gallardo lifting rear spoiler question....

gallardo lifting rear spoiler question....



Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Sunday 1st July 2012
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neat solution batman...... how much u selling these harnesses for?!
and once you flicked the switch, did any check control light appear on the dash?


1,718 posts

244 months

Monday 2nd July 2012
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Hey matey,pm me your addy,i did test the thing before i went out ,key on and flicked the switch
about 5 secs later spoiler malfunction icon thingy came up on centre dash ,flicked the switch again
went straight out.
When on the m/way icon came up then ping,ping every 60 odd seconds.
The other thing is i do like the look of it ,probably cos you never see it normaly.
I can confirm it was great to be able to get at all the crud under the spoiler. biggrin
Cheers, do that pm bud.


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Saturday 7th July 2012
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chat with a service chap today...

for the pre-lp models, they can use a computer to raise the spoiler, but not permanently....

for the lp models, even the computer cannot be used! it means removing the trim as per eccounts post....

batman, i'll buy one of your inline fuse/switches please!!


1,718 posts

244 months

Sunday 8th July 2012
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No prob, pm me postal address.


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Sunday 8th July 2012
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cheers, nice to see others don;t get a lie in too.... off to a football tournament in the rain now!

Edited by 70proof on Sunday 8th July 07:30


1,718 posts

244 months

Sunday 8th July 2012
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Had a job on...........................
sticking rods up my chimney trying to dislodge a magpie thats been there since thursday ,
got the sooty little chap out in the end biggrin


10,120 posts

202 months

Sunday 8th July 2012
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V10 BAT said:
Had a job on...........................
sticking rods up my chimney trying to dislodge a magpie thats been there since thursday ,
got the sooty little chap out in the end biggrin
one for sorrow... !


1,718 posts

244 months

Sunday 8th July 2012
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biggrin Six for gold,yeah like i need another five up there.


10,120 posts

202 months

Sunday 8th July 2012
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two for joy would be a reasonable compromise smile


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Monday 24th September 2012
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massive thanks to batman for the switch/fuse..... the factory couldn;t have made better.... beer

on my car (MY08 coupe) there are two fuses..... a standard size fuse, port 2, and a small (backup, still 15amp) in port 27 (or 25, forgotten now)..... both fuses have to be out to get the spoiler to stay up, else all you get is the warning on the dash with the spoiler going up and down.....furious

why a backup.... think the circuit now powers crap to do with the exhaust gases, as p0412 and p0450 thrown up as soon as both fuses out, with both out (after reset) when both fuses in place....

spoiler to small to live with it up... probably a bit colour dependent too... frown ... so fuses back....


1,718 posts

244 months

Wednesday 26th September 2012
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Looking good though bud biggrin

I assume the spoiler and roof have the wrap treatment.


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Wednesday 26th September 2012
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hi dave

yep, prev owner had the roof wrapped but the spoiler, wings and rear vents re-sprayed (in too light a shade a grey imo), think yours looks cool up as black as per bodywork.... mine looks not right, but then i do like big spoilers!