What did I see today? Blue light convoy?

What did I see today? Blue light convoy?



Original Poster:

4,121 posts

216 months

Sunday 25th March 2007
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Happily motoring along at a decent lick (about 85) and noticed in the RVM two BMW's fast approaching in both lane 1 and lane 2 of a dual carraigeway, both with flashing headlights (strobe) and small blue strobes mounted in the bonnet grille and sirens.

They came past me at a fair rate (circa 100-110mph) and were both black, blacked out windows (inc front passenger glass) new shape BMW 3-Series, debadged but no exhaust so assume diesels but with the large wheels. Nice.

About ~15 seconds later two new style Range Rovers passed at a similar speed, again, both black with blacked out windows... These had blue strobes in the bonnet but no flashing headlights or no siren.

No flags on the bonnet or distinguishing plates! All cars looked a little too 'prestige' and clean to be undercover police vehicles ?


1,945 posts

290 months

Sunday 25th March 2007
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Dignitaries of some sort. Where was it? These are often seen heading out of London towards LHR.


15,099 posts

249 months

Sunday 25th March 2007
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That was me. I'm bloomin' important y'know.


7,971 posts

263 months

Sunday 25th March 2007
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MIB or Torchwood


Mrs Trackside

9,299 posts

241 months

Sunday 25th March 2007
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That's strange. I was driving along the A508 in Northamptonshire on Friday and had two dark (could have been black or navy) BMWs coming towards me from the other direction They both had blue strobe lights and sirens, but they (and I) were going too fast to notice any other details.

Just after they went past me, the one at the back started overtaking his mate and a car in front of them on a bend on the wrong side of the road.


188 posts

219 months

Sunday 25th March 2007
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near London? Met SO16?

Edited by razerwire on Sunday 25th March 23:19


2,802 posts

238 months

Sunday 25th March 2007
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razerwire said:
near London? Met SO16?

Edited by razerwire on Sunday 25th March 23:19

SO19 init?


Original Poster:

4,121 posts

216 months

Sunday 25th March 2007
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A23 between Brighton and Gatwick Airport.

I couldn't see into the cars properly (even the BMW's) as all the windows were tinted as dark as the car itself. Something I thought was not lawful on the front passenger windows, but it looked like two people in the front of each BMW wearing a darkish colour.


872 posts

218 months

Sunday 25th March 2007
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Ive had 2 RR like that cut me off on the M4 into London. The guy in the passenger seat was clearly armed and a blacked out Voyager then belted past on the hard shoulder.

Just assumed it was the CIA kidnapping someone again. Happens all the time round here


8,188 posts

251 months

Sunday 25th March 2007
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I saw three really non descript cars driving like this a few weeks ago near Heathrow - a Saab, a Golf and a Skoda estate. None of them were particularly new. Strobe headlights, blue lights behind the grilles and going like the clappers.


188 posts

219 months

Sunday 25th March 2007
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LeoZwalf said:
razerwire said:
near London? Met SO16?

Edited by razerwire on Sunday 25th March 23:19

SO19 init?

SO16 - Diplomatic Protection Group.

Often drive unmarked black things. hence my assumption.


8,814 posts

262 months

Sunday 25th March 2007
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BossCerbera said:
a Saab, a Golf and a Skoda estate. None of them were particularly new. Strobe headlights, blue lights behind the grilles and going like the clappers.

Maybe they were doing a Tunnel run???


Mr Miyagi

1,280 posts

214 months

Monday 26th March 2007
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Best one I saw was on the M6 a couple of years ago at about 1am on a sunday morning:
3 police cars leading nothing special just Vec's
following them 12 of the yellow CCTV sprinters
2 Black BMW 5 Series (E39's) Smoked glass
1 Black Range Rover Smoked glass
5 more yellow sprinters
A couple of Vec's

All had their fairy lights flashing and were doing about a ton, impressive watching them all drive past as there was nothing else on the road! it was quite intimidating!


5,108 posts

217 months

Monday 26th March 2007
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Drove past the American embassy last night and it had loads of red police cars around it. I assumed that these were diplomatic protection. The idea of blacked out beemers and RRs blasting down the motorways with blue lights flashing all seems a bit Russian like to me. Next we can expect a lane clearly marked out for nouveau riche!

Edited by jdelmo on Monday 26th March 00:23


2,177 posts

238 months

Monday 26th March 2007
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Mr Miyagi said:
Best one I saw was on the M6 a couple of years ago at about 1am on a sunday morning:
3 police cars leading nothing special just Vec's
following them 12 of the yellow CCTV sprinters
2 Black BMW 5 Series (E39's) Smoked glass
1 Black Range Rover Smoked glass
5 more yellow sprinters
A couple of Vec's

All had their fairy lights flashing and were doing about a ton, impressive watching them all drive past as there was nothing else on the road! it was quite intimidating!

I take it you were a passenger at the time, as I would have needed pen and paper to note down all of those!


11,827 posts

243 months

Monday 26th March 2007
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SAS have poice escorts to the ports.

Iran bound?


11,974 posts

226 months

Monday 26th March 2007
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Leftie said:

SAS have poice escorts to the ports.

Iran bound?

Herc straight out of Brize Norton for them, no arsing around in Brighton.


3,101 posts

247 months

Monday 26th March 2007
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Does anyone remember the money runs they used to do? Lots of fast lorries batting down the M4 and into Bristol. I found myself at the drop off point every week for 3 weeks, in the same car, staring at a man with a machine gun. I made a point of avoiding it on the 4th week

Wigeon Incognito

3,274 posts

226 months

Monday 26th March 2007
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I had to pull over in Blackpool when the Labour Party conference was on to let 2 police bikes, 2 black Range Rovers, a black Voyager, a police van, then 2 more police bikes go past.

I think that one was Tony Blair but I wonder how much safer these guys would be in a convoy of differently coloured Focus/Astras/Golfs etc?


21,699 posts

234 months

Monday 26th March 2007
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Bill Clinton flew into to Farnborough and blatted up the M3 to London in a high speed convoy of around 30 vehicles, all flown in from the USA.

I was heading the other way and thought I'd driven into a feature film - unreal.