UKIP - The Future - Volume 2



45,073 posts

256 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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May I ask how many occasions over the years have LibLabCon had to return party donations when it turned out there was something dodgy about them. Quite a few I can say.

Also how many times have they been caught using spads paid for by taxpayer's money for purely party political purposes. Clegg is under such an investigation as we speak.

People in glass houses and all that.


12,643 posts

211 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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Guam said:
Wombat3 said:
Guam said:
Wombat3 said:
Jinx said:
Wombat3 said:
How does that apply to the Westminster troughers then? (or doesn't it?)
Nigel isn't an MP. Westminster troughers had one golden rule - do not claim for anything that would bring the House into disrepute. Failed that one didn't they?
I'm not sure it is possible to bring the EU into any further disrepute (how is that audit going again? ) and given as the MEPs do not have to even admit to what the money is being spent on there is not an obvious parallel.
Admittedly I would have liked a little more involvement by the UKIP MEPs - maybe setting a good example and help corrupt the other MEPs into a dissolve the EU way of thinking - but I'm ever the optimist......

Try again. How is it that an MEP troughing or mis-using his "allowances" is any different to what happened in Westminster (specifically given that said MEP has designs on being an MP). ?

Its a mis-use of public money.

The fact that MEPs don't have to account for money they are given arguably makes it worse if its abused. There is a "trust" system (and obviously it doesn't work across the board).

The point was simply being made that Farage (or St Nigel as perhaps we should address him since he seems to be so revered hereabouts) is evidently no more above abusing the system (whatever it may be) than are others of his ilk both in Westminster and the EU. rolleyes
If it has occurred and it has breached any rules then you and I will finally have something to agree on, however if it turns out to be without foundation I would stick a large book down your trousers for the sound kicking you will likely get smile
Breaching rules is one thing (and I'd be very surprised if he has).

However, breaching the clear spirit of the purpose of allowances seems hardly dis-similar from someone who preaches at the rest of us about how "corrupt the political class is"

....if indeed it can be shown that this is what he has done.
Well so far it would appear it cant, you are stretching now (as are others), I have seen no evidence, he has even agreed to be audited.

Tell you what how about we get ALL the parties to agree to independent Audit of their expenses (not Parliament driven audits either), I mean we dont want to be accused of double standards now do we?
We will have to see what "outs" in the end. The key point is that hiding behind "its an allowance" (as opposed to expenses) really doesn't cut it if the money is being used for purposes other than which it was given.

ISTR UKIP were in fact quite open about the fact that they use some of their allowances in this way though. If that's the case, allowed it may be, but "right", it is not.


12,643 posts

211 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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FiF said:
May I ask how many occasions over the years have LibLabCon had to return party donations when it turned out there was something dodgy about them. Quite a few I can say.

Also how many times have they been caught using spads paid for by taxpayer's money for purely party political purposes. Clegg is under such an investigation as we speak.

People in glass houses and all that.
All true - people in glass houses....


45,073 posts

256 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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Wombat3 said:
All true - people in glass houses....
One chap in a glass house who has used his allowance largely in pursuit of the aims under which he was elected vs someone who can't account for 1.3 million euros from his allowances but maintains that the elephant he bought on expenses wasn't actually, you know, a real effalump.

Some glass appears thinner than others.


23,956 posts

199 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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It looks like Farage will do rather well out of this now the Times story (and the media scrum that followed) look to be pretty desperate smears. Rather amusing really.


6,728 posts

166 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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4 threads on the front page of NPE devoted to NF.

If nothing, he has got people talking and passionate again about politics.


5,502 posts

251 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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steveT350C said:
4 threads on the front page of NPE devoted to NF.

If nothing, he has got people talking and passionate again about politics.
Exactly, idiots on here and in the media seem hell bent on slating Nigel and anyone else that genuinely seems to want to make a difference. I dont care if they are not perfect, no one is!

Frankly until he came along I was not that interested in politics at all, I am now!

To wombat and the others on here, stop having a go at UKIP and tell me why I should vote for you/others. Poor leaders/followers always blame others when they have nothing constructive to say, just like weak bullies at school!


5,047 posts

188 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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einsign said:
To wombat and the others on here, stop having a go at UKIP and tell me why I should vote for you/others. Poor leaders/followers always blame others when they have nothing constructive to say, just like weak bullies at school!
I agree that poor leaders blame others when they have nothing constructive to say.

