Maimed by a killer rabid fox - the TV programme

Maimed by a killer rabid fox - the TV programme



Original Poster:

59 months

Thursday 1st July 2010
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4,711 posts

210 months

Thursday 1st July 2010
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This morning Sky said that hubby was chief of finance for the production company.


13,154 posts

245 months

Thursday 1st July 2010
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^^^^I heard that too^^^^


1,747 posts

214 months

Thursday 1st July 2010
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anonymous said:
Have to agree now. This is all about the dosh, can't be anything else. Most parents would want to let the story go away and deal with it themselves. Can only believe they have been told it will cost thousands to have the cosmetic surgery for the kids and they are using the Sun to fund it. Who knows, but on the face of it I agree it needs to be out of the papers now.


18,789 posts

233 months

Thursday 1st July 2010
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I guess the family dog that did this won't be seen again. smile


4,635 posts

263 months

Thursday 1st July 2010
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nom nom nom

Bing o

15,184 posts

224 months

Thursday 1st July 2010
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How is this 'news'? TV shirley?


7,741 posts

236 months

Thursday 1st July 2010
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I thought fox hunting was banned?


17,319 posts

241 months

Thursday 1st July 2010
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SkinnyBoy said:

nom nom nom
That is very ompressive. Still think it was the Dog!


3,606 posts

250 months

Thursday 1st July 2010
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Surely the solution to this new problem is people on horses with dogs to chase the blighters and give them a jolly good seeing to?


22,655 posts

204 months

Thursday 1st July 2010
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They are morons and the article is ste. Why do we have to know the value of their house? Is it to make us jealous or is there an upper limit to the value of properties foxes can attack children in?


3,075 posts

198 months

Thursday 1st July 2010
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In the Uk on average 79 children are murdered per year with the parents being the principle suspects in 78% of cases. Answer's simple, leave the fox shoot the parents

Think of the children!!


13,390 posts

288 months

Thursday 1st July 2010
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Watched them on the TV early this morning. Was there any 'real' evidence it was a fox?

Also, just for interest, what is the breed of dog they own?

Bet the fox-hunting lobby is somewhere in the picture too.

edited to add
Just read that Sun article.
Something is not right here.
All this terror and horrific injuries and we are told to believe the fox didn't move, just sat there, even when the hubby came running up the stairs and the wife was screaming?

The story goes on:
Consultant reconstructive surgeon Raj Ragoowansi said the girls' injuries were some of the worst animal bites he had seen.

He said: "The bite was a very strong bite because, as far as the upper arm was concerned, the wound was down to the bone.

"It takes considerable force to force a laceration through the skin, through the fat, through the muscle and down to bone."

He added: "This is probably the second fox bite I've seen - but actually it was the most severe I've seen as an animal bite.'

Probably the second fox bite?
Either it is or it isn't!
But then his English is not too good: 'force to force'!

Edited by dandarez on Thursday 1st July 10:36


27,737 posts

221 months

Thursday 1st July 2010
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The Sun said:
They had left the patio doors open with the barbecue leftovers cooling on the kitchen table


The Sun said:
They said within minutes of being in the house, they'd seen the fox trying to get in the back door like a dog.
What's the betting that they were regularly feeding and encouraging these foxes?


10,058 posts

181 months

Thursday 1st July 2010
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Chilli said:
SkinnyBoy said:

nom nom nom
That is very ompressive. Still think it was the Dog!
The marks on the baby to the left in the Sun photo match the teeth in the fox photo. Are there dogs with the same type of teeth?



19,232 posts

210 months

Thursday 1st July 2010
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I don't believe that a Fox would just sit at the top of the stairs "like a pet" - it would fking peg it.


5,933 posts

195 months

Thursday 1st July 2010
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I don't buy the fact that a fox came in to the house when they had a dog. The dog would go absolutely apest as soon as it picked up the foxes scent surely?

As to the house price, it's to suggest that they live in a nice area, where such things SHOULD NOT HAPPEN, and that, as they do live in a nice area, they wouldn't own a nasty horrible illegal dog, like a pit bull, because only chavs own those.

I'm not convinced it was a fox at all, not even a little bit.

As has been mentioned the fox hunting lobby will be pushing on this for all it's worth.


12,761 posts

239 months

Thursday 1st July 2010
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AshVX220 said:
I'm not convinced it was a fox at all, not even a little bit.
You are not alone.

Foxes do share our urban environment increasingly these days, but they are quiet (apart from the damn barking, squeeling thing) and secretive animals. At a previous house (no foxes where I live now and I have a walled garden anyway) we had a few foxes nearby, the damn cats were sufficient to scare them off!!! So I cannot quite see how or why this might occur.

My experience has always been that Foxes will run first. Just doesnt quite add up. Though I am happy to be wrong though, as the consequences of it not being a fox are daft.

Bing o

15,184 posts

224 months

Thursday 1st July 2010
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dandarez said:
But then his English is not too good: 'force to force'!
He could have said it better but that comment is correct.


14,793 posts

275 months

Thursday 1st July 2010
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AshVX220 said:
I don't buy the fact that a fox came in to the house when they had a dog. The dog would go absolutely apest as soon as it picked up the foxes scent surely?

I'm not convinced it was a fox at all, not even a little bit.

As has been mentioned the fox hunting lobby will be pushing on this for all it's worth.
And why would they lie?
Their kids are maimed. If it was their dog that did it I'm damn sure it would have been put to sleep by now.

Expert in urban fox behaviour are you?

I've seen dog fox challenge my large and very well teeth equipped Samoyed dog in my own back garden. Foxes do not always "leg it" when confronted by dogs or humans. - I have first hand experience of that!

Your desire to push your own agenda and limited knowledge forward in this is coloured no doubt by your obvious anti fox hunting stance. Fair enough, but these people (those kids) have suffered terribly, and they don't need muppets like you, and those creeps in the pro furry vermin brigade who sent them abusive messages, making their suffering any worse by casting cheap, ill informed aspertions (sp?)

We had some bods round here claiming that foxes were not vermin, were kind to other animals etc. All went to hell in a hand basket when most of the missing cats were found (in bits) in foxy's den. Some people just wont face facts. Foxes are nasty, vicious animals that kill for fun and WILL take that opportunity whenever they can. Pet Rabbits, cats, small dogs, domestic chickens and lambs are known prey. Whats so different that you find it impossible to believe that they would attack human babies when given the opportunity / were hungry enough?
And if the family had fed them, (no evidence of that whatsoever) then they paid a pretty horrible price for their largesse and Disneyfied view of these nast creatures......... rolleyes