What training are you doing/have you done today? (Vol.3)

What training are you doing/have you done today? (Vol.3)



6,018 posts

153 months

Saturday 2nd December 2017
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Halb said:
Yeah I know Mark. I never got to use the stones at the IP, but I took part in an XMas challenge, carry three quarters BW in each arm for distance. If I had the technique I would have won. biggrin Did Park run the next day.
There's break the bar which isn't too far away either and they're on Facebook if you use it.
Owner is called Trev, good set up there too and lots of stones wink

You're mental to do that challenge then a run laugh


53,012 posts

186 months

Saturday 2nd December 2017
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smiffy180 said:
There's break the bar which isn't too far away either and they're on Facebook if you use it.
Owner is called Trev, good set up there too and lots of stones wink

You're mental to do that challenge then a run laugh
Remember you gave me advice on how to angle the things, I only read it afterwards, and walked extra length cas I had no idea about turning circles. I still reckon I got furthest. biggrin

I see that break the bar is very close, they have a fun thing on the 9th. I'm nowhere near even novice SM level, my training is more endurance/aesthetics now with the 10k in mind, and my pressing is non-existent now ( frown ) . It's something to look forward to next year.


6,018 posts

153 months

Saturday 2nd December 2017
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Halb said:
Remember you gave me advice on how to angle the things, I only read it afterwards, and walked extra length cas I had no idea about turning circles. I still reckon I got furthest. biggrin

I see that break the bar is very close, they have a fun thing on the 9th. I'm nowhere near even novice SM level, my training is more endurance/aesthetics now with the 10k in mind, and my pressing is non-existent now ( frown ) . It's something to look forward to next year.
Haha! Lb for lb you won though right? laugh

If you ever go for a session there, give us a shout. Only about 30/40min drive and would be good fun thumbup


18,120 posts

130 months

Sunday 3rd December 2017
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Solid short workout today.

110kg x 8
120kg x 5
130kg x 3 (matching PR from before injury)

8 x 100kg (PR)
Had to go for one hard set because had no time.
Pendlay row:
8 x 80kg (PR) - chuffed with that not having done Barbell rows for months.

I think I’m reaching halfway through my plan for doing 8,5,3 reps on squats and bench. It seems to be working. About time something did!

Looking back, though, I’ve added in the last 11 months:
10kg to bench press
10kg to squat (with better form & depth)
20kg to deadlift
12kg to dumbbell row

Squats are a huge disappointment, but all else has been fine. I think I maybe was squatting shallower than I thought last year.


5,533 posts

213 months

Monday 4th December 2017
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Bench: 157.5kg x 6 +1 RP
Front & side DB delt: 20's, 15's
Dips: 80kg x 7>60kg>40kg>20kg drop set
Deadlifts- few reps, sore glute.
Chins: 5x +40kg > BW

1 more rep on the bench than last time, closing in on my 160kg for 10- everything else mediocre. Glute pull the other week still fking things up....

chris watton

22,477 posts

263 months

Monday 4th December 2017
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Today (1 hour exactly):

Squats - 5x12-5 reps

BB Clean and Press - 5x5-4 reps (up to 80kg)

Bench Press - 5x12-3 reps
Wide Grip Pull Up - 5x12-8 reps

T-Bar Rows - 4x12-8 reps
Seated Pulley Row (Wide Grip) - 4x12-8 reps


6,018 posts

153 months

Tuesday 5th December 2017
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Going to deload for 4 days, try upping the calories and start again next week.
I ache, unmotivated and lethargic.
Perhaps I peaked too soon or something else like diet.


5,281 posts

271 months

Wednesday 6th December 2017
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5x5 deadlift this morning. 25 reps at 150kg so will up the weight next time. Last (and best) set: Instagram

Machine Row 4 x12
Lat Pulldown 4x12
EZ Curl 1x100 (bar only)


5,533 posts

213 months

Wednesday 6th December 2017
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EZ Preacher Curl: 67.5kg x 8, 30kg x 21's
Hammer curl: 30's RPF, 15's RPF
Calf press, 1 leg: 120kg RPF
Leg press: 300kg x RPF (around 6 sets to failure with 15 breaths between sets- pumpy, around 40-50 reps total)
GHR, red band: RPF

ok once I committed...


1,284 posts

274 months

Wednesday 6th December 2017
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Saw a shoulder surgeon yesterday who wants to do an arthroscopic sub-acromial decompression on me. I managed to get him to inject me with LA and steroid instead and had a blissful few hours without pain.
And then the local anaesthetic wore off. A bit of a flare up now but hopeful that it will settle things.

So I have been doing 5/3/1, sort of.
Just doing squats and deadlifts, doing both on Mon/wed/fri so really I am squeezing 3w of 2/5 of the program into one week.
Really enjoying it. Feels good afterwards. I think the more gradual warm up works for me, with one maximal heavy AMRAP at the end, rather than one set of 12 at 50% then 3 working sets as I was doing.
On track for a 200kg deadlift and 150kg squat by the end of (next) year.

