A bit council (Vol 6)

A bit council (Vol 6)



29,623 posts

252 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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The Gauge said:
This one confuses me, its height screams council but its size suggests not. Surely the laws of 'councillia' dictate a TV must be overly large, not undurly small (think I've just made up a new word)..

Plastic chair?

Screams council.


4,764 posts

224 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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mickk said:
The Gauge said:
This one confuses me, its height screams council but its size suggests not. Surely the laws of 'councillia' dictate a TV must be overly large, not undurly small (think I've just made up a new word)..

Plastic chair?

Screams council.
Screams waiting room.


2,698 posts

181 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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The Gauge said:
This one confuses me, its height screams council but its size suggests not. Surely the laws of 'councillia' dictate a TV must be overly large, not undurly small (think I've just made up a new word)..

Looks like a Doctors waiting room.


12,247 posts

197 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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Sixpackpert said:
mickk said:
The Gauge said:
This one confuses me, its height screams council but its size suggests not. Surely the laws of 'councillia' dictate a TV must be overly large, not undurly small (think I've just made up a new word)..

Plastic chair?

Screams council.
Screams waiting room.
I’d say screams really rubbish hotel / b&b room tbh


4,725 posts

159 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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bigpriest said:
Harry H said:
Tommo87 said:
RustyMX5 said:
nismocat said:
We used to take our bikes into the big woods next to the house. We would come across dog walkers and families and no one would get angry (we did stop and turn off the bike though) all they did was say hello.

We'd push it across the main road into the farmers field after burning. Once we were pushing it across and a cop car stopped, put his lights on, and motioned for us to cross then just drove off with a wave.

We'd also have an airgun each slung over our shoulders. We were probably about 11yo.

People were much more tolerant of scrotes back then and I know for a fact some of the people getting enraged did exactly the same thing as kids.
The bold bits highlight the difference between 'then' and 'now', Whilst I wouldn't want to hazard a guess as to when your story took place, I remember a time in the late 70's and early 80's when kids had more respect for people around them. Nowadays, the kids will ride at a dog walker to get them to move out of the way and will ride on the main roads without giving a st.
Agree with Rusty. Looking back through rose tinted glasses about people having more tolerance for likeable scallywags is moot, when you consider the modern day equivalents have no respect for anything or anyone else.
We had no choice as youngsters back then. A bit of disrespect to an adult usually ended in a thick ear or having heads banged together. It just wasn't worth the pain. Now the kids are untouchable is it any wonder they're completely feral.
Hate to say it but violence breeds violence. You may be dishing it out one day and then find you're on the receiving end the next. Why would anyone grow up with respect after being slapped around? All sounds very council.
I would say its being taught to be aware of the consequences of your actions, these are not random acts of violence...not Council in the slightest. Our village Bobby in the late 70s/early 80s was a unit, and not to be trifled with. Fair, but tough.


29,623 posts

252 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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markymarkthree said:
Looks like a Doctors waiting room.
Waiting for a doctor?

Do I really need to say it?


2,679 posts

128 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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Tommo87 said:
RustyMX5 said:
nismocat said:
We used to take our bikes into the big woods next to the house. We would come across dog walkers and families and no one would get angry (we did stop and turn off the bike though) all they did was say hello.

We'd push it across the main road into the farmers field after burning. Once we were pushing it across and a cop car stopped, put his lights on, and motioned for us to cross then just drove off with a wave.

We'd also have an airgun each slung over our shoulders. We were probably about 11yo.

People were much more tolerant of scrotes back then and I know for a fact some of the people getting enraged did exactly the same thing as kids.
The bold bits highlight the difference between 'then' and 'now', Whilst I wouldn't want to hazard a guess as to when your story took place, I remember a time in the late 70's and early 80's when kids had more respect for people around them. Nowadays, the kids will ride at a dog walker to get them to move out of the way and will ride on the main roads without giving a st.
Agree with Rusty. Looking back through rose tinted glasses about people having more tolerance for likeable scallywags is moot, when you consider the modern day equivalents have no respect for anything or anyone else.
There's a selection of braindead scrotes local to me whose main pass time is riding quad bikes, motocross bikes and Surron's at high speed on public roads and public footpaths. If there's a public greenspace even better, they'll just chew all the grass up and leave it as a muddy bog. Quite a few public football pitches have been ruined. If they're not there they tend to be revving the nuts off their bikes on forest trails, the sound echoing around for miles ruining the peace. Frustrates the fk out of me.

The Gauge

3,832 posts

23 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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nismocat said:
In about 1983 i had a Yamaha DT125 that I used to ride in the woods.
As a kid in that same time period our house backed onto woods, there were often lads on motorbikes doing what you did, it used to really wind my dad up for some reason. He would go out and lay big branches across the paths to hinder them, and argue with any he came across, but I think all the branches did was make for a more interesting off road ride for them by either scrambling over them or riding off the path to get around smile


406 posts

186 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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My TV is 21cm from the floor. Does this make me anti-council?


1,932 posts

44 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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dino_jr said:
My TV is 21cm from the floor. Does this make me anti-council?

arrggggh my eyes!!!!

one for the pictures that make my eyes itch thread.


7,500 posts

192 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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dino_jr said:
My TV is 21cm from the floor. Does this make me anti-council?

Unless you have a very low sofa does that not give you neck ache?


406 posts

186 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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There were engineering reasons (and much trigonometry!) done to calculate the biggest TV that would fit under the stairs smile.
Sofa is normal height. No neck drama...

Deranged Rover

3,872 posts

84 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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dino_jr said:
My TV is 21cm from the floor. Does this make me anti-council?

There is so much wrong going on here, I've no idea where to start....


1,574 posts

16 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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Deranged Rover said:
There is so much wrong going on here, I've no idea where to start....
Council thread so right though.

Basically biggest TV to fit into smallest gap, top council lol


6,998 posts

165 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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dino_jr said:
My TV is 21cm from the floor. Does this make me anti-council?

That's properly council


9,706 posts

167 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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dino_jr said:
My TV is 21cm from the floor. Does this make me anti-council?

That is absolutely egregious.

You're not council, but you may well be blind.

Tim Cognito

612 posts

17 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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Why do you have a TV in your hallway in the first place?

Roofless Toothless

6,250 posts

142 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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dino_jr said:
My TV is 21cm from the floor. Does this make me anti-council?

You could go for a slightly bigger screen and saw a corner off.


2,703 posts

101 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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I thought that TV under the stairs was sat on top of an old pallet at first glance lol!


406 posts

186 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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My stairs are in the living room. No hallway = council?