my new (dirty) mistress

my new (dirty) mistress


juan king

1,093 posts

199 months

Wednesday 23rd November 2011
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I'll let you off. Stunning car btw!


321 posts

195 months

Wednesday 23rd November 2011
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juan king said:
How can you afford a lambo, yet be unable to distinguish between bought and brought?
- Less time spent proof-reading equals more timing earning money... It may be why you drive a MX-5 and not a Lamborghini wink


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Wednesday 23rd November 2011
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Oelholm said:
- Less time spent proof-reading equals more timing earning money... It may be why you drive a MX-5 and not a Lamborghini wink

even if i did proof read, i probably wouldn;t correct it.... i don;t at work either.... shows a human element to the letter/post, and may even get a laugh, maybe....

juan king

1,093 posts

199 months

Wednesday 23rd November 2011
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Too true. I'll be quiet.


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Wednesday 23rd November 2011
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juan king said:
I'll let you off. Stunning car btw!
thanks, wait for tomorrows pics.... car doesn;t need it, but why not...
think its getting an all over with smartwax products, just googling for reviews...

Mr Sheen

1,346 posts

274 months

Wednesday 23rd November 2011
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I saw that number plate on a black murc last sunday in St.Neots.

Nice car


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Wednesday 23rd November 2011
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Mr Sheen said:
I saw that number plate on a black murc last sunday in St.Neots.

Nice car
thats the lord's car... lp640 in matt black with aranchio calipers and black wheels.......lick
the murci is local to st neots, so expect to see it loads...
plate has been transferred back, the bogey now wears L4MVO....


2,172 posts

250 months

Thursday 24th November 2011
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Regarding the wing if you want one...

Speak to who is UK based. They also do the LP560 front bumper incase you get the bug wink


16,663 posts

228 months

Thursday 24th November 2011
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70proof said:
plate has been transferred back, the bogey now wears L4MVO....
Car looks great, much better than a plain black.

Did the plate come from Andrew Wessom registrations limited?


10,121 posts

202 months

Thursday 24th November 2011
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Mattt said:
70proof said:
plate has been transferred back, the bogey now wears L4MVO....
Car looks great, much better than a plain black.

Did the plate come from Andrew Wessom registrations limited?


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Thursday 24th November 2011
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Mattt said:
Did the plate come from Andrew Wessom registrations limited?
nope, straight off the dvla select registrations website....


232 posts

206 months

Thursday 24th November 2011
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[quote=70proof]too cold and drizzly to give her a wash.... but i took some pics anyway.....

plate will soon be changed, so no editing...

Saw this plate on a Murci in October. Was with a Diablo and a Superleggera.


2,172 posts

250 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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So RSC have nearly finished development of an SV style wing to fit the Gallardo, goes on the factory mounting points too...


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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[quote=UH-Matt]So RSC have nearly finished development of an SV style wing to fit the Gallardo, goes on the factory mounting points too...[quote]

nono you really shouldn;t encourage me.....;)biggrin


2,199 posts

207 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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Lovely car! Congratulations on your purchase! I LOVE the colour, never understand why more aren't that colour! biggrin


2,548 posts

228 months

Thursday 1st December 2011
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juan king said:
How can you afford a lambo, yet be unable to distinguish between bought and brought?
Spelling or grammatical prowess isn't a prerequisite for driving an expensive car surely? I'd be driving a Veyron if it was. wink


2,347 posts

241 months

Thursday 1st December 2011
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mc_blue said:
Spelling or grammatical prowess isn't a prerequisite for driving an expensive car surely? I'd be driving a Veyron if it was. wink
If it were.


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Thursday 1st December 2011
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kryten22uk said:
If it were.
gosh chaps, standards are not what they once were, ROFLMAO!


19,047 posts

203 months

Thursday 1st December 2011
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kryten22uk said:
mc_blue said:
Spelling or grammatical prowess isn't a prerequisite for driving an expensive car surely? I'd be driving a Veyron if it was. wink
If it were.
hehe About the Veyron...


7,714 posts

223 months

Friday 2nd December 2011
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UH-Matt said:
So RSC have nearly finished development of an SV style wing to fit the Gallardo, goes on the factory mounting points too...

Who's the woman on the poster attached to the white board biggrin