Photoshop Lewis Hamilton

Photoshop Lewis Hamilton


Davey S2

Original Poster:

13,209 posts

264 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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Not sure that this photoshoot in GQ was a particularly good idea but there seems to be some ripe pics for some photoshoppage.

Some already done on another forum biggrin

Edited by Davey S2 on Wednesday 11th January 13:29


131 posts

167 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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Davey S2 said:

Buff Mchugelarge

3,316 posts

160 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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All that money and he still cant dress himself. oh well.

Actuallly rofl at the jazz hands pic!


4,552 posts

190 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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Davey S2 said:
Not sure that this photoshoot in GQ was a particularly good idea but there seems to be some ripe pics for some photoshoppage.

You'd get banned for photoshopping what I had in mind when I saw that picture...


2,538 posts

264 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, That last one.

  • Jazz Hands*


7,839 posts

180 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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That first pic is perfect for that bentley one. laugh


23,388 posts

225 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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3,744 posts

209 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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Jazz hands hehehehehehe


5 posts

158 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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I think he needs to ask him mum to go shopping with him and find him proper length trousers...


2,538 posts

264 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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al1991 said:
You'd get banned for photoshopping what I had in mind when I saw that picture...
That needs the Auntie with her knob Nephew and the Bentley wrapped round it.


1,882 posts

191 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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WTF is he on? What a tool.


46,645 posts

285 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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SC7 said:
WTF is he on? What a tool.
Getting well paid... you'd hope.

Shaw Tarse

31,743 posts

213 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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Flying Fish

429 posts

176 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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This has "thread of the year" potential already. Well done OP.


37,057 posts

252 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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"Photoshoot for GQ? Sure, could be fun, what sort of thing did you have in mind? ...... Oh, a car theme. How on earth did you come up with that? What an original and refreshing idea. I have never done a photoshoot with cars before. I know! Amazing, huh? Cause, like, I'm a racing driver, so you might well have thought it had come up before, but nope. Never. Looking forward to this now.

Wait, hang on, I'm taking the piss. But you started it. Do you actually get fking paid for this? Jesus, I'm in the wrong business."


14,007 posts

223 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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He's raided Eddie Jordan's wardrobe hasn't he!?


12,130 posts

249 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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Sniff Petrol on Twitter:


23,388 posts

225 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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Steamer said:
He's raided Eddie Jordan's wardrobe hasn't he!?

André 3000's


10,765 posts

212 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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VII said:
Davey S2 said:
And again rofl

Charlie Michael

2,753 posts

194 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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Ahem, GQ would have dressed him... I've seen a few GQ cover shoots and the recent ones are all dressed in rolled up trousers. Apparently, it's fashion.