It's Caturday- Post some cats (vol 3)
garreth64 said:
Having 4 of the little blighters (officially mad-cat-people territory ), a Christmas tree would be on the floor, torn apart within 30 seconds of us leaving the room so we have one of these too! We attach sparkly cat toys and treats to ours to make it look festive
Glad Willow is ok BN
Great photo Irocfan!
My poor old Neo has had to be put to sleep, he didn't have a good life before coming to us 2 years ago. He was run over by a car when he was 2 ripping one of his front legs off! he managed to drag himself to his previous owners house before collapsing on the step. He lost a lot of blood and almost died. The vet said he would be very lucky to last another 2 years. fast forward 12 years and we found him out in sub zero temperatures stuck frozen to a board, he had fell off the fence and knocked himself out. MrsHogg got him and brought him in to warm up. Turns out his owner had several younger cats who were all bullying him because he was disabled and eating all the food. He had withdrew into himself and was very subdued. We thought he was grey and black. After a warm bath, we discovered he was infact white and black! He was very malnourished, MrsHogg went about feeding him to warm him up. Subsequently, he loved our house so much, he never went home and spent his last 2 years with us. He was attacked by 2 cats in July, they made a right mess of him, a trip to the vets meant he was shaved, his bites cleaned, abscesses drained, anti inflammatory medicine, anti-biotics and pain killers. Despite keeping his wounds scrupulously clean, his infection flared up a further 4 times. On Wednesday night, I got home from work and he was in a really bad way, not eating, listless, sensitive to light, he'd been drinking a lot and his wounds never stopped oozing pus. The vet agreed that due to his age and the fact he looked like he was in the process of kidney failure with the poison in his system, the kindest thing to do was to let him go. So our poor la'al mog is reunited with his 4th leg chasing mice over the bridge. Reunited with his best friend Betty bun. Good night smelly mog, we're going to miss you! Here he is, indulged in favourite past time in happier times.
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