4321 Go - blue Gallardo

4321 Go - blue Gallardo



Original Poster:

23,563 posts

245 months

Tuesday 23rd December 2014
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Come on then, which one of you sad tts is it? With a reg like that it HAS to be a PH'er !!
Still livened up my potter north along the 34 this afternoon - thank you smile


24,772 posts

293 months

Tuesday 23rd December 2014
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DJRC said:
Come on then, which one of you sad tts is it? With a reg like that it HAS to be a PH'er !!
Still livened up my potter north along the 34 this afternoon - thank you smile
Well believe it or not it's PHer 4321go. smile


3,661 posts

216 months

Tuesday 23rd December 2014
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Yep stranger things have happend than using your reg plate as your user name smile


9,573 posts

167 months


640 posts

196 months

Wednesday 24th December 2014
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Not that I'm making excuses (rolleyes ), but, with the outside temperature reading 15°C at one point, the winter tyres were way out of their comfort zone. ESP kicking in in fifth in the dry! More than a little uncomfortable at times. So which one were you? Black SLK AMG?

Edited by 4321go on Wednesday 24th December 07:06


3,661 posts

216 months

Wednesday 24th December 2014
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Fresh set of winter tyres is what you need mate smile
come on you know it makes sense ...


6,860 posts

204 months

Wednesday 24th December 2014
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TISPKJ said:
Yep stranger things have happend than using your reg plate as your user name smile
Never.....!!! hehe


Original Poster:

23,563 posts

245 months

Wednesday 24th December 2014
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4321go said:
Not that I'm making excuses (rolleyes ), but, with the outside temperature reading 15°C at one point, the winter tyres were way out of their comfort zone. ESP kicking in in fifth in the dry! More than a little uncomfortable at times. So which one were you? Black SLK AMG?

Edited by 4321go on Wednesday 24th December 07:06
Indeed Sir. You actually gave me an excuse to take it out of eco mode and use the flicky paddle things! I was quite impressed at it still reading 29mpg once home!

First time I've got around Oxford over 30mph all yr aswell! The blessed relief if middayish and not later afternoon/early evening smile


640 posts

196 months

Thursday 25th December 2014
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TISPKJ said:
Fresh set of winter tyres is what you need mate smile
come on you know it makes sense ...
Sorry! I've rudely failed to reply to this twice now. I might (note: might) be tempted, but I doubt that I'll need to replace the current set before winter is out (although they won't manage a third year). When were they moulded? (Hint: each tyre has a little lozenge on the sidewall with a four didget number. The first two are the week number of the year and the second two are the year, so this week would be 5214.) and the price would need to be attractive wink


3,661 posts

216 months

Thursday 25th December 2014
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Will have a look and report back.
I am guessing they were new last winter by the looks of it, agreed that's no indication of age.


3,661 posts

216 months

Friday 26th December 2014
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4210 front 4110 rears


814 posts

237 months

Monday 29th December 2014
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4321GO buzzed me today coming south down the A5, I had just left Whilton Mill kart circuit.
Power to you, using it on such a crappy day


640 posts

196 months

Tuesday 30th December 2014
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Well, it is my daily driver (and at 3-5°C, the tyres were behaving themselves!). Here's a couple of snaps that I took when I got home yesterday. I was going to post them just to upset you all again rofl

Sorry, but I think that I have to pass on the tyres for three reasons. Firstly, I'm unsure how long I'll have the car, but if I run it through a third winter it will need new rubber. Secondly, by next winter they'll be six years old, and seven in their second season. And thirdly, Storage space!


10,106 posts

201 months

Sunday 29th September 2024
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640 posts

196 months

Tuesday 17th December 2024
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Hi Andrew! Not been here in a while. I was on my way to Cairo when Dickie drove my car. I arrived to a 5-word text: “Your car is f****** fabulous!”

Thought that was quite an accolade, and testament to Rick’s work.

Almost 5 years on from the engine rebuild. And now with 127,200 on the odo. Still love it.


10,106 posts

201 months

Tuesday 17th December 2024
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4321go said:

Edited by andrew on Wednesday 18th December 18:19


4,303 posts

236 months

Tuesday 17th December 2024
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4321go said:

Hi Andrew! Not been here in a while. I was on my way to Cairo when Dickie drove my car. I arrived to a 5-word text: “Your car is f****** fabulous!”

Thought that was quite an accolade, and testament to Rick’s work.

Almost 5 years on from the engine rebuild. And now with 127,200 on the odo. Still love it.
Is it really 5 years since that amazing thread.