Mass shooting in NZ mosque



8,098 posts

76 months

Wednesday 27th March 2019
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Next time I go somewhere I'll be sure to Google killing spree/terror attack/earth quake the day before and avoid it if it's being reported. I feel much safer now I know about this pretty elemental in the armour of our otherwise all powerful overlords.


59 months

Wednesday 27th March 2019
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Good trolling GT6M!


41,450 posts

201 months

Wednesday 27th March 2019
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GT6M said:
Some folk just dont get it, or able find a custom setting or range !!
Computers rarely make mistakes, but people do

for your info,
Time stamps are done by computers,and that is one thing computers are very good at. Their clocks are almost never wrong. What this indicates is that the event had been set-up in advance, with press releases sent out days before. The mistake made here was not a computer mistake. It was a human error, since when the news was
published on the web by these outlets, the tech was supposed to resave it on the date of publication,which would change the date to that date. Instead, the tech just pushed print, which kept the date of receipt on the release. This also explains how worldwide news is able to be reported so quickly: it is pre-released. It explains how Tracy Withers at Bloomberg was able to file a report on Christchurch within minutes of its happening. Her report had been supplied to her days earlier, and all she had to dois put her name on it and press send. But, as we have seen, these outlets get impatient to scoop one another in reporting the latest fake event, and they end up publishing before it would be humanly possible to do so, given a real event.
Have you heard of time zones? New Zealand is roughly 20 hours ahead of California. That means if something happens in NZ it could be reported in the US 20 hours before it “happens”

Just a thought.....


21 posts

87 months

Wednesday 27th March 2019
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Good lord, there some serious parts of some folks minds missing here,

As for being called a Barsteward Mental, great acts of showing your self up, no need for that at all.

Or like, the US is 20 hours ahead of NZ,
..Ohh really, must be unable to read, and calculate figures,
as the dates are weeks, not hours,
just a thought,
Bit like the BBC reported a structure had ..fallen down.. 20 minutes before it did, whilst being broadcast from CNNs own offices, with the same back drop of others offices,!!!

best say no more to save embarresment,

to those that say its nothing new, and that the google search function is wrong, And saying I need some fresh air.

then can thee,s folk say how did bloomberg get the news out so fast. even if it were as Mr Bright Spark says its 20 hours ahead, it still dont add up to weeks now does it, or has that little bit of info been missed.

As to the 2 sounding SA posters, good trolling there too, trying to dismiss any reasonable opinion bar your own. thats a good sign that Trolls are coming out the woodwork.

Desolate said, the only decent reply . is what I think happened,

well not to sure, just things dont seem to add up, And as I have family over there, the things they say are also not what is being told as gospel.
things like he was,nt known,
its been said he was on a few countries watch lists, he been to alot of countries doing nasty deeds.

where were the police when all this was going on. when a police station was 5 mins away

where did all the cars , and people on that road, other side too go to, no cars / people on a road,in a city,

film of people ,who seemed to be in a uniform, giving him other weapons ,

not to mention that some Leader had told NZ a while before that what they did constitues an act of war against them

just so many things not adding up

But I ask you all, ever been told some thing on MSM , fell for it hook line an sinker, then a year or so later found out it was all made up,
total lies been told by the gov and the media

If non of you have, then its most strange indeed


41,085 posts

288 months

Wednesday 27th March 2019
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A Winner Is You said:
Look at how our government is handling Brexit. You seriously think they'd be capable of this massive worldwide false flag conspiracy?
hehe I wouldn't trust them to run a village fete.


59 months

Wednesday 27th March 2019
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It's nice to know I get credited with a sensible reply.

You are barking and it's a disgrace that you post on here.


17,491 posts

204 months

Wednesday 27th March 2019
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Utterly fantastic.

I really didn't think people bought into this sort of stuff.

Global false flags that all the media have bought into, including all the journalists, the search engines and employees, the government, and employees, the police etc.

Oh and all the people of Christchurch who all agreed not to drive on the roads during that time slot.

All of that coordination destroyed by something as simple as a google search.


36,104 posts

232 months

Wednesday 27th March 2019
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GT6M said:
Good lord, there some serious parts of some folks minds missing here,
Yours for starters............. nuts


19,518 posts

264 months

Wednesday 27th March 2019
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GT6M said:
But I ask you all, ever been told some thing on MSM , fell for it hook line an sinker, then a year or so later found out it was all made up,
total lies been told by the gov and the media
Anyone with any wit should question the surface presentation, of course, but it's wibble like this that detracts from that notion as people then tend to associate this level of wibble whenever one says 'check your facts, MSM isn't an oracle of truth and precision'.

It's almost as if this whole narrative you have is a false flag to make people believe MSM even more... George, is that you...? wink


15,184 posts

196 months

Wednesday 27th March 2019
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The leader of Generation Identity had his house searched by police last night, after the discovery that the shooter had donated €1500 to them at the start of last year.

Not a great surprise that he may have been interested in that group, given one of their core beliefs seems to be that the Great Replacement is real.

Be interesting to see if the contact between them was one way or not...


59 months

Wednesday 27th March 2019
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Don't talk sense the msm FF crowd don't like sense they want a world that is exactly like how they imagine it.

Basically people like this but job see evidence for there beliefs in everything they see.

Edited by Thesprucegoose on Wednesday 27th March 16:40


1,574 posts

69 months

Wednesday 27th March 2019
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Lentilist said: has a thread on this very topic, albeit relating to the Dylann Roof Charleston shooting.

