Replacing the timing chain on a 2010 Boxster?

Replacing the timing chain on a 2010 Boxster?



Original Poster:

3,181 posts

233 months

Wednesday 26th February 2020
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Coming up for 75k on my car - 3.4S PDK - thinking about preventive maintenance items and was wondering if the timing chain and/or tensioners are a serviceable item and if so what sort of mileage/age should it be done?

The wonderful world of google throws up all different suggestions, so thought i'd ask on here.

Anyone done it, is it an engine out job and if so what sort of cost would it be? Don't think i'm experienced enough to do it as a DIY job


1,067 posts

122 months

Wednesday 26th February 2020
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I thought the timing chain never needed changing?


9,380 posts

262 months

Thursday 27th February 2020
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I think you are barking up the wrong tree for preventative maintenance. The chains stretch and rarely catastrophically snap. There are others symptoms to identify when they do stretch. You are better off spending that money on things which are known to go or which will leave your car standing eg water pump or if you want to enjoy your car perhaps a suspension rebuild.


Original Poster:

3,181 posts

233 months

Thursday 27th February 2020
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Cheers guys - only reason it came up is because the brother-in-law had problems with his Mercedes E-class recently with a stretched timing chain that was meant to be non-replaceable. In the end they replaced the tensioners and that solved the issue - hence getting me thinking about mine.

I'll stick that on the "not to worry about" list smile