Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



Original Poster:

51,867 posts

206 months

Monday 28th August 2023
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Four hundred and thirty seven thousand and ninety three unique posts.

That's an average of ninety one posts per day, every day - not a single day missed - in thirteen years, four weeks and one day.

Things change. Under the old system, this would be a random day part way through Volume 44.

As it is, we are here, on the auspicious occasion of the commencement of Volume 40.

Trivialites of the World, I salute you.

Carry on.


Original Poster:

51,867 posts

206 months

Monday 28th August 2023
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Error_404_Username_not_found said:
Evening All.
Where's my tea?

I found a pound in the driveway about half an hour ago.
Finders keepers
You found a pound in the driveway but missed a croquet lawn covered in irreparably damaged homemade gliders of every variety.

Money mad some people.


Original Poster:

51,867 posts

206 months

Monday 28th August 2023
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Anyway, this new chap, Super Sonic, has anyone looked into the cut of his jib? Any inherent sonic boom liabilities for example? Damaged greenhouses, that sort of caper?

Tape the windows in the Members' Bar is my advice.

Like the Blitz.

Put that light aht!

Who are you?

Your guardian angel, sonny.

I've always hoped for someone more feminine.


Original Poster:

51,867 posts

206 months

Tuesday 29th August 2023
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White Stiletto said:
Good morning all.

It's a bit cloudy out there today.

I have to attend a meeting in London this morning. The cost of my return rail ticket is a very reasonable £10, a round trip of 80-ish miles.

Volume 40 - blimey!
We're halfway through Volume 44 under the old system.

I blame decimalisation.


Original Poster:

51,867 posts

206 months

Tuesday 29th August 2023
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glenrobbo said:
Take the Willys jeep. And the bren carrier. tank
And plenty of C4

And remember that speed of execution and the element of surprise are your best allies.

Hoodares winds!
Good luck
You gave me the Willys.



Original Poster:

51,867 posts

206 months

Tuesday 29th August 2023
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The IRS have emailed again.

Your Refund Available to Claimmed. Refund Number:28369937

My 'refund available to claimmed' has increased to $26,750.

I'll call our international arm, Anecdotes Sans Frontières, to see if they can throw any light on the matter.


Original Poster:

51,867 posts

206 months

Wednesday 30th August 2023
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Error_404_Username_not_found said:
Morning All.
I've just seen a weasel.

Now I'm off to mend a shed.

I wonder how I ever found the time to go to work.
For those who don't know how to tell the difference between stoats and weasels -

Weasels are weaselly identified and stoats are stoatally different.



Original Poster:

51,867 posts

206 months

Wednesday 30th August 2023
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Bobberoo said:
AKA PABS said:
Currently working from home, to save passing on a mild summer cold.
Thanks for popping in and posting, unfortunately your post has been deemed "Non Trivial" by a panel of specialists, therefore we can't give you a Triv-o-meter reading.
We could confer a Special Circumstances Honorary Reading.

I propose a SCHR of 5.

All those in favour?


Original Poster:

51,867 posts

206 months

Wednesday 30th August 2023
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Bobberoo said:
spikeyhead said:

Bobberoo said:
I've developed an unhealthy obsession with a Mini Cooper S Clubman.
The level of unhealthiness is dependent on just how much rust there is.
Er, zero hopefully, it is a 13 plate car!!! smile


Original Poster:

51,867 posts

206 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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The old fortune teller lies dead on the floor
Nobody needs fortunes told anymore

Had the fortune teller concentrated on matters closer to home, this whole ghastly episode could have been avoided.


Original Poster:

51,867 posts

206 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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slopes said:
Can you lot please stop with the dodgy ticker malarkey, it's bad enough having poor health myself without my strange loony mates Trivial friends being in various states of dodgy ticker based ill health too.
Good news, snowy! I am emerging from the post operation doldrums and am at last seeing the green shoots of recovery. (That's hyperbole. I'm not actually sprouting green shoots. That would be horrid.)

I'm doing stuff and should be signed off in a few weeks to do more stuff with the blessing of the medical fraternity.


Original Poster:

51,867 posts

206 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Quizzes within quizzes?


Original Poster:

51,867 posts

206 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Happy Annibykery!

The Trivton Chapter are on their way to the celebrations.

We'll see you there.


Original Poster:

51,867 posts

206 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Still Mulling said:
DickyC said:
I’m 15 minutes early for my physio appointment.
Well they are hellish quick.


Original Poster:

51,867 posts

206 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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spikeyhead said:
I've just done some rough sums and think I have over £2k of shoes in my collection.

and on that note...
Imelda? Is that you?


Original Poster:

51,867 posts

206 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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spikeyhead said:
It's a damp morning in Norfampton. Hopefully I'll have about 40 fewer emails to deal with today
There's a business opportunity. Start a company called Fewer and sell emails, problems and temporary staff to a waiting world.

"Oh, yes, since we signed up with them we have Fewer emails, Fewer problems - even Fewer staff."

Everyone looks good.


Original Poster:

51,867 posts

206 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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slopes said:
On a more cheery note, it's the TTFNSQ tonight and i am fair proud of this weeks quiz. I don't think the questions will trouble people too much but he theme might catch a few out
How did that happen? I read the theme might catch a few out and the theme from Crossroads started in my head. I didn't watch Crossroads.


Original Poster:

51,867 posts

206 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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Every time I see the word Dawlish I think of Pete and Dud as Dawlish and Barrington.


Original Poster:

51,867 posts

206 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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Bobberoo said:
A robot colonic irrigation!?!?!?
I'm sure the water cannon on the old green goddess is still working, I reckon we can scavenge the rest form around the Towers!!!!
Two tots of rum and the stirrup pump in my day. And try to sound grateful afterwards.


Original Poster:

51,867 posts

206 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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My phone's sense of humour is getting beyond me now. When I open a fresh page it goes to MSN News which draws on news from a variety of sources including the BBC. This from a few minutes ago:

The BBC reporting on the Indian moon shot in Pidgin English.