'tight' jokes?


Tyre Tread

10,581 posts

225 months

Thursday 11th November 2010
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Tighter than a duck's arse on ice


8,883 posts

257 months

Thursday 11th November 2010
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Son of a bh is so mean if you poured boiling water down his throat he'd piss ice cubes.

Edited cos I spell like a dick.

Edited by cazzer on Thursday 11th November 23:25

Mobile Chicane

21,372 posts

221 months

Thursday 11th November 2010
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There's an old gag which goes something like, 'X likes to sit around the fire on a cold winter's night. If it's really bad, he'll even light it'.


12,136 posts

178 months

Thursday 11th November 2010
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you know when its cold, 'insert name' puts his hands in his own pockets


7,445 posts

236 months

Thursday 11th November 2010
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TotalControl said:
Just tell him he can't take any of it away with him when he dies.
Brilliant!! Do you write for Jimmy Carr?


3,830 posts

222 months

Thursday 11th November 2010
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So tight he had double glazing fitted so the kids couldn't hear the ice cream van.

i remember

3,296 posts

195 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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So tight when he drops a penny it hits him the back of the head.

Mobile Chicane

21,372 posts

221 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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Crude, but "He's so tight that if you shoved a lump of coal up his arse, within hours you'd have a diamond".


22,532 posts

234 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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As tight as an otters pocket.


8,030 posts

210 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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oldie but a goldie

I saw ??? stripping the wall paper the other day, I said 'Oh you're decorating' and he said 'no I'm moving house'


2,665 posts

197 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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He's such a tight fisted wker his cock is blue.


10,877 posts

197 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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AdeTuono said:
TotalControl said:
Just tell him he can't take any of it away with him when he dies.
Brilliant!! Do you write for Jimmy Carr?


5,175 posts

194 months

Friday 12th November 2010
quotequote all
AdeTuono said:
TotalControl said:
Just tell him he can't take any of it away with him when he dies.
Brilliant!! Do you write for Jimmy Carr?


3,127 posts

222 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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So cheap he can't even pay attention.


20,544 posts

195 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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the grand canyon was made when he dropped a penny down a rabbit hole.

Google [bot]

6,710 posts

190 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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He's so mean he wouldn't even give you a reach-around while he fked your arse.

Bing o

15,184 posts

228 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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alex b said:
Short arms & deep pockets ?


105 posts

178 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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899 posts

200 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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He's so tight that you need a spanner to get a 50p out of his hand


18,446 posts

203 months

Friday 12th November 2010
quotequote all
Mobile Chicane said:
Crude, but "He's so tight that if you shoved a lump of coal up his arse, within hours you'd have a diamond".
Similar quote in Ferris Bueller. smile

He's so tight, he needs dental floss to wipe his arse.