Andrew Tate - The Real World

Andrew Tate - The Real World



56,790 posts

220 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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The Rotrex Kid said:
CarCrazyDad said:
Tate said: “I’m not a f****** rapist, but ....."
If you have to start a sentence like that, somethings wrong rofl
This is what I don't get.

I mean if only there was a massive sodding clue that this person really isn't someone you want your nephew emulating.


5,500 posts

148 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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CarCrazyDad said:
Do you love me?

Everywhere I post, you make comments.

If you want my number, I'll let you take me out for dinner.

Stop making things up. ‘Everywhere I post’.

To be honest I’d rather have dinner with Andrew Tate than an odious bigoted fool like you.


1,489 posts

106 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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My take on Andrew Tate,

I would never give him money or join the various schemes designed to part the gullible from their money. He has also said some dodgy things but not nearly as many as social media would have you believe and in most cases whilst affecting a persona to appeal to a certain audience. He appears to have made most of his money on the back of an online porn business.

Having said that I can see why he has appeal to a large audience who are sick and tired of "woke" and I actually welcome and enjoy hearing him speak on some topics. He is obviously both intelligent and articulate and I respect the fact that he is not frightened to question the prevailing narrative being pedalled by mainstream media and social media swarms. Various stories circulated to suggest his misogyny and abuse of a previous girl friend were also proven to be untrue.

On balance I think his cancelation on social media was a mistake and rather proves some of the points he makes. I suspect he has learned from it and will find a way back by reigning in some of his more extreme affectations/views. I hope so because I'd like to see his true personality come out without the BS as I think he may have something worthwhile to offer/say.


9,631 posts

265 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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CarCrazyDad said:
No, that's not what was said, was it?

Let's check that out.

He actually said

“It's 40 per cent of the reason I moved to Romania,” Tate said: “I’m not a f****** rapist, but I like the idea of just being able to do what I want. I like being free."
So out of interest, what do you think he meant by that comment?

The Rotrex Kid

32,201 posts

170 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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deckster said:
CarCrazyDad said:
No, that's not what was said, was it?

Let's check that out.

He actually said

“It's 40 per cent of the reason I moved to Romania,” Tate said: “I’m not a f****** rapist, but I like the idea of just being able to do what I want. I like being free."
So out of interest, what do you think he meant by that comment?
CarCrazyDad said:
It was not an excuse to rape women. It was more in terms of being able to get away with speeding or other things.


56,790 posts

220 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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Tate said:
Sexual harassment is disgusting and inexcusable. However, a man looking at you or whistling at you or asking your name isn’t harassment.
Honestly he sounds adorable.


1,891 posts

44 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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There was somebody else before Tate who was popular and then got crucified: Dapper Laughs.

Both of them have products to sell: Tate and his 'Hustle University' - for goodness sakes that word 'hustle' everywhere these days - and Dapper with CBD oils.

Thing is, Dapper doesn't come across as self-indulged or in awe of himself.


5,500 posts

148 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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KarlMac said:
Here’s a timely example of where this behaviour leads. He’s talking like this to a policeman while recording himself. That’s how much he believes what he says.
I realise that’s not Tate, but that’s some seriously fked up incel st.


56,790 posts

220 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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Seventy said:
I realise that’s not Tate, but that’s some seriously fked up incel st.
This is the one I saw.


1,394 posts

113 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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captain.scarlet said:
There was somebody else before Tate who was popular and then got crucified: Dapper Laughs.

Both of them have products to sell: Tate and his 'Hustle University' - for goodness sakes that word 'hustle' everywhere these days - and Dapper with CBD oils.

Thing is, Dapper doesn't come across as self-indulged or in awe of himself.
Isn't dapper laughs still going? Still on all the socials with a decent following


5,409 posts

196 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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The Rotrex Kid said:
deckster said:
CarCrazyDad said:
No, that's not what was said, was it?

Let's check that out.

He actually said

“It's 40 per cent of the reason I moved to Romania,” Tate said: “I’m not a f****** rapist, but I like the idea of just being able to do what I want. I like being free."
So out of interest, what do you think he meant by that comment?
CarCrazyDad said:
It was not an excuse to rape women. It was more in terms of being able to get away with speeding or other things.

The mainstream meeja and big(!) pharma can’t be trusted!, Mr Tate on the other hand, you’re just misunderstanding him. biggrin


5,409 posts

196 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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123DWA said:
Isn't dapper laughs still going? Still on all the socials with a decent following
He got dropped faster than a stty stick thanks to, I st you not…

Dapper Laughs UK tour axed following rape joke controversy


11,553 posts

191 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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The Rotrex Kid said:
deckster said:
CarCrazyDad said:
No, that's not what was said, was it?

Let's check that out.

He actually said

“It's 40 per cent of the reason I moved to Romania,” Tate said: “I’m not a f****** rapist, but I like the idea of just being able to do what I want. I like being free."
So out of interest, what do you think he meant by that comment?
CarCrazyDad said:
It was not an excuse to rape women. It was more in terms of being able to get away with speeding or other things.
CCD started off saying he'd never been convicted, bit meaningless given his stated aim of being able to pay off who ever is investigating him.

