Prostate cancer



1,113 posts

144 months

Wednesday 4th December 2024
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Gas1883 said:
Thankyou , penrhyn , I’ve read it and I’d say the only one I suffer from at times is stress from sorting the multiple health issues out I have ( wife / daughter are brilliant though ) .
I never get a quiet week , this week we’ve got diabetis nurse wanting to see me , kidney specialists, heart & now this
I could do with a quiet few months , but it’s life I guess , though you would think in 5 yrs someone would of got to the bottom of a steady rise in psa
Not really moaning as there’s plenty worse off than me , it’s just a bit frustrating , urology nurse who called for psa test apparently said to my wife it’s probably just a infection , had 5 yrs of blaming it on
Infections , though I’ve no symptoms or ever had any medication
Oh well deep breaths
Thankyou again , much appreciated.
a steady rise is probably just due to the prostate getting larger.

my PSA at 48 was 12.4 and set all sorts of alarm bells ringing. Multiple PSA, MRI and DRE later and at 56 it hit 20 and i had a PAE a few months ago.

over the last 4 years my prostate had increased from 130cc to 240cc, i don't know what the earlier mass was as they were too busy ruling out cancer

so it could just be due to the prostate getting bigger and nothing more sinister.

Mr Magooagain

11,009 posts

179 months

Saturday 7th December 2024
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Last week a close friend of mine had 87 grains inserted to deal with his prostate problem. I know nothing about those.


736 posts

107 months

Saturday 7th December 2024
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Mr Magooagain said:
Last week a close friend of mine had 87 grains inserted to deal with his prostate problem. I know nothing about those.
Sounds like Brachytherapy see link below.

Mr Magooagain

11,009 posts

179 months

Sunday 8th December 2024
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Penrhyn said:
Mr Magooagain said:
Last week a close friend of mine had 87 grains inserted to deal with his prostate problem. I know nothing about those.
Sounds like Brachytherapy see link below.
Thanks for that. I’ve more of an understanding now.
It’s been about two weeks since he’s had the implants and he tells me he’s doing ok so far and has gone back to work for a couple of days.


653 posts

57 months

Sunday 15th December 2024
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I was told to get in for a psa test asap , first I could get was the 27 th of dec , wife nhs went in to see p/ dept & explained it was urgent , they checked with urology & told her to tell me to get up asap that day & they’d do it ( got there to find dept empty ) , 7 attempts at hands / arms resulted in 7 failed attempts , told to come back on 27 th as original appointment .
Get this now on most blood tests , unable to find a vein / get blood , hopefully next time .


1,697 posts

144 months

Sunday 15th December 2024
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Gas1883 said:
I was told to get in for a psa test asap , first I could get was the 27 th of dec , wife nhs went in to see p/ dept & explained it was urgent , they checked with urology & told her to tell me to get up asap that day & they’d do it ( got there to find dept empty ) , 7 attempts at hands / arms resulted in 7 failed attempts , told to come back on 27 th as original appointment .
Get this now on most blood tests , unable to find a vein / get blood , hopefully next time .
Drink 2 pints of water in the hour before bloods. Sounds like (age and ) dehydration.


14,338 posts

172 months

Monday 16th December 2024
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JeremyH5 said:
Gas1883 said:
I was told to get in for a psa test asap , first I could get was the 27 th of dec , wife nhs went in to see p/ dept & explained it was urgent , they checked with urology & told her to tell me to get up asap that day & they’d do it ( got there to find dept empty ) , 7 attempts at hands / arms resulted in 7 failed attempts , told to come back on 27 th as original appointment .
Get this now on most blood tests , unable to find a vein / get blood , hopefully next time .
Drink 2 pints of water in the hour before bloods. Sounds like (age and ) dehydration.
Yep, as a regular (if not once a week, it’s every other) having blood tests, dehydration is normally the reason behind multiple attempts to find a vein to extract blood from and the subsequent failures, the same applies to transfusions.

Drink plenty of water before attending, take a flask as well and drink whilst waiting.


13,072 posts

219 months

Monday 16th December 2024
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Had my latest 3 month check up (stage 4 inoperable). PSA of 0.03. So the drugs are holding it in check.

Good news.

Having a CT scan to check that the little area on my lung that was suspicious last year, is not an issue.

Damp Logs

817 posts

143 months

Monday 16th December 2024
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AstonZagato said:
Had my latest 3 month check up (stage 4 inoperable). PSA of 0.03. So the drugs are holding it in check.

Good news.

Having a CT scan to check that the little area on my lung that was suspicious last year, is not an issue.
That’s fantastic news AZ, long may it continue, and just in time for Christmas


736 posts

107 months

Monday 16th December 2024
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Damp Logs said:
AstonZagato said:
Had my latest 3 month check up (stage 4 inoperable). PSA of 0.03. So the drugs are holding it in check.

