Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 41

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 41



1,772 posts

51 months

Wednesday 4th December 2024
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Page two (2)? Nah!


41,524 posts

108 months

Wednesday 4th December 2024
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Good evening you lovely people.

The day finished far better than it started, a genuinely good session at the gym tonight, despite forgetting to do my arm workout!!!

Bacon, eggs and chips for dinner, twas rather nice!!!

It sounds like you're making good progress downt farm Magoo.


5,955 posts

206 months

Wednesday 4th December 2024
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Started the Christmas present buying for Mrs H, a reasonably useful session on the laptop this morning which was interrupted by a Swiss F18 over the top of the house at 509 feet and a gazillion knots.

I’ve just sat down after cleaning our bedroom and en-suite from top to bottom. I’m waiting for Mrs H to complete her last client and I will start the pork loins in black bean sauce with selected vegetables.


69,564 posts

227 months

Wednesday 4th December 2024
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Christmas song for Bobbers by Fascinating Aids


41,524 posts

108 months

Wednesday 4th December 2024
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Byker28i said:
Christmas song for Bobbers by Fascinating Aids



41,524 posts

108 months

Wednesday 4th December 2024
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I'm back to aching again.


69,564 posts

227 months

Wednesday 4th December 2024
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45 years since the release of Life of Brian

I have a friend in Rome, Biggus Dickus...



18,250 posts

207 months

Wednesday 4th December 2024
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Time for bed

He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy


41,524 posts

108 months

Thursday 5th December 2024
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Good morrow fellow Trivialites everywherewavey
Well it's Thursday already, which means it's much closer to the weekend!!!
Despite a decent night's sleep I'm still tired, but I suppose that's down to going to the gym yesterday, I'm certainly feeling it in my upper body today.
I'm back to acting senior again for a couple of days, so basically my entire morning is meetings!!

Mr Magooagain

11,132 posts

180 months

Thursday 5th December 2024
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Morning everyone.
It’s chilly out there.
More of the same for me today with a bit a moving scaffold about also.

I’ve just weighed my self at 10 stone 12 lb. That’s low for me.

I’m eating well so it must just be the extra bit of graft this week.

Good luck all.



5,955 posts

206 months

Thursday 5th December 2024
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Morning all

I was awake so I decided to get up. It’s a Winnie the Pooh day today with a howling North Easterly but sunshine is forecast later with 8 of those centipedes.

I find this time of year a bit discombobulating. I’m much more of a days getting lighter, getting warmer, new things growing, Spring type of person.

So what’s occurring today. Mrs H is off swimming soon, I have errands to the pharmacist, the in-laws and the garden centre as a batch of Xmas lights have given up the ghost 👻.All go here…


69,564 posts

227 months

Thursday 5th December 2024
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Off for a dog walk soon, sounds like it's raining but the good news is my gutter repairs seem to have worked.

Popping to the office today to collect some stuff for a job on Monday, then may be popping into Grandsons school as it's grandparents hour or something...

Still Mulling

13,788 posts

187 months

Thursday 5th December 2024
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Morneve All coffee

Busy busy busy busy busy busy busy…



52,558 posts

208 months

Thursday 5th December 2024
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Byker28i said:
Off for a dog walk soon, sounds like it's raining but the good news is my gutter repairs seem to have worked.

Popping to the office today to collect some stuff for a job on Monday, then may be popping into Grandsons school as it's grandparents hour or something...

The Real Pen and Ink graphic design house in Trivving Sodbury couldn't spell Trivialite but otherwise I'd recommend them.


18,250 posts

207 months

Thursday 5th December 2024
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Morning all

I've got a day of mostly sums, but a couple of meetings to get in the way. I'll also have a run before too much work.


5,955 posts

206 months

Thursday 5th December 2024
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Anyone for a random holiday snap on a Thursday……


36,882 posts

160 months

Thursday 5th December 2024
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Gude Moaneve from a glamp & doomy 53°N wavey

As I lay in bed earlier between perambulations to Looe for the purposes of micturation, to ease the pressure if my prostate pressing on my bladder, I was pondering about the differences between cicadas, crickets and grasshoppers*. After being unable to wrest a conclusion from the convoluted blob of jellified grey matter behind my crainium, I settled for just being content that at least we're not currently under attack by swarms of locusts.
Currently there are 11 ( eleven )[XI] centipedes keeping me company here in the censoredcensored
At the moment, it is too wet to hang out my washing

* The answer to this conundrum finally came to me in the cold light of day:
The grasshopper is the only one to have received any training in the noble art of Kung Fu.

Elbow Test negative. Good.
Super Smashing Great. thumbup

Another bonus day to engage in frenzied procrastination.

I shall now endeavour to catch up on all the Trivia posted here since my last visit.

Meanwhile, please do carry on with your alloted tasks, showing due diligence but with consideration to others.

Love 'n' hugs,

Golf Romeo Wartburg Kernigget. wavey


9,898 posts

213 months

Thursday 5th December 2024
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Morning all.

Best wishes to those who ail.

I have a nap ointment with the fang farrier later today to effect running repairs on my orifice. Sadly more convoluted than the usual hammer and duct tape approach I take to maintaining forward momentum and, I dare say, slightly dearer.

Age. What a bugger!



256 posts

61 months

Thursday 5th December 2024
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Morning all

Our 2 1/2 year old grandson stayed over last night and he has a terrible cough which are desperate not to pass onto his 4 week old sister. Could be a long day as everything seems to go wrong and he gets distressed at the slightest thing poor chap. Saw the doctor and told just needs to drink lots and take standard children’s medicine.



36,882 posts

160 months

Thursday 5th December 2024
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psi310398 said:
Morning all.

Best wishes to those who ail.

I have a nap ointment with the fang farrier later today to effect running repairs on my orifice. Sadly more convoluted than the usual hammer and duct tape approach I take to maintaining forward momentum and, I dare say, slightly dearer.

Age. What a bugger!

Commiserations, psi. frown

What gives those honeycombs the right to destroy your poor old toof?

Such accomplished drumming by "Honey" there. biggrin

I can't understand why she was overlooked and Ginger Baker was chosen instead to form "Cream". scratchchin
