How to descale a shower?



Original Poster:

868 posts

230 months

Tuesday 11th May 2010
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I think my power shower is clogged up with limescale. We live in a hard water area and now when the shower is turned on, the 'overheat' light comes on & no hot water is produced. I've descaled the shower head but it hasn't made a difference. Can I descale the internals of the shower or am I going to need to buy a totally new shower?


15,242 posts

263 months

Tuesday 11th May 2010
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It sounds like it's an electric shower rather than a power shower.
If so, some are cleanable and some are not really.


24,073 posts

227 months

Tuesday 11th May 2010
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You could try flushing it through, take the shower head off and turn the shower on full cold for a good ten minutes.

Helps to flush the loose limescale through.

Tuscanless Ali

2,187 posts

215 months

Wednesday 12th May 2010
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We regularly take off the shower head (Unscrews, so pretty easy) and soak it overnight in vinegar, shifts the limescale easily, flush it through with water in the morning and it's like new. smile


Original Poster:

868 posts

230 months

Thursday 13th May 2010
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Ferg said:
It sounds like it's an electric shower rather than a power shower.
If so, some are cleanable and some are not really.
Spot on - was an electric shower, not a power shower. Decided to replace it in the end. Turned out to be a good decision as the plumber pointed out that something was overheating badly as the plastic was burnt on the inside of the unit and had started to melt.


2,168 posts

255 months

Monday 17th May 2010
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Furyous said:
You could try flushing it through, take the shower head off and turn the shower on full cold for a good ten minutes.

Helps to flush the loose limescale through.
This worked on ours the weekend, thankyou!