drip.


9,189 posts

121 months

Thursday 30th March 2017
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Mr GrimNasty said:
Simply not credible, the bias is manifest to any impartial observer.
Oh, FFS. since when are you an impartial observer? You'd be bleating if they didn't give equal airtime to any crackpot who happens to believe that two plus two equals zero.


15,948 posts

169 months

Friday 31st March 2017
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0000 said:
Tim Farron and Nick Clegg. What a team. rofl
They are part of our exit negotiations and if the EU don't play ball they will both be exiled to be house guests of Juncker.


41,085 posts

288 months

Friday 31st March 2017
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Credit where credit is due. I watched the BBC news last night and the presenter (George Alagiah IIRC) rightly and fairly ripped a new hole for the European Parliament vice President Ioan Mircea Pașcu over the process triggered by Article 50. He repeatedly pointed out that our terms of exit and future relationship should be carried out in parallel - i.e. at the same time - and not in series, as the EU is presently saying.

The Lisbon Treaty said:
2. A Member State which decides to withdraw shall notify the European Council of its intention. In the light of the guidelines provided by the European Council, the Union shall negotiate and conclude an agreement with that State, setting out the arrangements for its withdrawal, taking account of the framework for its future relationship with the Union.
The rules are quite clear on this matter and it was a rather impressive and incisive dig at current negotiations being done as the EU wants to do them, rather than to the letter of the rule book.


11,618 posts

209 months

Friday 31st March 2017
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Mr GrimNasty said:
'climate change supporting fanatics'.
Beyond irony and into osmiumy...


8,429 posts

110 months

Friday 31st March 2017
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BBC 10 o'Clock news.....PANIC, The EU says-- so must be true, We are DOOMED, Gibraltar is LOST, DOOM.....

Oh do fk off BBC !


41,558 posts

253 months

Saturday 1st April 2017
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They seem to be turned up to 11 all of the time.

The very definition of hysteria.


24,498 posts

191 months

Saturday 1st April 2017
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I played my "Today Programme leading items bingo" game and got 3/3 yesterday am.

Rule, as mentioned before, is to try and guess what the top three stories as trailed by the presenter after the hour pips will be about.

I said "brexit, Trump, the NHS" and got all three, even in the correct order.


24,498 posts

191 months

Saturday 1st April 2017
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Stickyfinger said:
BBC 10 o'Clock news.....PANIC, The EU says-- so must be true, We are DOOMED, Gibraltar is LOST, DOOM.....

Oh do fk off BBC !
There does seem to be a very double-edged way of reporting the imminent Brexit negotiations.

If the UK Government outlines one of their red lines, there is a report saying they are unlikely to achieve this, usually in a "aren't they silly for even asking" tone.

If the EU outlines one of their red lines, this is taken as completely non-negotiable and usually "a blow for Theresa May", reported in sombre tones.


8,429 posts

110 months

Monday 3rd April 2017
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And the BBC now embark on their hatchet job on LePenn

Will they delve as deep into the corruption on the left.....not a chance !


3,732 posts

181 months

Monday 3rd April 2017
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Stickyfinger said:
And the BBC now embark on their hatchet job on LePenn

Will they delve as deep into the corruption on the left.....not a chance !
I don't know much about the French political landscape, but I caught the last 15 of that documentary and it was certainly an attempt to paint her corrupt without so much as saying so.

"She met PUTIN?" Good golly gosh, what a monster she must be.


8,429 posts

110 months

Monday 3rd April 2017
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Spanna said:
I don't know much about the French political landscape, but I caught the last 15 of that documentary and it was certainly an attempt to paint her corrupt without so much as saying so.

"She met PUTIN?" Good golly gosh, what a monster she must be.
And she must be a Nazi, they said the "word" often enough ...and she met Trump so that proves it !


59 months

Tuesday 4th April 2017
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Disgusting bias today on the BBC.

When watching Dennis the Menace and Gnasher. 07:25 - 07:35. ...
Followed by MOTD Kickabout: Round-Up. 07:35 - 07:40. ...