Hopefully will get back to bench & OHP soon, but going to ease up from very light, very gradually. Working on face pulls, band pull-aparts and dislocates will hopefully help too.


18,120 posts

130 months

Wednesday 6th December 2017
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Fun workout today. Not on programme. I read a while ago that it can help to make 1/10 workouts a fun one where you do whatever you fancy (within the general shape of your programme).

TB deads: 8 x 115kg
2 x 5 @ 135kg
2 x 3 @ 155kg

Landmine press:
40kg x 8
45kg x 5
50kg x 3 (harder than I expected)

Pull ups:
7 x 14kg (didn’t have 8 in me)
5 x 18kg
3 x 22kg (PR)

Face pulls, back raises, ab stuff and straight arm pull downs to finish.

I’ll go back to TB deads once I finish my current barbell cycle. I prefer them.


5,859 posts

171 months

Thursday 7th December 2017
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Nice to see my little thread has made it to a third volume!! I've been posting in here for a while, not really sure why!

Been attempting to rest and recover from a herniated disc, so I'm currently building squats and deadlifts back up from very light weights. Back pain has been a part of my training for many years now, so just managing it really!

Next competing at the Yorkshire North East qualifier next spring, so plenty of time to cycle around to it.


53,012 posts

186 months

Thursday 7th December 2017
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TheBALDpuma said:
Nice to see my little thread has made it to a third volume!! I've been posting in here for a while, not really sure why!

Been attempting to rest and recover from a herniated disc, so I'm currently building squats and deadlifts back up from very light weights. Back pain has been a part of my training for many years now, so just managing it really!

Next competing at the Yorkshire North East qualifier next spring, so plenty of time to cycle around to it.
I feel your pain. I've been on that long road too.
Endeavour to persevere. smile


5,281 posts

271 months

Thursday 7th December 2017
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Lunchtime session
Overhead Press 5x5
4 sets at 60kg
1 set at 62.5kg

Dips 4x20

Overhead Rope Extension 3x30


6,018 posts

153 months

Thursday 7th December 2017
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Yesterday had a 2 hour sports massage.
There was so much going on which explains the recent "meh" sessions.
Aligning my spine back straight was definitely one of the worst parts! I think the worst being quads and releasing a knot, it sort of dragged the muscle then just released. Horrible laugh

Saturday I've winged a pass at total fitness so going to do some hot cold therapy.
In the mean time I'm carbing up and stretching.
Next week is my last heavy week before the new year so would like to hit some big numbers smile


16 posts

86 months

Thursday 7th December 2017
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I hadn't been to the gym for a few weeks and went at a quiet time yesterday with the aim of practicing technique on some BB deadlifts.

For some reason I have avoided deadlifts and when I do squats I'll use DBs. I put it down to a bit of laziness (can't be bothered loading the bar up) but also there is a fear factor to these big lifts, of not only losing control or dropping but also injuring my back.

I won't embarrass myself quoting the weight lifted, but I did 5 sets of 8 deadlifts during the course of the other exercises and they felt good, very good. Moral of the story for me, you can't avoid these compound lifts, just get on with them!

Today my quads are tender to the touch as are my forearms and abdominals!! Loving the DLs already!

When I think back to how I trained 20 plus years ago I don't know how I gained any strength...I can't remember doing any meaningful leg training for a start!


5,533 posts

213 months

Friday 8th December 2017
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Good one today>

Smith incline: 140kg x 10 (9 + 1 RP)
DB shoulder press: 40's for 9 > 20's>10's
Rope Push downs: RPF
BB row: 180kg x 10 > 140kg x 20
CG pull downs (stack + band): RFP

think that was alright.


18,120 posts

130 months

Friday 8th December 2017
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Funny what the guy above says about getting stronger when you were young. I think I got to a 100kg bench press at a bodyweight of about 70kg after messing about in the gym for a few months with no structure and no real idea what I was doing. Oh to be 19 again!

I too have no memory of doing any real leg training when I was 18-21 (apart from martial arts throwing and stance work, I guess), but my legs were bigger than they are now when I left university. Probably not stronger, but more muscular.

I could also do far more pull ups at the same weight despite barely training my back. FML.

(All that said, I bet my form was st and I wrecked my shoulders and elbows by overtraining in martial arts and gym work.)


53,012 posts

186 months

Friday 8th December 2017
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Yeah, youth is marvellous. I could climb 20 foot chains with just my hands @ 17 stone.

I feel like Emile Blondsky out of Incredible Hulk, if I knew what I know now about training and nutrition, I'da been Brock Lesnar. laugh


5,533 posts

213 months

Friday 8th December 2017
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My youth was well spent getting drunk and taking drugs! Though I did a load of rock climbing and unstructured gym stuff too.

Halcyon days biggrin