As suggested, looks to be related to pages with multiple dates in the code, especially where the page is a landing or headline page, as the date tags for these will likely relate to when that landing page was first published rather than the dates of the rolling stories contained within. This plays poorly with how Google extracts date information from the pages it crawls, hence the apparent inconsistency. I'd imagine pressure to publish also plays a part in poorly maintained date information, especially in sensational or fast moving events. Accurate date tags are going to be quite a long way down the list of priorities in that situation, especially where web traffic means revenue.

What would hopefully put it to bed as a conspiracy would be if we could see conspiracy pages exhibiting the same behaviour, and there are examples of exactly that in the Metabunk thread. So either the false flag claims are themselves false flags (false false flags?), no doubt deliberately planted by the NWO in an effort to discredit the real truth tellers, or it's just a result of how Google extracts information from poorly coded and/or recycled pages. Interestingly, it does seem limited to Google, although Bing is claimed to have the opposite problem.

In short, Google can see a page on the date of the event (per "as it appeared" date in cache), but the date actually shown against the search result relies on date information pulled from the source of the page or the wider site map. If this is poorly maintained, or just downright wrong, it'll extract garbage date results. Or it's a global conspiracy involving pretty much the entire news media (including conspiracy sites), that the global puppet masters somehow haven't spotted and fixed, despite various sites raising and discussing it at least four years ago.
As someone who deals with metadata day to day, I can confirm that people do not give a st about accurate dates or proper date formatting.


19,518 posts

264 months

Wednesday 27th March 2019
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Thesprucegoose said:
Don't talk sense the msm FF crowd don't like sense they want a world that is exactly like how they imagine it.

Basically people like this but job see evidence for there beliefs in everything they see.

Edited by Thesprucegoose on Wednesday 27th March 16:40
Allied to the notion that, from an evolutionary point of view, we're not interested in truth but rather convincing others of our truth, is also quite pertinent with this sort of thing. But I would say that wouldn't I... wink


59 months

Wednesday 27th March 2019
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j_4m said:
As someone who deals with metadata day to day, I can confirm that people do not give a st about accurate dates or proper date formatting.
But staging mass murder with the collusion of the world’s media and large swathes of the populous has got to be easier than getting people to follow best practice in website maintenance, right ?


59 months

Wednesday 27th March 2019
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GT6M said:
Good lord, there some serious parts of some folks minds missing here,

As for being called a Barsteward Mental, great acts of showing your self up, no need for that at all.
For clarity it was bat st not bd.

I was questioning your sanity, not your parentage



59 months

Wednesday 27th March 2019
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Lentilist said:
What I do find irritating is that said truth seeking free thinkers such as our esteemed colleague (and my Dad. Maybe that was him? Hello Dad!) label everyone else sheep who are being fed misinformation, yet proceed to swallow everything they're fed by the conspiracy universe without so much a moment of critical consideration of either the subject or the motives of the messenger.


21 posts

87 months

Wednesday 27th March 2019
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I never ever said a false flag, that came up by one of the residents here,
All I said was it dont seem to be as it was newsed.
like alot of things that have been put up by the MSM

And, I also asked you ladds to say whether you had been told something by the Media,or the Gov,,or whatever, only to be told later it wer,nt true, after some folk got to finding the truth out,

not one of you said about this, which implies your not intrested in the real truth, but to harras other opinions.

in the mind of a resident here, he said I should,nt be posting,
well what about some of your selves , seem to be very smug not answering a question about untruths you been told by your govs,or other govs, then to find out you been lied to.
Ohh, but wait a minute, its a conspiracy theory { Residents words, not mine } that untruths are told, correct.

For those that dont think this happens, then go to your MP, and ask him / her to get out from the HM Govs commons library a really good book, well a whole stack of em, 40 volumes an counting,all with 300 odd pages in each of them,

they are called Government untruths and cover ups,
as you may or may not know, a Politician cant say we lied,or he / she lied.
but they doo in the book.
quite an intresting read,

In the meantime I,ll leave you all to your own little world here,
such disgracefull behaviour, ta,ta,


59 months

Wednesday 27th March 2019
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GT6M said:
I never ever said a false flag,
GT6M can't even remember what he wrote said:
Still think its a FF,
GT6M said:
In the meantime I,ll leave you all to your own little world here,
such disgracefull behaviour, ta,ta,
You really need to better educate 'yerself', as you are just writing things that make absolutely no sense at all. A monkey with access to google could prove you wrong in 30 seconds.


21 posts

87 months

Wednesday 27th March 2019
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Thesprucegoose said:
GT6M said:
I never ever said a false flag,
GT6M can't even remember what he wrote said:
Still think its a FF,
yes, I wrote that, but alass, seems you cant comprehand
FN2TypeR said:
Incoming "false flag" accusations!

It wer a responce to that,
in your words, Mr Goose,
You really need to better educate 'yerself'!!

GT6M said:
In the meantime I,ll leave you all to your own little world here,
such disgracefull behaviour, ta,ta,
You really need to better educate 'yerself', as you are just writing things that make absolutely no sense at all. A monkey with access to google could prove you wrong in 30 seconds.
AND, you still did not answer the question put forawrd.
likely because if you did, then your, and some others idea of truths will all be over and done with,


59 months

Wednesday 27th March 2019
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GT6M said:
AND, you still did not answer the question put forawrd.
likely because if you did, then your, and some others idea of truths will all be over and done with,
What do you think happened?