It was VERY clear that the BBC are pushing a post neoliberal ideal in an attempt to halt the alt right and Brexit in a cynical pro climate change existentialist manner.

The way they depicted Dennis and Gnasher as oriental characters today, clearly encourages us to abandon encrusted western notions, and to adopt a more fluid, less didactic approach to life. The path, according to the leftie handwringing Marxist agitators at the BBC lies in dismantling the self and to view our western tradition through an entirely different lens.

My wife and I scoffed as the BBC tries to brainwash children into believing that the concept of a true self is false and limiting, arguing against today’s obsession with labelling our personalities and being “authentic”.

Later in MOTD the BBC with their license fee supporting left wing bias went on to suggest through subliminal messages about the football that setting long-term goals is based on the misconception that the self and the world are stable. They used the failure of Cardiff city to beat Wolverhampton wanderers to show why our effort is better spent making small changes to improve our lives, rather than acting on behalf of an abstract future self.

Disgusting! Something indeed HAS TO BE DONE (surely)


24,498 posts

191 months

Tuesday 4th April 2017
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Nick Robinson says BBC has no duty to be unbiased over Brexit.


Well, at least he's honest!


14,686 posts

101 months

Wednesday 5th April 2017
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They're still pretending we're leaving Europe.


The Don of Croy

6,073 posts

164 months

Thursday 6th April 2017
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Simon Jenkins writing in today's Grauniad -

"I may love the BBC and defend its independence to the death, but it is an alarmingly narrow monoculture. Politically, it is not diverse. It staged a good Brexit debate, but by then its past bias had loaded the outcome. I am all for “due impartiality”, but to whom is impartiality paying its due?"


Worth it for the frothing in the comments section alone.


7,935 posts

114 months

Thursday 20th April 2017
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El stovey said:
Disgusting bias today on the BBC.

When watching Dennis the Menace and Gnasher. 07:25 - 07:35. ...
Followed by MOTD Kickabout: Round-Up. 07:35 - 07:40. ...

It was VERY clear that the BBC are pushing a post neoliberal ideal in an attempt to halt the alt right and Brexit in a cynical pro climate change existentialist manner.

The way they depicted Dennis and Gnasher as oriental characters today, clearly encourages us to abandon encrusted western notions, and to adopt a more fluid, less didactic approach to life. The path, according to the leftie handwringing Marxist agitators at the BBC lies in dismantling the self and to view our western tradition through an entirely different lens.

My wife and I scoffed as the BBC tries to brainwash children into believing that the concept of a true self is false and limiting, arguing against today’s obsession with labelling our personalities and being “authentic”.

Later in MOTD the BBC with their license fee supporting left wing bias went on to suggest through subliminal messages about the football that setting long-term goals is based on the misconception that the self and the world are stable. They used the failure of Cardiff city to beat Wolverhampton wanderers to show why our effort is better spent making small changes to improve our lives, rather than acting on behalf of an abstract future self.

Disgusting! Something indeed HAS TO BE DONE (surely)
Missed this. Very good. smile


6,728 posts

166 months

Thursday 20th April 2017
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"The BBC wants to change the news, not report it"...



7,759 posts

150 months

Friday 21st April 2017
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Shameless. They have just shown an election broadcast for Labour.

The Hypno-Toad

12,598 posts

210 months

Thursday 27th April 2017
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A Community Nurse appeared on the BBC news last night talking about Tory cuts, wages and her friends having to "sell their houses to be able to afford to live,"

All fine and dandy but it turns out that she has written articles for The Morning Star, a far-left website and is a major buddy of the Sainted Jeremy having spoken on the same platform as him at a CND rally and has had numerous selfies taken with him. I am sure when they vetted her suitability to be on the programme, she just forgot to mention all of this.

Plus she was wearing her uniform to appear on the show which apparently is against the rules of her employment. But as she has clearly done this at several of the rallies she has attended as well, I'm guessing she has some form of exemption.