'tight' jokes?



11,621 posts

276 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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He's so tight that...

...his hearing aid has a solar battery
...he's still waiting for the Bible to come out in paperback
...he won't even tip his hat
...he counts his fingers after he shakes your hand


815 posts

217 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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He`s tighter than two coats of paint.


7,326 posts

234 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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So tight he's like a Yorkshire man with all the generosity kicked out of him.


9,098 posts

185 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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"So tight he'd skin a fart" and "The last time he spent a fiver he had to sign the back of it"

I used the last one down the club once and the old boy standing next to me laughed as he'd once been asked to sign the back of a white fiver.

Some Gump

12,901 posts

195 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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tighter than a first gear hairpin


7,491 posts

260 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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tighter than a gnats arse squeezed over a jan jar

Saddle bum

4,211 posts

228 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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He and a scotsman argued over a penny, hence the invention of copper wire.


3,100 posts

196 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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Tight like prom night.


5,221 posts

243 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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Saddle bum said:
He and a scotsman argued over a penny, hence the invention of copper wire.
So tight he doesn't click on the first page.


63 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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SplatSpeed said:
tighter than a gnats arse squeezed over a jan jar
that makes no sense

poo at Paul's

14,341 posts

184 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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Throws money about like a man with no arms

VX Foxy

3,962 posts

252 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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HereBeMonsters said:
NDA said:
As tight as an otters pocket.
I think you've confused a few similies here. tongue out
As tight as a Nun's .



6,941 posts

203 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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Lord R said:
He is so tight his kids were 8 before they found out the gas meter wasnt a money box

Edited by T84 on Friday 12th November 22:59


540 posts

190 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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So tight he wouldn't give you the steam off his piss!


5,249 posts

195 months

Friday 12th November 2010
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He's so tight he uses both sides of the toilet paper.


4,721 posts

222 months

Saturday 13th November 2010
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So tight he wears tartan trousers by choice.

(I actually have a relly who was that tight & wore such strides, even as an Englishman).