Facebook marketplace

Facebook marketplace



3,554 posts

186 months

Thursday 4th July 2019
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Does it share to all your friends, can all your friends see what your selling?


35,962 posts

222 months

Thursday 4th July 2019
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PAULJ5555 said:
Does it share to all your friends, can all your friends see what your selling?
Depends on your settings I think.


850 posts

253 months

Thursday 4th July 2019
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Works ok for me, sold and now bought several cars as as well a random household junk via it with no major issues. Given it's Facebook, I have low expectations but it's still better than ebay so far.

The Moose

23,207 posts

219 months

Thursday 4th July 2019
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Sa Calobra said:
That's how she sources her stock laugh

TBH that's probably how alot of eBay and Gumtree resellers source, offer crazy low and someone somewhere wants rid or is battling repossession.
rofl probably

But I don’t care - saved me having to pay to have it taken away!

Down and out

2,700 posts

74 months

Thursday 4th July 2019
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PAULJ5555 said:
Does it share to all your friends, can all your friends see what your selling?
Are you embarrassed of your tat?smile

Shuvi McTupya

24,460 posts

257 months

Saturday 26th October 2019
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I knew there would be a marketplace thread somewhere!

Had a few 'dealings' this week..

I bought a Bose Sound Dock. Fair to low offer accepted and then the payment just sits 'pending' on paypal. I contact the seller and "A family member died just after he accepted the offer and The email address attached to his paypal account belongs to his wife and she is comforting relatives yada yada." Seeing as he hasn't actually got the money I have given him a week to sort it out..

Then i advertise an exhaust back box. Guy says he will be there at 6pm to collect. I message him at 7pm. "My girlfriend of 20yrs just dumped me by text and now i am homeless and have to find a place to live"
Sure, OK whatever, I have another buyer waiting in the wings who says he will be right over and then sends a message saying he hasn't got the funds (£20!) I just want rid of this thing so i ask if he has anything to trade . He offers up an Ipod that is worth more than I paid for the exhaust part. Great!

He then arrives at 9pm and wants to try and fit the exhaust outside my house but needs to borrow some tools..an hour later he drives off with both his and my back boxes on his back seat hehe

It is entertaining!


12,250 posts

197 months

Saturday 26th October 2019
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Shuvi McTupya said:
I knew there would be a marketplace thread somewhere!

Had a few 'dealings' this week..

I bought a Bose Sound Dock. Fair to low offer accepted and then the payment just sits 'pending' on paypal. I contact the seller and "A family member died just after he accepted the offer and The email address attached to his paypal account belongs to his wife and she is comforting relatives yada yada." Seeing as he hasn't actually got the money I have given him a week to sort it out..

Then i advertise an exhaust back box. Guy says he will be there at 6pm to collect. I message him at 7pm. "My girlfriend of 20yrs just dumped me by text and now i am homeless and have to find a place to live"
Sure, OK whatever, I have another buyer waiting in the wings who says he will be right over and then sends a message saying he hasn't got the funds (£20!) I just want rid of this thing so i ask if he has anything to trade . He offers up an Ipod that is worth more than I paid for the exhaust part. Great!

He then arrives at 9pm and wants to try and fit the exhaust outside my house but needs to borrow some tools..an hour later he drives off with both his and my back boxes on his back seat hehe

It is entertaining!
I don't know how people have the patience to deal with all this for the sake of selling something for £20!

Spare tyre

10,724 posts

140 months

Saturday 26th October 2019
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alorotom said:
Shuvi McTupya said:
I knew there would be a marketplace thread somewhere!

Had a few 'dealings' this week..

I bought a Bose Sound Dock. Fair to low offer accepted and then the payment just sits 'pending' on paypal. I contact the seller and "A family member died just after he accepted the offer and The email address attached to his paypal account belongs to his wife and she is comforting relatives yada yada." Seeing as he hasn't actually got the money I have given him a week to sort it out..

Then i advertise an exhaust back box. Guy says he will be there at 6pm to collect. I message him at 7pm. "My girlfriend of 20yrs just dumped me by text and now i am homeless and have to find a place to live"
Sure, OK whatever, I have another buyer waiting in the wings who says he will be right over and then sends a message saying he hasn't got the funds (£20!) I just want rid of this thing so i ask if he has anything to trade . He offers up an Ipod that is worth more than I paid for the exhaust part. Great!

