Marmite: Love, Hate, or Spread on M1

Marmite: Love, Hate, or Spread on M1



Original Poster:

20,854 posts

282 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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How does that happen?

More tasty than snow....


246 posts

175 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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Think there is going to be a lot of "hate" for marmite this morning regardless if you like it on your toast....


32,414 posts

211 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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16,330 posts

204 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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I'm there!

Super Injunction

99 posts

162 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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No going up the marmite motorway today then biggrin

Bdm tish - I'm here all night, try the veal etc.


Original Poster:

20,854 posts

282 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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Ah - there's enough toast, apparently, to clear it up by 10:00a.m.

I hope the locals enjoy their breakfast.....


16,330 posts

204 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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Hope there's not a shortage as a result of this!


Original Poster:

20,854 posts

282 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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Just heard someone ask:

"Was it on the Yeast-bound carriageway?"


32,414 posts

211 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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Stolen from radio 4

M1 Miracle tanker

Turns marmite into jam


1,857 posts

194 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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You either love it, Hate it, or crash and die in it.

Bet they dont add that one to the adverts...


27,155 posts

238 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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The emergency services are still trying to extract the driver apparantly.


714 posts

179 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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You'll either love this, or hate this, there's Marmite all over the M1. Yeast-bound direction I think. Don't try to extract a joke from it though, it might lead to a yeast infraction. Oh well, at least that's the newspapers spread for tomorrow sorted.

Shamelessly stolen from Facebook

Liquid Knight

15,754 posts

190 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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I've never understood the big deal with Marmite. It's just a waste product from making beer.


711 posts

158 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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There's a lovely spread of jokes flowing in right now.


16,210 posts

253 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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They're all in the brown stuff now...


11,616 posts

251 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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I wouldn't want to get stuck in it.

But a Veggie might.


1,971 posts

176 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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They could at yeast extract the lorry from the scene....


2,792 posts

158 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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Was it yeastbound this accident?


27,155 posts

238 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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DanielC4GP said:
Was it yeastbound this accident?
Your dad wouldn't laugh at this second time round but Marmite.


2,792 posts

158 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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Monkeylegend said:
DanielC4GP said:
Was it yeastbound this accident?
Your dad wouldn't laugh at this second time round but Marmite.
Yeah crap I really should have read the whole post before reading. I'll get my coat.