The official 2024/2025 snowmageddon disappointment thread

The official 2024/2025 snowmageddon disappointment thread



9,279 posts

224 months

Wednesday 18th December 2024
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fttm said:
Our winter yoyo continues , from plus temps on Sunday to waking up this morning at -29C , never mind the wind chill on top . Just to add to the fun we're getting another foot of snow today starting mid morning .
Are you allowed to drive tracked vehicles on snow-covered roads in Canada? I'd love an excuse to buy a Snowtrac.


3,952 posts

145 months

Wednesday 18th December 2024
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Yeah you can run tracked vehicles . You're not allowed sleds or quads in the small town I live by but so long as you ride sensibly nobody says anything .


7,648 posts

248 months

Wednesday 18th December 2024
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fttm said:
Our winter yoyo continues , from plus temps on Sunday to waking up this morning at -29C , never mind the wind chill on top . Just to add to the fun we're getting another foot of snow today starting mid morning .
Can't blame us for that. Lowest daytime temp for the next ten days is 10c.


3,952 posts

145 months

Thursday 19th December 2024
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Ha not a Colorado low Jim , you're admonished of blame . Seems this storm finishes at noon tomorrow then it kicks off again on Friday , keep me busy for a few days sorting it out . Xmas day is forecast as zero , WTF ?


9,927 posts

149 months

Thursday 19th December 2024
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I continue to feel jealous of those that live in countries that have actual seasons and this thread isn't helping.

Snow and Rocks

2,665 posts

37 months

Thursday 19th December 2024
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Short but heavy snow and hail showers rattling through on a stiff and cold wind today in Aberdeenshire - won't come to much but quite a change from yesterday when we had a lovely pleasant Foehn effect breeze blowing.


7,648 posts

248 months

Friday 20th December 2024
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fttm said:
Ha not a Colorado low Jim , you're admonished of blame . Seems this storm finishes at noon tomorrow then it kicks off again on Friday , keep me busy for a few days sorting it out . Xmas day is forecast as zero , WTF ?
We have a slim chance of snow on the 25th, but the previous days are loitering about 15/16c. WTaF, indeed.


3,952 posts

145 months

Saturday 21st December 2024
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Dec 21st , yes siree the first day of winter . Myself and a mate flat out earlier for 3 hours on a bladed quad and bobcat clearing snow from the last few days , that was a lot to move .Minus 7 and sunny , perfect conditions .


9,927 posts

149 months

Saturday 21st December 2024
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fttm said:
Dec 21st , yes siree the first day of winter . Myself and a mate flat out earlier for 3 hours on a bladed quad and bobcat clearing snow from the last few days , that was a lot to move .Minus 7 and sunny , perfect conditions .
Man that sounds awesome to me. I know it probably irritating when you have to live with it though


12,585 posts

240 months

Saturday 21st December 2024
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fttm said:
Dec 21st , yes siree the first day of winter . Myself and a mate flat out earlier for 3 hours on a bladed quad and bobcat clearing snow from the last few days , that was a lot to move .Minus 7 and sunny , perfect conditions .
Astronomical winter yes but meteorological winter, which is most people’s definition, is 1st December.


1,617 posts

211 months

Saturday 21st December 2024
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A66 shut to all vehicles from Scotch Corner over to Penrith due to high winds.
A little earlier someone drove their Vovo straight into one of the snow gates closing the road....


7,648 posts

248 months

Saturday 21st December 2024
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Denver could come close to another record high temperature today, the forecast is 18c and the record is 19c set in 1933.

Unlikely to be a white Christmas either, ~10c.


3,293 posts

13 months

Saturday 21st December 2024
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julianm said:
A66 shut to all vehicles from Scotch Corner over to Penrith due to high winds.
A little earlier someone drove their Vovo straight into one of the snow gates closing the road....
On one hand it's nuts they close the road to all vehicles for some strongish winds, on the other there are people like that Volvo driver.

A66 from Scotch Corner to Bowes was great this morning.


6,387 posts

188 months

Saturday 21st December 2024
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When the winds blow over the A66, they can be lethal. It's an eye opener driving behind a heavy when you suddenly see air under the wheels then it topples over. One of our patrols stopped with a heavy that had blown over, both officers go out to check on the driver, suddenly there was a massive bang and the lights went out on the patrol car. Another heavy had been hit by a sudden gust of wind blowing it over landing on the patrol car. We have anemometers the full length of the road, so the decision to close is not taken lightly.


3,293 posts

13 months

Saturday 21st December 2024
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I know it well, lived in Appleby for 20 years and used to cross Stainmore daily (including before it was dualled).

I don't really see why cars and low vehicles need to be banned from the road in moderate wind. How often is the M62 over the Penines closed?

Smacks of penny pinching where HA/Police know people in high sided will chance it if the barriers are open and they don't want to patrol it, so close it to everybody. Considering the lack of East West routes it's a major ball ache for everybody when it's closed. Today should have been one of the busiest for businesses along the A66 and it was shut.

I drove to Tan Hill this afternoon (which is what, a mile or 2 across from the A66). No challenge at all (Apart from the crap service there, which is another story...).


6,387 posts

188 months

Saturday 21st December 2024
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70+mph winds are expected overnight, we've lost count of the amount of times we set matrix saying closed to high sided vehicles, only for one to ignore the signs and attempt it anyway, getting blown over blocking the road to all traffic for many hours.


3,293 posts

13 months

Saturday 21st December 2024
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Quite. So patrol it at Bowes and Brough to stop high sided from going over rather than removing the precious amenity for everybody.


9,134 posts

186 months

Saturday 21st December 2024
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Mars said:
Are you allowed to drive tracked vehicles on snow-covered roads in Canada? I'd love an excuse to buy a Snowtrac.

Just googled Snowtracs and they have a version of the air cooled VW flat four. I understand swapping the VW for the much more powerful Subaru flat four is a fairly straight forward proposition? winkbiglaugh


9,927 posts

149 months

Saturday 21st December 2024
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fttm said:
Dec 21st , yes siree the first day of winter . Myself and a mate flat out earlier for 3 hours on a bladed quad and bobcat clearing snow from the last few days , that was a lot to move .Minus 7 and sunny , perfect conditions .
Man that sounds awesome to me. I know it probably irritating when you have to live with it though


6,387 posts

188 months

Saturday 21st December 2024
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Forester1965 said:
Quite. So patrol it at Bowes and Brough to stop high sided from going over rather than removing the precious amenity for everybody.
Winds have dropped slightly, so it has been reopened. Too far off the motorway for me tonight, I'm the only NH traffic officer between J33 and 45!