Good news.

Having a CT scan to check that the little area on my lung that was suspicious last year, is not an issue.
That’s fantastic news AZ, long may it continue, and just in time for Christmas
I second that.

Impressive that the treatment is working so well. smile


1,113 posts

144 months

Monday 16th December 2024
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AstonZagato said:
Had my latest 3 month check up (stage 4 inoperable). PSA of 0.03. So the drugs are holding it in check.

Good news.

Having a CT scan to check that the little area on my lung that was suspicious last year, is not an issue.
great news!


1,697 posts

144 months

Monday 16th December 2024
quotequote all
AstonZagato said:
Had my latest 3 month check up (stage 4 inoperable). PSA of 0.03. So the drugs are holding it in check.

Good news.

Having a CT scan to check that the little area on my lung that was suspicious last year, is not an issue.
Good to hear on the PSA, fingers crossed for the CR scan outcome.


35,341 posts

128 months

Monday 16th December 2024
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JeremyH5 said:
AstonZagato said:
Had my latest 3 month check up (stage 4 inoperable). PSA of 0.03. So the drugs are holding it in check.

Good news.

Having a CT scan to check that the little area on my lung that was suspicious last year, is not an issue.
Good to hear on the PSA, fingers crossed for the CR scan outcome.


8,104 posts

152 months

Monday 16th December 2024
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AstonZagato said:
Had my latest 3 month check up (stage 4 inoperable). PSA of 0.03. So the drugs are holding it in check.

Good news.

Having a CT scan to check that the little area on my lung that was suspicious last year, is not an issue.
Wow that's a low PSA score.



1,147 posts

40 months

Thursday 19th December 2024
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After a HoLEP in April for enlarged prostate I've had 2 MRI scans showing a PIRADS 3 and a PIRADS 4 lesion, and a perineal biopsy with 4 cores out of 15 showing Gleason 6 cancer. One core had 9mm of cancer in it, all contained in the capsule. (I had the MRI scans because the chippings from HoLEP showed 1% low grade cancer)

I'm now on watch and wait.

I've been reassured by this video which suggests that Gleason 6 wouldn't now be called cancer had it been discovered more recently, more like a benign tumour.

I'm going to have regular PSA tests, is there any advantage in a Stockholm 3 test too given I already know I'm Gleason 6 ? From what I can see, it's a more sensitive, informative PSA test, so I might have one anyway.


653 posts

57 months

Friday 20th December 2024
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SteveKTMer said:
After a HoLEP in April for enlarged prostate I've had 2 MRI scans showing a PIRADS 3 and a PIRADS 4 lesion, and a perineal biopsy with 4 cores out of 15 showing Gleason 6 cancer. One core had 9mm of cancer in it, all contained in the capsule. (I had the MRI scans because the chippings from HoLEP showed 1% low grade cancer)

I'm now on watch and wait.

I've been reassured by this video which suggests that Gleason 6 wouldn't now be called cancer had it been discovered more recently, more like a benign tumour.

I'm going to have regular PSA tests, is there any advantage in a Stockholm 3 test too given I already know I'm Gleason 6 ? From what I can see, it's a more sensitive, informative PSA test, so I might have one anyway.
I’m apx 5 yrs after being diagnosed with prostrate cancer , then being told I was Gleason 6 , and I would be a put on active surveillance ( watch & wait ) , regular psa / mri scans & if any change is shown a biopsy , in the last 5 yrs I’ve had 3 biopsy’s & im not sure exactly but a fair few mri / psa test , my last biopsy in March , apx 4 1/2 yrs after the original diagnosis shows No change in the original lump / lesion/ nodule .
We’ve had a few scares over the 5 yrs , one mri scan showed apparently the lump / nodule / lesion had got bigger , but a biopsy showed no change , we did get up to 20+ on one psa test from I believe the original 8 but they put that down to infections , I’m now steadily creeping up , last psa 13.9
It’s worrying obviously when your first told you’ve cancer , but if im anything to go by you should be ok , I’m no different to 5 yrs ago
And to be honest if it wasn’t for prostrate cancer & the subsequent mri scans I don’t think we’d of been aware of the cyst spotted on my 1 st mri scan which 4 + yrs later after another prostate mri & subsequent kidney biopsy was found to be a malignant kidney tumour .
As I said at beginning I’m apx 5 yrs from first diagnoses , I’m still here & no different to I was 5 yrs ago , it’s hard at 1 st getting your head around the fact you’ve cancer , you have to live with knowing that , but eventually it will goto the back of your mind .
stay positive , you’ve had the best diagnosis you can get , they will look after you , they’ve all been stars with me .


