It's Caturday- Post some cats (vol 3)

It's Caturday- Post some cats (vol 3)


Shaw Tarse

Original Poster:

31,586 posts

208 months

Biker's Nemesis

39,548 posts

213 months

Thursday 10th December 2015
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Good news

The operation was a success, they found a small rubber bullet shaped object, possibly a cap off something.

They're going to try her with food around midnight will be the first thing since last Saturday evening, all being well we'll have her home tomorrow.

Joey Ramone

2,152 posts

130 months

Thursday 10th December 2015
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31,321 posts

246 months

Thursday 10th December 2015
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Biker's Nemesis said:
Good news

The operation was a success, they found a small rubber bullet shaped object, possibly a cap off something.

They're going to try her with food around midnight will be the first thing since last Saturday evening, all being well we'll have her home tomorrow.


41,847 posts

195 months

Thursday 10th December 2015
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pt3 just started and it's good news!!! YAY!!!!!!


7,764 posts

260 months

Thursday 10th December 2015
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That is great news BN. smile


32,017 posts

226 months

Friday 11th December 2015
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Biker's Nemesis said:
Good news

The operation was a success, they found a small rubber bullet shaped object, possibly a cap off something.

They're going to try her with food around midnight will be the first thing since last Saturday evening, all being well we'll have her home tomorrow.


Tuna in spring water is a really good treat for encouraging them to eat after an op (put the water in the bowl too)


13,253 posts

214 months

Friday 11th December 2015
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Biker's Nemesis said:
Good news

The operation was a success, they found a small rubber bullet shaped object, possibly a cap off something.

They're going to try her with food around midnight will be the first thing since last Saturday evening, all being well we'll have her home tomorrow.


11,503 posts

212 months

Friday 11th December 2015
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Great news BN.

Joey Ramone

2,152 posts

130 months

Friday 11th December 2015
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I left my idiot cat watching a Youtube video of birds feeding. He was fascinated. Excellent, I thought. There must be something happening in that tiny, tiny brain of his.

However, my joy was shortlived when I returned 20 mins later to find him similarly entranced by a documentary on engines. Thick. As. Mince.

Biker's Nemesis

39,548 posts

213 months

Friday 11th December 2015
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She's home and fast asleep on the bed after spending 30 minutes banging her plastic collar off the walls and doors and us.

Pleased to have her home and thank you to everyone for the well wishes

Anyone want to see what a £650 rubber bung looks like? hehe

Biker's Nemesis

39,548 posts

213 months

Friday 11th December 2015
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Well she's up and about, she's now decided that she wants to be in her usual position on my knee


32,017 posts

226 months

Saturday 12th December 2015
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Bless her smile


3,688 posts

151 months

Saturday 12th December 2015
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She wears the cone of shame with pride!!

Dand E Lion

404 posts

111 months

Saturday 12th December 2015
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Glad your cat seems to have no ill effects - shame about your wallet!

Here's the Black Archiebishop demonstrating superiority over some of the other residents, as seen on another thread...


2,347 posts

204 months

Sunday 13th December 2015
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Prior to this photo Hunter has shown zero interest in the bookcase, the addition of a stuffed Tiger obviously brought out his green eyed monster.

Jealousy Hunter, it's not becoming of you.


9,382 posts

262 months

Sunday 13th December 2015
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Few pics of the girls from this weekend...

IMG_20151213_101840 by Phil Mann, on Flickr

IMG_20151213_053557 by Phil Mann, on Flickr

IMG_20151213_053538 by Phil Mann, on Flickr


3,688 posts

151 months

Sunday 13th December 2015
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Stunning, both of them!


13,253 posts

214 months

Monday 14th December 2015
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Investigating the Christmas tree...


4,957 posts

160 months

Monday 14th December 2015
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Our Sasha, taken yesterday, just wandered into the kitchen and started gobbing off at me about something smile