How Can I Unblock This Powershift Solenoid?

How Can I Unblock This Powershift Solenoid?



Original Poster:

454 posts

115 months

Tuesday 28th November 2017
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Hi All,

My cousin has this 2011 Ford Galaxy diesel van and its automatic gearbox stops working after shifting it to N or P from D. Car needs to off and then start back again to move the car.

Gearbox- 6DCT450 (same one used for Volvo XC90 as well)
Mechatronics- OE 1770618
Solenoid- 9040 TM14/106 N and 7M5R-7G494-EA (two set of number series)

We've managed to got the blocked solenoids out of the mechatronics. Solenoid's ohms reading is around 8 ohms I think, but when powered it would make a light ticking noise unlike rest of the one.

Please could anyone suggest me a way to dismantle solenoid body, so that I can give it a good cleaning?

I could see tiny metal debris on the nose and all over the mechatronics. I just need to loosen the clamped nib but its very strong!! Is there a special too that I could buy??

Some pics below...the one taken out is B1 on the pic

Thanks in advance smile


Edited by zakmuh on Tuesday 28th November 13:13

Edited by zakmuh on Tuesday 28th November 13:21


13,735 posts

203 months

Tuesday 28th November 2017
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I doubt they're serviceable tbh, probably pressed together ?
Can't you buy a new solenoid?


Original Poster:

454 posts

115 months

Tuesday 28th November 2017
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Thanks for your reply.

We're happy to buy new ones but not available with dealer-only the complete mechatronics with all the solenoids we have to buy for circa £1500, they say.


2,440 posts

216 months

Tuesday 28th November 2017
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I'd definitely have a crack at that, what's to lose it not working now or £1500 for another unit, those tabs on the back look like they'd prize back and maybe push the inner out.


Original Poster:

454 posts

115 months

Tuesday 28th November 2017
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souper said:
........ those tabs on the back look like they'd prize back and maybe push the inner out.
Superb inspection mate!! I'll try undo that at the bottom and see what happens then. As you've said, it looks like the entire inner part will come out from the bottom.

I'll try this tonight and keep you all posted.

Cheers for now smile

Penelope Stoppedit

11,209 posts

114 months

Tuesday 28th November 2017
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It may be worth looking here
You could contact them and ask


2,440 posts

216 months

Tuesday 28th November 2017
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Crap video may help with testing 10k resistor needed.

and a trans manual

Edited by souper on Tuesday 28th November 18:06


Original Poster:

454 posts

115 months

Wednesday 29th November 2017
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Thanks you very much.

I've contacted those American guys for replacement solenoids and waiting for their reply.

Souper, one of my pics above is from that PDF.

I've made some progress cleaning the solenoid. I used my air compressor and blew air into the valve from top - now its ticking when I power it. I tried this for all other one which wasn't ticking are now working fine.


3,998 posts

154 months

Saturday 2nd December 2017
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At about 6 minutes in they take apart a solenoid. It's a different style but might be helpful. I've successfully done this on a Volvo C70.

Arnold Cunningham

3,860 posts

258 months

Sunday 3rd December 2017
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I note you said a dealer won't supply one - have you checked with (I think) Getrag directly?


9,720 posts

157 months

Sunday 3rd December 2017
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Surely, by removing each one & flushing out the oil-ways in the manifold block you will achieve all you need to do as the only bit you think you need to dismantle is just the electrical solenoid end.


Original Poster:

454 posts

115 months

Monday 4th December 2017
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Hi All,

I'm back again. First of all, many thanks for your replies. My cousin lives down in London and I'm up here in Nottingham. So I only get time to deal with it on weekends. So I've got an update on this for you...

So this weekend we put back the mechatronics into the gearbox and did a test drive. Now the gears would only shift to 2nd, 4th and 6th - 1st, 3rd, 5th and reverse will not engage! We did a 30 mile test drive on North circular road - with these 3 gears car is going forward okay.