Tell me, what's the positive message in UKIP policy? i've quoted from their website, and invite you to show me the positives in it, the constructive ways in which they'd improve the country. I can only see a negative message which essentially blames the EU for pretty much every ill in Britain.

UKIP website said:
These are anxious and troubled times. As crisis follows crisis, our politicians do nothing in the face of dangers rearing up all around us.

Taxes and Government debt rise. Energy and transport costs soar. Unemployment is too high. The NHS and state education strain under a population increase of 4 million since 2001.

Another wave of uncontrolled immigration comes from the EU (this time Bulgaria and Romania). Yet the political class tells us the EU is good for the UK.

A gulf has opened between the ruling elite and the public. Because they must all follow Brussels diktats, each of the establishment main parties is now so similar voters have no real choice.

The EU controls Immigration, Business and Employment, Financial Services, Fishing, Farming, Energy and Trade. It seeks now to control Law and Order, Foreign Affairs and Tax. Only outside the EU can we start to solve the problems our country faces.


2,779 posts

251 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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longblackcoat said:
einsign said:
To wombat and the others on here, stop having a go at UKIP and tell me why I should vote for you/others. Poor leaders/followers always blame others when they have nothing constructive to say, just like weak bullies at school!
I agree that poor leaders blame others when they have nothing constructive to say.

Tell me, what's the positive message in UKIP policy? i've quoted from their website, and invite you to show me the positives in it, the constructive ways in which they'd improve the country. I can only see a negative message which essentially blames the EU for pretty much every ill in Britain.

UKIP website said:
These are anxious and troubled times. As crisis follows crisis, our politicians do nothing in the face of dangers rearing up all around us.

Taxes and Government debt rise. Energy and transport costs soar. Unemployment is too high. The NHS and state education strain under a population increase of 4 million since 2001.

Another wave of uncontrolled immigration comes from the EU (this time Bulgaria and Romania). Yet the political class tells us the EU is good for the UK.

A gulf has opened between the ruling elite and the public. Because they must all follow Brussels diktats, each of the establishment main parties is now so similar voters have no real choice.

The EU controls Immigration, Business and Employment, Financial Services, Fishing, Farming, Energy and Trade. It seeks now to control Law and Order, Foreign Affairs and Tax. Only outside the EU can we start to solve the problems our country faces.
If you'd bothered quoting the whole page it may have made more sense:


15,948 posts

169 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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love him or hate him I don't care it will be the first time I have been able to lodge a protest vote that may actually mean something. the fact we could send a whole pile of UKIPPERS to Brussels makes me smile and it will hopefully put the fear of God into the so called mainstream parties.


5,047 posts

188 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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Timsta said:
If you'd bothered quoting the whole page it may have made more sense:
No, I quoted the bit marked "UKIP - what we stand for" as that precisely makes my point. They've set themselves out as an organisation which blames a great deal on the EU. Fair enough, it's their view. Their world view - the opening paragraphs of their statement about themselves - is almost entirely negative.

Even as I read down the rest of the page, I'm struggling to see the positive, go-ahead messages. There are a great deal of "scrap this" and "prevent that" statements, but other than dogma ("No to Political Correctness - it stifles free speech") there's little to make me think that UKIP will make Britain a happier place to live.


2,779 posts

251 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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longblackcoat said:
Timsta said:
If you'd bothered quoting the whole page it may have made more sense:
No, I quoted the bit marked "UKIP - what we stand for" as that precisely makes my point. They've set themselves out as an organisation which blames a great deal on the EU. Fair enough, it's their view. Their world view - the opening paragraphs of their statement about themselves - is almost entirely negative.

Even as I read down the rest of the page, I'm struggling to see the positive, go-ahead messages. There are a great deal of "scrap this" and "prevent that" statements, but other than dogma ("No to Political Correctness - it stifles free speech") there's little to make me think that UKIP will make Britain a happier place to live.
Well, I had never seen that page, so thank you for bringing it to my attention. I can see a lot there that I agree with.


45,073 posts

256 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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This is not aimed at any particular person or group but a general observation.

If UKIP are so wrong about everything, why are the usual suspects LibLabCon wavering about like reeds in a wind trying to sort out their policies and making stuff up on the hoof?

If they are so convinced they are right, then have some spine, the courage of their convictions and stick to them.