653 posts

57 months

Friday 20th December 2024
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SteveKTMer said:
After a HoLEP in April for enlarged prostate I've had 2 MRI scans showing a PIRADS 3 and a PIRADS 4 lesion, and a perineal biopsy with 4 cores out of 15 showing Gleason 6 cancer. One core had 9mm of cancer in it, all contained in the capsule. (I had the MRI scans because the chippings from HoLEP showed 1% low grade cancer)

I'm now on watch and wait.

I've been reassured by this video which suggests that Gleason 6 wouldn't now be called cancer had it been discovered more recently, more like a benign tumour.

I'm going to have regular PSA tests, is there any advantage in a Stockholm 3 test too given I already know I'm Gleason 6 ? From what I can see, it's a more sensitive, informative PSA test, so I might have one anyway.
I’m apx 5 yrs after being diagnosed with prostrate cancer , then being told I was Gleason 6 , and I would be a put on active surveillance ( watch & wait ) , regular psa / mri scans & if any change is shown a biopsy , in the last 5 yrs I’ve had 3 biopsy’s & im not sure exactly but a fair few mri / psa test , my last biopsy in March , apx 4 1/2 yrs after the original diagnosis shows No change in the original lump / lesion/ nodule .
We’ve had a few scares over the 5 yrs , one mri scan showed apparently the lump / nodule / lesion had got bigger , but a biopsy showed no change , we did get up to 20+ on one psa test from I believe the original 8 but they put that down to infections , I’m now steadily creeping up , last psa 13.9
It’s worrying obviously when your first told you’ve cancer , but if im anything to go by you should be ok , I’m no different to 5 yrs ago
And to be honest if it wasn’t for prostrate cancer & the subsequent mri scans I don’t think we’d of been aware of the cyst spotted on my 1 st mri scan which 4 + yrs later after another prostate mri & subsequent kidney biopsy was found to be a malignant kidney tumour .
As I said at beginning I’m apx 5 yrs from first diagnoses , I’m still here & no different to I was 5 yrs ago , it’s hard at 1 st getting your head around the fact you’ve cancer , you have to live with knowing that , but eventually it will goto the back of your mind .
stay positive , you’ve had the best diagnosis you can get , they will look after you , they’ve all been stars with me .

Damp Logs

817 posts

143 months

Saturday 21st December 2024
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Had a phone consultation this morning(almost exactly three years from being told I had cancer by a very offhand urologist in Bangor) following MRI scan in September.

I count myself extremely fortunate to be given positive news that ‘I wouldn’t worry about it’ by a much more open and helpful consultant from UCLH, where I had cryotherapy just over two years ago. - I did tell him that’s easy for him to say, it’s not his prostate - which he took in good humour!!

It makes so much difference when the medics are interested…..

Hope I’m not out of order, but thought it might give others a lift (it certainly gave me one)

The only negative is he said I probably couldn’t have any more kids!!! - at my age???


1,697 posts

144 months

Saturday 21st December 2024
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Damp Logs said:
Had a phone consultation this morning(almost exactly three years from being told I had cancer by a very offhand urologist in Bangor) following MRI scan in September.

I count myself extremely fortunate to be given positive news that ‘I wouldn’t worry about it’ by a much more open and helpful consultant from UCLH, where I had cryotherapy just over two years ago. - I did tell him that’s easy for him to say, it’s not his prostate - which he took in good humour!!

It makes so much difference when the medics are interested…..

Hope I’m not out of order, but thought it might give others a lift (it certainly gave me one)

The only negative is he said I probably couldn’t have any more kids!!! - at my age???
Marvellous news, sir! I’m pleased for you and your family.


736 posts

107 months

Sunday 22nd December 2024
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Damp Logs said:
Had a phone consultation this morning(almost exactly three years from being told I had cancer by a very offhand urologist in Bangor) following MRI scan in September.

I count myself extremely fortunate to be given positive news that ‘I wouldn’t worry about it’ by a much more open and helpful consultant from UCLH, where I had cryotherapy just over two years ago. - I did tell him that’s easy for him to say, it’s not his prostate - which he took in good humour!!

It makes so much difference when the medics are interested…..

Hope I’m not out of order, but thought it might give others a lift (it certainly gave me one)

The only negative is he said I probably couldn’t have any more kids!!! - at my age???
Good news smile just before Christmas as well.

Briefly l had Brachytherapy at the Christie Manchester on Friday , what a place. Calm , efficient made you feel important and cared for. I'm a little sore down south, but thats it. I would recommend to anyone offered it.