It's Caturday- Post some cats (vol 3)

It's Caturday- Post some cats (vol 3)



3,829 posts

191 months

Monday 14th December 2015
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We have some new ones:

We're up to 4 now. I believe that means we've now crossed over into crazy cat person territory.


9,375 posts

262 months

Monday 14th December 2015
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Hah that little black one has an eight-head!


3,829 posts

191 months

Monday 14th December 2015
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Mannginger said:
Hah that little black one has an eight-head!
It's MASSIVE! It amazes me that she can actually hold it up.


9,375 posts

262 months

Monday 14th December 2015
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41,847 posts

195 months

Monday 14th December 2015
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443 posts

143 months

Monday 14th December 2015
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Couple of new ones of my two, both growing, both very lazy! They love a good sleep whenever they find somewhere comfy..

minky monkey

1,530 posts

171 months

Monday 14th December 2015
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irocfan said:
Great photo!

Biker's Nemesis

39,539 posts

213 months

Monday 14th December 2015
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minky monkey said:
irocfan said:
Great photo!


1,661 posts

207 months

Thursday 17th December 2015
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Some more pics of Lexi, now 9mths. She's discovered the Xmas tree!

And this one is from last night, when SWMBO left the room but partially closed the door behind her, which left Lexi very puzzled as to where she'd gone:

rofl I can never bored of pics of cats standing up! rofl

Biker's Nemesis

39,539 posts

213 months

Thursday 17th December 2015
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Willow when she was 6 months old

Biker's Nemesis

39,539 posts

213 months

Thursday 17th December 2015
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12 weeks old


9,375 posts

262 months

Thursday 17th December 2015
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Also a nice gentle work out keeping those legs pressed together for ages whilst they nap away!


32,017 posts

226 months

Thursday 17th December 2015
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Nom de ploom

4,890 posts

179 months

Friday 18th December 2015
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8bit said:
Our Sasha, taken yesterday, just wandered into the kitchen and started gobbing off at me about something smile

Epic photo! proper evil!


Biker's Nemesis

39,539 posts

213 months

Friday 18th December 2015
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That's a great photo.


663 posts

226 months

Friday 18th December 2015
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This is our Christmas cat tree...



3,674 posts

151 months

Friday 18th December 2015
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Wow, that is very cool.


7,757 posts

260 months

Saturday 19th December 2015
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garreth64 said:
This is our Christmas cat tree...

Having 4 of the little blighters (officially mad-cat-people territory biggrin), a Christmas tree would be on the floor, torn apart within 30 seconds of us leaving the room so we have one of these too!

We attach sparkly cat toys and treats to ours to make it look festive hehe

Glad Willow is ok BN smile

Great photo Irocfan! laugh

cjs racing.

2,484 posts

134 months

Saturday 19th December 2015
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6,095 posts

183 months

Sunday 20th December 2015
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My poor old Neo has had to be put to sleep, he didn't have a good life before coming to us 2 years ago. He was run over by a car when he was 2 ripping one of his front legs off! he managed to drag himself to his previous owners house before collapsing on the step. He lost a lot of blood and almost died. The vet said he would be very lucky to last another 2 years. fast forward 12 years and we found him out in sub zero temperatures stuck frozen to a board, he had fell off the fence and knocked himself out. MrsHogg got him and brought him in to warm up. Turns out his owner had several younger cats who were all bullying him because he was disabled and eating all the food. He had withdrew into himself and was very subdued. We thought he was grey and black. After a warm bath, we discovered he was infact white and black! He was very malnourished, MrsHogg went about feeding him to warm him up. Subsequently, he loved our house so much, he never went home and spent his last 2 years with us. He was attacked by 2 cats in July, they made a right mess of him, a trip to the vets meant he was shaved, his bites cleaned, abscesses drained, anti inflammatory medicine, anti-biotics and pain killers. Despite keeping his wounds scrupulously clean, his infection flared up a further 4 times. On Wednesday night, I got home from work and he was in a really bad way, not eating, listless, sensitive to light, he'd been drinking a lot and his wounds never stopped oozing pus. The vet agreed that due to his age and the fact he looked like he was in the process of kidney failure with the poison in his system, the kindest thing to do was to let him go. So our poor la'al mog is reunited with his 4th leg chasing mice over the bridge. Reunited with his best friend Betty bun. Good night smelly mog, we're going to miss you! frown Here he is, indulged in favourite past time in happier times.