Spotify streaming - 997.2

Spotify streaming - 997.2



Original Poster:

120 posts

35 months

Tuesday 12th April 2022
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Using an android phone - what wires/equipment would be needed? what is the best option? - I want to leave everything as factory


6,840 posts

69 months

Tuesday 12th April 2022
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I wasn't bothered with proper CarPlay, for which the options like ..

...2nd one down the page are a good bet.

But being just for streaming Spotify, I got....


Designed for integrating wireless music streaming for the PCM3 (works with Android or iPhone).

Video of it

...but another owner got this cheeky little device from Amazon

connects to the 3.5mm jack and USB, gives them Bluetooth streaming in the car through the AUX option. It removes the need for the Bovee box and the Y cable.
don't get the media information on the screen, but for £14 it fits & works lovely.

Hope that helps.


64 months

Tuesday 12th April 2022
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I originally bought the Bovee 1000 for one of the cars which works in the 997.2 but does drop out regularly so took a punt on this from Amazon.

This works fine for me despite not being a vehicle special at 5 times the price. Connects straight to the 30 pin plug.


908 posts

119 months

Tuesday 12th April 2022
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I've just bought this for my car and connected it tonight. Sound quality seems good and you can have the phone connected via one Bluetooth and the music and Waze goes through the Firefly connection.


Original Poster:

120 posts

35 months

Wednesday 13th April 2022
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really helpful thanks

it seems any of these aux+usb bluetooth devices will work, litearlly just plug it in and get going?

I dont think I will go with the carplay on the screen - does that damage the value of the car as its more of a mod or?


Original Poster:

120 posts

35 months

Wednesday 13th April 2022
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Shiverman said:
I've just bought this for my car and connected it tonight. Sound quality seems good and you can have the phone connected via one Bluetooth and the music and Waze goes through the Firefly connection.
yeah this looks very good like what the other person posted. I think this bovee e.t.c is a bit antiquated and reposted around a lot, when we could just buy one of these devices , plug and stream in minutes ha

im just wondering the best device that gives the best audio, obv the bose is an old sound system but still would rather want to hear as good as it can get

anyone any thoughts on best high quality plugin device from amazon then?

what did you mean phone via one and music/waze through firefly?

Edited by dng992 on Wednesday 13th April 02:40


6,840 posts

69 months

Wednesday 13th April 2022
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dng992 said:
Shiverman said:
I've just bought this for my car and connected it tonight. Sound quality seems good and you can have the phone connected via one Bluetooth and the music and Waze goes through the Firefly connection.
yeah this looks very good like what the other person posted. I think this bovee e.t.c is a bit antiquated and reposted around a lot, when we could just buy one of these devices , plug and stream in minutes ha

im just wondering the best device that gives the best audio, obv the bose is an old sound system but still would rather want to hear as good as it can get

anyone any thoughts on best high quality plugin device from amazon then?

what did you mean phone via one and music/waze through firefly?

Edited by dng992 on Wednesday 13th April 02:40
You are welcome rolleyes