Frameless windows - why?

Frameless windows - why?



5,236 posts

110 months

Friday 22nd March
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Do any of the BMW GranCoupé models have frameless windows? So the 2 and 4 series GC etc.


1,283 posts

257 months

Friday 22nd March
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MikeM6 said:
Do any of the BMW GranCoupé models have frameless windows? So the 2 and 4 series GC etc.
My 640d GC has frameless doors.

Like other BMWs if you press the unlock button on the remote twice the windows retract half way down on opening the door, to make getting in easier in tight spaces - and also perhaps to avoid mashing your glasses


16,268 posts

217 months

Friday 22nd March
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MikeM6 said:
Do any of the BMW GranCoupé models have frameless windows? So the 2 and 4 series GC etc.
They all do. 2, 4, 6 and 8.

some bloke

1,206 posts

75 months

Friday 22nd March
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Apparently one of the GM VP's wife used to driver her convertible round with the top up, but the windows down, back in the late 40s, early 50s. This led to the idea of a car with no B pillar. I have a 4 door pillarless mid 60s yank tank; tbh I prefer the styling of the 'post' car of the same year. It leaks in the rain a little, apparently they just about all did this new from the factory.