There are also plenty of corrupt countries, not all of them are as well known for having a terrible record of prosecuting sexual abuse. A coincidence I am sure.


149 posts

31 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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RogerDodgerSuperTodger said:
123DWA said:
Isn't dapper laughs still going? Still on all the socials with a decent following
He got dropped faster than a stty stick thanks to, I st you not…

Dapper Laughs UK tour axed following rape joke controversy
Sent him into a world of depression, drugs and reclusiveness if I recall correctly and he’s just coming out of it by the looks. On Tate I expect there are far better and worse people to follow. Seems to have a massive following who see him as net positive. To get cancelled in such a wholesale fashion must mean he’s rubbing the wrong type of people up the wrong way


4,280 posts

45 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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gregs656 said:
CCD started off saying he'd never been convicted, bit meaningless given his stated aim of being able to pay off who ever is investigating him.

There are also plenty of corrupt countries, not all of them are as well known for having a terrible record of prosecuting sexual abuse. A coincidence I am sure.
It's not meaningless.

It's the facts.

You've never been convicted of a crime either so guess that means you must be guilty too.

I don't know whether he is or is not a sexual villain. However I happen to think not

a) based on the fact he is so well known, any allegations would be impossible to hide

b) the fact , as I've mentioned, the media and journalists have approached his ex girlfriends / girls who've partied with him etc , trying to get incriminating stories, and have failed completely

c) If you actually listen to him, in long format, he seems actually to want to protect the women in his life

You'll disagree. That's OK.

I am not an expert but I've listened / watched the whole 5 hour podcast so believe my opinion to be more informed than most who are basing their opinion from sensationalistic journalism, where things are mis-quoted and taken out of context

Exhibit A, saying on the subject of corruption, explaining he's not a rapist but likes to take advantage of corruption where possible , with an example (as linked on Youtube in a short clip) being speeding in his Bugatti.


4,280 posts

45 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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Seventy said:
Stop making things up. ‘Everywhere I post’.

To be honest I’d rather have dinner with Andrew Tate than an odious bigoted fool like you.
Pot kettle there, mate.

Have fun at your dinner.


4,280 posts

45 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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Bobajobbob said:
My take on Andrew Tate,

I would never give him money or join the various schemes designed to part the gullible from their money. He has also said some dodgy things but not nearly as many as social media would have you believe and in most cases whilst affecting a persona to appeal to a certain audience. He appears to have made most of his money on the back of an online porn business.

Having said that I can see why he has appeal to a large audience who are sick and tired of "woke" and I actually welcome and enjoy hearing him speak on some topics. He is obviously both intelligent and articulate and I respect the fact that he is not frightened to question the prevailing narrative being pedalled by mainstream media and social media swarms. Various stories circulated to suggest his misogyny and abuse of a previous girl friend were also proven to be untrue.

On balance I think his cancelation on social media was a mistake and rather proves some of the points he makes. I suspect he has learned from it and will find a way back by reigning in some of his more extreme affectations/views. I hope so because I'd like to see his true personality come out without the BS as I think he may have something worthwhile to offer/say.
An excellent and balanced post.

I feel somewhere around this. Maybe Seventy will take me out for dinner now :'(

I'd recommend watching the podcast with Patrick Bet-David. Well worth the 5 hours. If you want to learn more about his true viewpoints away from the sensationalist things he does say to grab attention.

I am not a "fan" but did find myself intrigued after all of the social media backlash.
There is a level of hypocrisy where he is banned for saying something that's maybe a 4/10 on the risque scale but then someone else can say something which is objectively significantly worse and directly aimed at a specific minority group, and not be cancelled.

There is certainly not an equilibrium in terms of punishment. So I suspect what he says about "the matrix" has some element of truth.


28,445 posts

203 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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CarCrazyDad said:
Exhibit A, saying on the subject of corruption, explaining he's not a rapist but likes to take advantage of corruption where possible , with an example (as linked on Youtube in a short clip) being speeding in his Bugatti.
Because that's completely fine and not at all immoral. He's telling us he's a horrible person without telling us and you're ok with that.


4,280 posts

45 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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hidetheelephants said:
Because that's completely fine and not at all immoral. He's telling us he's a horrible person without telling us and you're ok with that.
That's a big jump.

Everything is corrupt. Do you not think corruption runs through everything?

Using corruption to your advantage doesn't make you "horrible". It makes you human.

If you've ever thought about bribing an officer, a woman pulling her top down to pass a driving test or get a job, paying a bouncer to get into a club that you're not supposed to, that's all corruption.

You are obviously a complete straight arrow, good for you.
The world doesn't work that way.

There are lots of back-handed dealings and dodgy goings on, not all corruption is bad , and some corruption is very bad. It's a scale. Paying an officer $500 to let you go when you've been caught doing 150mph doesn't make you "horrible".

No wonder there's such sensationalist viewpoints. I say he wants to access corruption after saying about corruption being everywhere and you jump straight to saying I'm OK with it.

In an ideal world, there would be no corruption, but so long as HUMANS exist, there will be corruption. I certainly would take advantage of it if I could, and I have.

I've bribed my way out of speeding tickets in the 80's. I'm horrible!


4,480 posts

151 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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Definitely living up the Crazy bit aren’t you?