Cheers for that Youtube video. I'll open up the solenoid, clean it and try it again. In the meantime I'll try to contact Getrag and others to hunt for those solenoids..

If you have any further advice, please do share it smile


1 posts

80 months

Tuesday 30th January 2018
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Hi just wandering did you fixed your galaxy as I have the same problem just I have
reverse 1st 3rd 5th don’t have 2nd 4th 6th
Thanks for any response


Original Poster:

454 posts

115 months

Monday 9th April 2018
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No, not yet. Still trying all sort of things but no luck! Our last option is to remove the entire gearbox and check for any mechanical issues.

Has yours been sorted?



450 posts

134 months

Wednesday 11th April 2018
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Ooh, it appears I dodged a bullet right there.

Almost bought a car with this gearbox, similar age.

Now I'm glad to have stuck with the torque converter auto.

They don't call them Powerst for no reason.


Original Poster:

454 posts

115 months

Thursday 12th April 2018
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I've managed to fix the issue beer

A quick briefing.....On a day the engine light came on and then car stopped moving. Restarted it then car moved okay but after 2 mins or so it stopped moving again. These codes turned up on the scanner:
P0766-Shift Solenoid D Performance or Stuck Off
P0771-Shift Solenoid E Performance or Stuck Off
P2714-Pressure Control Solenoid D Performance Or Stuck Off

So I removed the mechatronics unit, removed all the solenoids and valves and cleaned them all thoroughly, including the valve body passages. I tried to open up the solenoids but I couldn’t. So I just cleaned them with spirit and blow dried them. I fit them back into the gearbox, topped up the oil (around 5 litres I think), erased all the codes and that’s it. The car is back on the road now and all gears are shifting nice and smooth smilesmilesmile

I’m going on holiday this weekend for a week. Once I’m back, I’ll be test driving it for a week or so, to make sure it’s fully fixed. Until then I wouldn’t call that the issue is ‘solved’. If it’s actually solved, then I'll do a Youtube video + a write up and post in a separate thread.

From my extensive research I’d draw these conclusions with regards to any auto gearboxes.
1. Gears not shifting and no engine light or warning lights on – mechanical issue
2. Gears not shifting with warning lights on – electrical issues such as stuck/bad solenoids and/or wiring connection issues and/or sensor issues.

Good luck guys



1 posts

67 months

Wednesday 20th February 2019
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Thanks for the info, I am going to do the same thing. I cant seem to find a copy of that manual anymore. Do you have the page that shows what each of the sensors (black plastic) are on the the valve body?


1 posts

61 months

Monday 12th August 2019
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Hello, after cleaning solenoids i get error U0101 Lost Communication with Transmission Control Module (TCM)
what could happen and how can i check TCM? Please help any thoughts can be helpful


1 posts

61 months

Wednesday 21st August 2019
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Issue: Limited Transmission Warning!!!

Thanks to this forum Zukmah in particular, the Ford Galaxy 2012 I bought recently had the same issues and using the advice did the following:-

a. Cleaned using WD40 each solenoid and found C1 was jammed, so I ensure plenty of WD40 even pushing the center point to pour more into the unit.

b. I had previously repaired broken plastic holding the selection disc on the Mechatronic unit.

c. Also found a loss screw on the electronic board sandwiched between metal oil maze and lower unit.

d. Replaced a rubber ring on one of the protruding Sensors into the gearbox.

I tested the car yesterday and today and glad to report no more issues some warnings come up on the Scanner but are not relevant to TCM.

Really appreciated the advise and happy now..

Edited by Wkaziir on Wednesday 21st August 17:29

Edited by Wkaziir on Wednesday 21st August 17:36


2 posts

58 months

Monday 18th November 2019
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Hi you can also use a demagnetiser on the solenoid’s because there are metal particles within the solenoid’s that have magnetised which interfere with the mechanisms and the Oms and voltage within the solenoids causing havoc. Also use an air gun with WD-40 good all-rounder WD-40.