He then arrives at 9pm and wants to try and fit the exhaust outside my house but needs to borrow some tools..an hour later he drives off with both his and my back boxes on his back seat hehe

It is entertaining!
I don't know how people have the patience to deal with all this for the sake of selling something for £20!
Low value items I stick in the porch - let them know. If they nick it they probably need it more than me


27,948 posts

123 months

Saturday 26th October 2019
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On my local FB selling page, we have a book for £2, amazes me anyone would go to the effort of taking a photo, listing it and dealing with enquiries, if there are any, for the sake of £2.

Then we have an old Peugeot 206 for £799 and in the description, 'NO DREAMERS!'.

Wacky Racer

39,335 posts

257 months

Saturday 26th October 2019
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Put a fifteen year old electric cement mixer on for £75 at 10pm, by 11 I had had 40 replies.

It had gone by 8 the next morning.

Probably could have got £120 for it...…..biggrin

Very pleased, didn't cost me a penny to advertise, unlike Fleabay.


18,147 posts

211 months

Saturday 26th October 2019
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Lifted my wooden flooring up from the lounge. Stuck it on FB market place last sunday at 10am.

I had 40 replies and it was picked up by 4pm. Saved a trip to the tip.

Same with an old tv unit. One mans rubbish ...

Shuvi McTupya

24,460 posts

257 months

Saturday 26th October 2019
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sc0tt said:
Same with an old tv unit. One mans rubbish ...
I took a nice TV unit to the dump recently as the charity shops wouldn't take it!

Spare tyre

10,724 posts

140 months

Saturday 26th October 2019
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paulguitar said:
On my local FB selling page, we have a book for £2, amazes me anyone would go to the effort of taking a photo, listing it and dealing with enquiries, if there are any, for the sake of £2.

Then we have an old Peugeot 206 for £799 and in the description, 'NO DREAMERS!'.
I’d do that, takes a couple of minutes, leave in porch for them. Quickly adds up

Shuvi McTupya

24,460 posts

257 months

Saturday 26th October 2019
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alorotom said:
I don't know how people have the patience to deal with all this for the sake of selling something for £20!
Its a bit of entertainment if you don't take it seriously. Plus I would rather have the £20 than not. As it turns out I don't have £20 , I have a neat little Ipod shuffle to pair up with a Bose Sound dock, if that ever arrives ..

Shuvi McTupya

24,460 posts

257 months

Saturday 26th October 2019
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I tell you what bugs me most about Bloody market place though is that people never put the information you might want to know when buying something!

For example i am looking for a projector. Every time i see an advert i have to send them a message and ask what model it is, and how many lamp hours are on it. Every bloody time without exception.

"HD projector and screen, great for movies". Wonderful smile


3,820 posts

167 months

Saturday 26th October 2019
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Shuvi McTupya said:
sc0tt said:
Same with an old tv unit. One mans rubbish ...
I took a nice TV unit to the dump recently as the charity shops wouldn't take it!
Black glass TV units are the scourge of the planet. They were sold in their millions, dated very quickly and although most are perfectly useable they get donated. My local recycling centre has a swap shop where you can take stuff that is too good to bin. They have a huge sign out side saying NO GLASS TV cabinets.

No one wants them!


6,185 posts

189 months

Saturday 26th October 2019
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Shuvi McTupya said:
I tell you what bugs me most about Bloody market place though is that people never put the information you might want to know when buying something!
I regularly buy football and rugby boots for my lads and the number of people who advertise shoes / trainers without the actual shoe size in the advert is staggering.


27,729 posts

193 months

Saturday 26th October 2019
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Sold some stuff OK.

An item I advertised as FOC I had so much response I had difficulty fielding it. One guy wanted multiple additional photos, didn't show up when supposed to, then got shirty when I let it go to somebody else. Seemed to think he had rights.

A bit like ebay really, but without the feedback (or cost)

Shuvi McTupya

24,460 posts

257 months

Saturday 26th October 2019
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ThorB said:
I regularly buy football and rugby boots for my lads and the number of people who advertise shoes / trainers without the actual shoe size in the advert is staggering.
its almost like they are just bored and want to receive lots of messages.

Oh and people who advertise something like a phone and use stock photo's so you have to ask all sorts of questions about what the condition is ..

Spare tyre

10,724 posts

140 months

Saturday 26th October 2019
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Shuvi McTupya said:
ThorB said:
I regularly buy football and rugby boots for my lads and the number of people who advertise shoes / trainers without the actual shoe size in the advert is staggering.
its almost like they are just bored and want to receive lots of messages.

Oh and people who advertise something like a phone and use stock photo's so you have to ask all sorts of questions about what the condition is ..
My favourites on gumtree is the minimum words possible, then “ask for details”

So I reply and say can I have the details

Sometimes they reply with minimal, other times loads of info

The mind boggles