gallardo lifting rear spoiler question....

gallardo lifting rear spoiler question....



6,356 posts

192 months

Monday 21st May 2012
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You could get somebody to reverse up the motorway behind you in a pickup truck?


228 posts

186 months

Monday 21st May 2012
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It's a pretty simple job to remove the clips from the lifting mechanism. You could then lift the spoiler by hand for cleaning. You have to remove all the undercasing of the engine bay cover, where you'll find these clips.

However its probably overkill just for cleaning purposes.

I discovered all of this when a mate an I spent a morning swapping the standard wing for the SL wing on my G last year.


1,718 posts

244 months

Tuesday 22nd May 2012
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Nice useful pics mr t.
Proof mate,when i went to view my car the spoiler was right up.The seller said his detailer guy
does something but didnt know what,great!
He said it does go back down when you drive it.
So maybe detailers know a trick,or maybe they just grab and pull,i have thought about that but cant bring myself to do it.biggrin
I assume the spoiler is cable/worm gear actuated via electric motor,cant see how you could reverse that and the electric motor by pulling up the spoiler.


6,356 posts

192 months

Tuesday 22nd May 2012
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So there is a trick? Good, 'cos you can't do that ^^^ with a spyder, at least not without getting eaten by it.


15,241 posts

225 months

Tuesday 22nd May 2012
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I have no answer I am afraid OP, but your chosen profession deserves a medal because people like you are the "real" heros in my opinion. thumbup


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Tuesday 22nd May 2012
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i'll ask the detailers... watch this space....

eccounts, thanks for the pics.... as you say, too much work for a clean.....

Edited by 70proof on Tuesday 22 May 08:03


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Tuesday 22nd May 2012
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boobles said:
I have no answer I am afraid OP, but your chosen profession deserves a medal because people like you are the "real" heros in my opinion. thumbup
why thank you good sir...


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Tuesday 22nd May 2012
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maser_spyder said:
So there is a trick? Good, 'cos you can't do that ^^^ with a spyder, at least not without getting eaten by it.
The sun page 5:

'Man eaten by giant black spyder'


1,256 posts

168 months

Tuesday 22nd May 2012
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Don't pull or push the spoiler, the mechanism will break. This is what the idiots who wrapped my car did. I managed to dismantle the mechanism and fix it, but it was a real bugger to do.


228 posts

186 months

Tuesday 22nd May 2012
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V10 BAT said:
Nice useful pics mr t.
There isn't an instruction manual for fitting the wing, so i thought i would make an idiots guide while fitting mine (as i am an idiot)

kds keltec

1,365 posts

200 months

Tuesday 22nd May 2012
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Bezerk said:
PM KDS Keltec, Kelly will know.
Actually I don’t / never heard of a way you can lift without removing (i.e. by electricity)apart from the fuse pulling ,so can't help
with this one.

I would normally just remove mechanically like the process above in this thread.

Item number 6 is the drive motor for the spolier ,

I am sure the main dealers with the correct diagnostics equipment can operate the spolier while at a stand still,
I can do the very same thing on many cars that my equipment supports , almost every single electrical item can be operated through its full range remotely from laptop.

Mind you I remove most things to gain the best access anyway.

Sorry that i cant help on this one directly


Edited by kds keltec on Tuesday 22 May 10:33

Edited by kds keltec on Tuesday 22 May 10:40


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Tuesday 22nd May 2012
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kds keltec said:
Sorry that i cant help on this one directly
you have helped, thanks.....

kds keltec

1,365 posts

200 months

Tuesday 22nd May 2012
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70proof said:
you have helped, thanks.....
cool , edit in first reply as i thought of something


Caelum Blue

511 posts

208 months

Tuesday 22nd May 2012
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Not an easy method but it can be done and if you were willing, you could make it easier in the future.

The lifting motor is at the front of the rear deck. With an allen key you can manually wind the spoiler up.

Downside, you have to take the plastic under cover off first to get to it.
Plus side, if you want to do this regularly, once you have taken the cover off, you could drill a hole through the cover and fit a rubber grommet to make it look better. Then next time you would be able to wind it up and down as necessary.

Make sure you wind it back down after cleaning before turning the ignition on, knowing the Italian electrics, it will throw a wobbler if you don't.


32,091 posts

260 months

Tuesday 22nd May 2012
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kds keltec said:
I am sure the main dealers with the correct diagnostics equipment can operate the spolier while at a stand still,
I can do the very same thing on many cars that my equipment supports , almost every single electrical item can be operated through its full range remotely from laptop.
I can confirm this - we were messing around with my girlfriend's car at the weekend. From the other side of the workshop he's making the wipers move, the horn go off, the lights work etc. Great fun.

I'm sure it's not what this many £000's worth of equipment is intended for, more so uses such as this we are discussing, but nevertheless it's impressive.


32,091 posts

260 months

Tuesday 22nd May 2012
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I showed her a picture of the speedo off the clock - telling her we were testing it on the link roads. She wasn't chuffed hehe

Alas, it was Kelly's magic that did it, and it wasn't in fact a 150mph 1litre corsa hehe


1,718 posts

244 months

Sunday 1st July 2012
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Mate sorry,been a bit busy biggrin anyways had a little tinker and ,well,this wink

Bye bye biggrin


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Sunday 1st July 2012
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V10 BAT said:
Mate sorry,been a bit busy biggrin anyways had a little tinker and ,well,this wink
Bye bye biggrin
mate, don;t be such a tease.... this little tinker.... easy is it?
ps you the man..... and exhaust looks nice...

Edited by 70proof on Sunday 1st July 21:25


6,356 posts

192 months

Sunday 1st July 2012
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So come on, how do you lift it without pulling the fuse out at 70?



1,718 posts

244 months

Sunday 1st July 2012
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biggrin Sorry guys.
Yeah easy...ish, i removed the fuse and replaced it with a modded fuse.

I trimed a small amount of plastic at the top of the fuse above each blade,exposing the metal.
I used thin long nose pliers and broke the small filament in the middle of the fuse,this is the bit that pops when they blow.
I then soldered a wire onto each terminal ,then soldered a fuse carrier onto one of the two wires.
I put a 15amp fuse in that holder,this keeps the circuit protected.
Soldered another length of wire onto the other side of that fuse holder which was cut to the same length as the other wire.
Wires are about 3 foot long and then soldered the two wires onto a switch.Now i can put the switch in easy reach.
So plug the modded harness into number 8 fuse ,flick the switch to on postion,in effect all normal.
Drive car ,got it to 80 to make sure the spoiler was right up and then flick the switch .
Slowed down, came off the next exit and yep spoiler still up.

Not sure what it would do as far as going back down,got home turn motor off.Took some pics then flicked the switch back on, turned ignition on,spoiler still up,so probably a speed mph thing so took it round the block went straight down at aprox 10mph.

I can do a few pics of the wire harness.
You could leave the wires pluged in full time and just use the switch when you are going to wash your car,or remove it put the original fuse back in as stock.
I like no cutting of car wires,just pull the fuse and plug in modded harness.