Super Leggera vs Performante vs 2013 LP560

Super Leggera vs Performante vs 2013 LP560



Original Poster:

13,698 posts

257 months

Thursday 7th November 2013
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So what is the practical difference between these types?

It seems to me that examples of all of the above are clustered around much the same price, albeit of varying ages give or take a year or two.

So for the Gallardo layman, which is best and why?



3,662 posts

217 months

Thursday 7th November 2013
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Q ..... GRBF430F1


4,843 posts

180 months

Thursday 7th November 2013
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TISPKJ said:
Q ..... GRBF430F1
I know nothing !


6,078 posts

165 months

Thursday 7th November 2013
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2013 gallardo is just cosmetic changes... Don't think the changes affect aero so much you'll notice....

Practical diffs you ask.... The g will have softer, heated, adjustable seats, the other two have fixed carbon racing seats with fore and aft adjustment only. The SL and performance are 100kg or so lighter, so you might feel it.... The performante,s roof comes down, for aural pleasure...



4,843 posts

180 months

Thursday 7th November 2013
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2013 LP560-4 Nice new triangular front and rear bumpers facelift with all creature comforts 9/10

Superleggera - lightweight stripped out coupe with lots of carbon, more noise and a few creature comforts 10/10

Performante - lightweight convertible as above but with even more noise ruuuuuuuuuuf down 11/10
Visually and aurally superb. A future classic guaranteed once I've sold mine


3,662 posts

217 months

Thursday 7th November 2013
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GRBF430F1 said:
I know nothing !
As long as you don't post the page long description of what you have it will be fine :-)
Just call it a gallardo SL, GL, or Ghia


4,843 posts

180 months

Friday 8th November 2013
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TISPKJ said:
As long as you don't post the page long description of what you have it will be fine :-)
Just call it a gallardo SL, GL, or Ghia
C'mon give me a break its no common old Lambo . Doesn't your dog have a pedigree name as well or is it just "spot" lol


780 posts

228 months

Friday 8th November 2013
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SL feels lighter and more nimble, 560 and PF drive very similar although PF is heavier under braking. PF is in another league to a the normal Spyder in terms of driving.
I doubt on the normal road you would notice that much difference between them except the obvious cosmetic differences.


4,843 posts

180 months

Friday 8th November 2013
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topjay said:
SL feels lighter and more nimble, 560 and PF drive very similar although PF is heavier under braking. [b]PF is in another league to a the normal Spyder in terms of driving.[b/]
I doubt on the normal road you would notice that much difference between them except the obvious cosmetic differences.
Would you care to elaborate ? I've not driven a normal 560 spyder but does 10 BHP and 65Kg in weight make that much of a difference.

Fortunately I have ceramic brakes so I guess that will negate the heavier under braking to an extent. Boy do they stop the car


4,108 posts

241 months

Sunday 10th November 2013
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GRBF430F1 said:
A future classic guaranteed once I've sold mine
You should make that your signature - its seemingly in every post you make although I struggle to disagree. biggrin

560 is just another Gallardo, possibly with the most to lose depreciation wise if not spec'd well.


4,843 posts

180 months

Sunday 10th November 2013
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Most of the reviews unusually suggest taking the spyder over the coupe as there is nothing to lose but everything to gain with the open top driving experience.
I think they are so well put together and rigid that for even the most spirited public road driving you wouldn't notice any scuttle shake or difference over the coupe.

I love the wedge like shape and C pillar of the coupe but at the end of the day open top motoring appeals even more and as convertibles goes its got one of the neatest hoods you can get


780 posts

228 months

Monday 11th November 2013
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GRBF430F1 said:
Would you care to elaborate ? I've not driven a normal 560 spyder but does 10 BHP and 65Kg in weight make that much of a difference.

Fortunately I have ceramic brakes so I guess that will negate the heavier under braking to an extent. Boy do they stop the car
You can definitely feel that it seems heavier through corners and coming in under braking, straight line speed not really much difference but Spyder suspension seemed noticeably softer than the others, & slightly more wallowy if that's possible, and I do mean in the extreme. I doubt for road use you would notice that much unless you were really going for it. I expected to not like the pf as I had driven the spyder before & was not a fan, but thought it was very good, I'm still not sold convertibles though but that's a personal preference and nothing to do with the car. I doubt unless you drove them all back to back like I did you would notice that much, as they all drive similar but they are different. SL felt like it was on tip toes compared to my 560 but may just be the geo and tyres, I thought there was going to be minimal difference but noticed immediately it was more pointed to drive, to my annoyance.

I've only driven a Spyder & perfomante on a track though but owned a 560 coupe for several years. I did talk to the test driver about the differences and he was of the opinion that the main difference in feel between the cars was down to the tyres - as in corsas on sl and pf.


158 posts

173 months

Monday 11th November 2013
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I own a Perf. I have driven, back to back, a 550-2, 560-4, 570-4 and the Perf.

TBH, and I don't count myself as a great driver, but the differences between them were quite remarkable.

I also owned a 550-2 a couple of years back. Loved that car. Manual and 2wd....

But, the Perf makes me smile every time I drive it. Agree with another poster, that with the roof down on the Perf, especially on a nice quiet and twisty road, it's an awesome experience. OK the tech fest of the 458 and 12C would no doubt demolish the Perf on track, but in the real road, on real roads and sensible'ish speeds, the Perf is great.

Not missing the 550-2 at this time of year though. Was very tail happy


4,843 posts

180 months

Monday 11th November 2013
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I've only driven it a couple of times but peoples posts are definitely confirming my initial thoughts that the performante is a special car despite some of the knockers saying its passed its sell by date.

It just works as a total package and is so much fun which I was not getting from the 458 and McLaren coupes.

The only 1 criticism I have it so far is road and wind noise on motorways. Not normally the type of driving I do so its doesn't really bother me but the 200 mile trip home from the dealer left me feeling it was very noisey compared to my daily drive and louder than my F430 spider

Other than that its awesome


228 posts

186 months

Monday 11th November 2013
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SimonMorris said:
...I don't count myself as a great driver,
I can confirm that statement 100%


158 posts

173 months

Monday 11th November 2013
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eccounts said:
I can confirm that statement 100%
Back in your box Mr Beardy Bean-Counter