Octopus energy company. Anyone use 'em?

Octopus energy company. Anyone use 'em?



6,778 posts

40 months

Tuesday 10th December 2024
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I'm reading on that Twitter that the Agile spike is expected to last 4 days, then it will return to more normal levels. Nuclear outages in France or summat, but galling that the current windier weather isn't mitigating that. Looks like we'll be burning lots of gas to generate, and it's that which is causing the spike. Which says to me that we, as a country, should get off gas asap, rather than there being any inherent problem with renewables.

Looking at the compare app, I'm still better off every day on Agile than Go this month. Probably won't be for the rest of this week, but I would imagine I'll still be in front over the whole month. So no need to panic. Yet.

Fortunately we'll be out of the house the next 4 evenings, and won't be cooking dinner in the peaks. So usage should be lower than normal to compensate.

Edited by Skodillac on Wednesday 11th December 08:53


4,283 posts

134 months

Wednesday 11th December 2024
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essayer said:

Salad for dinner hehe
Yeah I'm glad I switched to Tomato a week ago, took 3 days and unexpectedly painless. I guess with smart meters you don't have to submit final meter readings etc.


8,338 posts

294 months

Wednesday 11th December 2024
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Shaoxter said:
Yeah I'm glad I switched to Tomato a week ago, took 3 days and unexpectedly painless. I guess with smart meters you don't have to submit final meter readings etc.
finally jumped off the agile ship and rejoined intelligent go a few days ago. looks like a good move in the short term!


246 posts

6 months

Wednesday 11th December 2024
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Just checked and mine was defaulting to Nov 22. Why does it still show this tariff when unavailable? Yes the correct tariff shows a spike today. If it carries on looks like I will have to jump ship after 4 years almost of Tracker.


246 posts

6 months

Wednesday 11th December 2024
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Although on average it still looks pretty good - it is only 1 blip. With all the savings to date surely a few blips still see us below the generic tariffs?


9,510 posts

126 months

Wednesday 11th December 2024
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essayer said:

Salad for dinner hehe
Good excuse for a takeaway! Will be interesting to see how predbat handles today for me...


101 posts

148 months

Wednesday 11th December 2024
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Just switched too from tracker, which was going up to 66p standing charge as I’m a year in. 42p on Tomato and 24p with the 5p hours too seems a no brainer. (Unless they go bust)


1,460 posts

206 months

Wednesday 11th December 2024
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Oooffff, shopping 38p/kwh for me tomorrow on tracker. Think that's the highest I've seen it!

Did people say its expected to stay like this until the weekend?


2,199 posts

140 months

Wednesday 11th December 2024
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dbryder said:
Just switched too from tracker, which was going up to 66p standing charge as I’m a year in. 42p on Tomato and 24p with the 5p hours too seems a no brainer. (Unless they go bust)
I'm very glad that I'm not having to deal with those Agile rates today. They're frightening. It wipes out all the savings on the cheaper / negative rates very quickly.


1,460 posts

206 months

Wednesday 11th December 2024
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I do wonder if these higher rates will make the price cap increase next time? Obviously depends on how long they stay this high as I'm sure a few days wont make a major difference, but think they look at the average price over the last period to calculate the new cap?

lost in espace

6,325 posts

217 months

Wednesday 11th December 2024
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I moved to Cosy yesterday. Still can't bring myself to go to Tomato with the awful customer service. Back to Agile on Friday by the look of projected prices.


6,778 posts

40 months

Wednesday 11th December 2024
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lost in espace said:
I moved to Cosy yesterday. Still can't bring myself to go to Tomato with the awful customer service. Back to Agile on Friday by the look of projected prices.
Where are you seeing projected prices for Agile for Friday and beyond please?


9,873 posts

204 months

Wednesday 11th December 2024
quotequote all
lost in espace said:
I moved to Cosy yesterday. Still can't bring myself to go to Tomato with the awful customer service. Back to Agile on Friday by the look of projected prices.
Are you sure you can switch back?


545 posts

47 months

Wednesday 11th December 2024
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Ive been on agile for a while now…….iv’e always been paying around 15-18 pence pkw. Per month on average…..last month it was 22p I suspect this month will go over the cap price but we are only low users so its not really a huge deal for us.

If your a heavy user then i suppose the current high prices are a big problem.

I suspect the cap will rise again.

Im sitting in the dark tonight ……and its moss off the roof for dinner…..


2,016 posts

123 months

Wednesday 11th December 2024
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Saving session 6-7pm.


4,442 posts

107 months

Wednesday 11th December 2024
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colin79666 said:
Saving session 6-7pm.
Octopus said:
During this time, we'll pay you 480 Octopoints (thats 60p) for every unit of power you don't use compared to normal. Make sure you opt in otherwise you won't receive any points for taking part!

Simpo Two

87,609 posts

275 months

Wednesday 11th December 2024
quotequote all
Skodillac said:
I'm reading on that Twitter that the Agile spike is expected to last 4 days, then it will return to more normal levels. Nuclear outages in France or summat, but galling that the current windier weather isn't mitigating that. Looks like we'll be burning lots of gas to generate, and it's that which is causing the spike. Which says to me that we, as a country, should get off gas asap, rather than there being any inherent problem with renewables.
What happened to energy companies buying the stuff a year in advance? (which was a handy excuse when the price of energy fell but reail prices didn't). This sounds more like day trading.


1,090 posts

82 months

Wednesday 11th December 2024
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I don't seem to have been offered this saving session, might be a regional thing (central south coast)

Edit: Spoke to soon, received the email now, although oddly im part of the Yorkshire region!

Edited by Audis5b9 on Wednesday 11th December 14:07


1,547 posts

226 months

Wednesday 11th December 2024
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Simpo Two said:
What happened to energy companies buying the stuff a year in advance? (which was a handy excuse when the price of energy fell but reail prices didn't). This sounds more like day trading.
Some reading for you - https://bionic.co.uk/business-energy/guides/how-is...


9,510 posts

126 months

Wednesday 11th December 2024
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Chumley.mouse said:

Im sitting in the dark tonight ……and its moss off the roof for dinner…..
Tomorrow's worse!