Well, to their credit, the LibDems have pretty much done that, apart from entering into the coalition of course. Whist it's too strong a term to say they now face annihilation at the ballot box, decimation is definitely on the cards.

So that leaves Lab and Cons. Who clearly seem to be interested in only one thing above all else, Bugger principles,bugger the public, sod the taxpayer, just get re-elected to keep on the gravy train.

The shallowness of the usual suspects is becoming ever apparent.


5,807 posts

162 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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johnxjsc1985 said:
we could send a whole pile of UKIPPERS to Brussels
Lets not forget, its a European election.
As far as i can see, every EU country has an anti EU right wing party, and they all seem to be lined up to do rather well next month.
Maybe with a right wing EU parl we will get the change in Europe that we are after without having to leave? I doubt it.


72,857 posts

244 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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Timsta said:
longblackcoat said:
Timsta said:
If you'd bothered quoting the whole page it may have made more sense:
No, I quoted the bit marked "UKIP - what we stand for" as that precisely makes my point. They've set themselves out as an organisation which blames a great deal on the EU. Fair enough, it's their view. Their world view - the opening paragraphs of their statement about themselves - is almost entirely negative.

Even as I read down the rest of the page, I'm struggling to see the positive, go-ahead messages. There are a great deal of "scrap this" and "prevent that" statements, but other than dogma ("No to Political Correctness - it stifles free speech") there's little to make me think that UKIP will make Britain a happier place to live.
Well, I had never seen that page, so thank you for bringing it to my attention. I can see a lot there that I agree with.
Good bit of campaigning there LBC, you may have converted another waverer thumbup


2,624 posts

193 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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longblackcoat said:
Even as I read down the rest of the page, I'm struggling to see the positive, go-ahead messages. There are a great deal of "scrap this" and "prevent that" statements, but other than dogma ("No to Political Correctness - it stifles free speech") there's little to make me think that UKIP will make Britain a happier place to live.
Perhaps negative about politics / current politicians is how 20%, and counting, of the population feel.....scrapping this and that may be what will make them feel more positive and happier?


5,047 posts

188 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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FiF said:
If UKIP are so wrong about everything, why are the usual suspects LibLabCon wavering about like reeds in a wind trying to sort out their policies and making stuff up on the hoof?
if you could point me to any UKIP policies (i.e. not just vague assertions) I'd be grateful. Because if anyone has a track record of just making stuff up on the hoof, it's Farage.


45,073 posts

256 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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longblackcoat said:
FiF said:
If UKIP are so wrong about everything, why are the usual suspects LibLabCon wavering about like reeds in a wind trying to sort out their policies and making stuff up on the hoof?
if you could point me to any UKIP policies (i.e. not just vague assertions) I'd be grateful. Because if anyone has a track record of just making stuff up on the hoof, it's Farage.

I don't think any of the parties have a manifesto out yet. However I stand by my point that supposedly established parties seem to bend with the wind based on outside pressures. That isn't necessarily a bad thing at times, but they do seem unusually flexible.


8,969 posts

213 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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Benbay001 said:
johnxjsc1985 said:
we could send a whole pile of UKIPPERS to Brussels
Lets not forget, its a European election.
As far as i can see, every EU country has an anti EU right wing party, and they all seem to be lined up to do rather well next month.
Maybe with a right wing EU parl we will get the change in Europe that we are after without having to leave? I doubt it.
I doubt it because these are MEPs, they do not initiate new legislation, just vote on things that gets passed down to them. MEPs are vote fodder for the real power in the EU.


106,493 posts

265 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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mrpurple said:
longblackcoat said:
Even as I read down the rest of the page, I'm struggling to see the positive, go-ahead messages. There are a great deal of "scrap this" and "prevent that" statements, but other than dogma ("No to Political Correctness - it stifles free speech") there's little to make me think that UKIP will make Britain a happier place to live.
Perhaps negative about politics / current politicians is how 20%, and counting, of the population feel.....scrapping this and that may be what will make them feel more positive and happier?
Quite possibly. In any case the assumption that getting rid of e.g. petty politicking cannot be positive, and is somehow ineffective at improving quality of life, has been made up on the hoof and it shows.

longblackcoat said:
if you could point me to any UKIP policies (i.e. not just vague assertions) I'd be grateful.
Trick question? Are UKIP policies for 2015 not being drawn up and independently costed at the mo?