Mk1 superleggera



1,525 posts

142 months

Sunday 30th June 2019
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Gratuitous picture then....


4,432 posts

248 months

Sunday 30th June 2019
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/\ Good grief...that is a stunning looking car smokin


1,525 posts

142 months

Sunday 30th June 2019
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MrVert said:
/\ Good grief...that is a stunning looking car smokin
Thank you. It is a very very special car to me and will likely be kept till I die. Practically, It does absolutely everything I want and so I see absolutely no reason to change it.

Emotionally, it is very significant and anything else just could never represent what this does, so again, absolutely no reason to change it.

Scott Laurie

Original Poster:

149 posts

160 months

Monday 1st July 2019
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Superleg48 said:
Gratuitous picture then....

gorgeous, gorgeous,


7,597 posts

293 months

Friday 5th July 2019
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Another photo then smile


1,525 posts

142 months

Friday 5th July 2019
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AndrewD said:
Another photo then smile

Outrageously sublime.


35 posts

140 months

Saturday 6th July 2019
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Adding mine, had it for 2 years and love it, timeless design compared to the over-complicated fussy designs of the moment.


2,173 posts

218 months

Saturday 13th July 2019
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A grey Mk1 SL will always be on the list cool


8,175 posts

218 months

Wednesday 25th September 2019
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Any current owners currently considering selling any time soon? smile


268 posts

234 months

Wednesday 25th September 2019
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Not for sale but any excuse to post pic. Also cheating a bit as In Australia not the UK


1,201 posts

182 months

Wednesday 25th September 2019
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Sarnie said:
Any current owners currently considering selling any time soon? smile
With prices crashing as they are, id hold fire as you will be able to pick one up for half the advertised prices


1,154 posts

228 months


28,120 posts

280 months

Friday 27th September 2019
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Drclarke said:
With prices crashing as they are, id hold fire as you will be able to pick one up for half the advertised prices
I keep a keen eye on SL prices as have fancied one for a while. They do appear to have dropped far more than just softened in the recent times. I’m surprised given the limited numbers and fact that they seem to have a strong demand and not many available at any one time.


10,109 posts

201 months

Friday 27th September 2019
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if anyone knows of any straight uk ( NOT far east import ! ) 2007/8 "mk1" superleggera ( NOT a 570 ! ) for sale, please pm me

Never you mind

1,507 posts

121 months

Saturday 28th September 2019
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Shnozz said:
I keep a keen eye on SL prices as have fancied one for a while. They do appear to have dropped far more than just softened in the recent times. I’m surprised given the limited numbers and fact that they seem to have a strong demand and not many available at any one time.
Always wanted one, almost bought one but I've been keeping my eye on prices for years. 100-120K. Presume the spread is down to UK or far east import. I
'd buy an import, can't think of any reason as to why not as long as the car has been checked over, same goes for a UK one I guess.

Scott Laurie

Original Poster:

149 posts

160 months

Saturday 28th September 2019
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I’m loving mine. Amazing car



4,108 posts

240 months

Monday 30th September 2019
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andrew said:
if anyone knows of any straight uk ( NOT far east import ! ) 2007/8 "mk1" superleggera ( NOT a 570 ! ) for sale, please pm me
You have PM.


10,862 posts

203 months

Monday 30th September 2019
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Shnozz said:
I keep a keen eye on SL prices as have fancied one for a while. They do appear to have dropped far more than just softened in the recent times. I’m surprised given the limited numbers and fact that they seem to have a strong demand and not many available at any one time.
for some reason lambos dont seem to attract crazy prices, the murci sv being a good example

Scott Laurie

Original Poster:

149 posts

160 months

Monday 30th September 2019
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WCZ said:
for some reason lambos dont seem to attract crazy prices, the murci sv being a good example
The general Gallardo market hasn't changed much in the last two years, with prices pretty much static and with very little selling. I think with people un certain about where prices are going and everyman and his dog with an opinion on classic car prices bombing, there are less people wiling to spend large sums of cash on high end sports car. Less people is the key word here, Cars are still selling but less demand, I sold my Scuderia in a week but my 360 took ages to sell.

Superleggeras are different in the market place. They are rare and much more expensive than a stock Gallardo. Prices for Gen 1s range from £100k to 120 depending on colour, mileage, history bla bla bla, you get what you pay for and with them all 10years old now, finding perfect ones is more difficult. Compared to 360CS or a Scuderia they are a bargain price wise and rarer.

I think price wise they are static, don't see them dropping much, they arent really competition against other gallardos as they are quite a different car, or the hurricans as different buyer.



5,584 posts

199 months

Monday 30th September 2019
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There’s 2 superleggeras at 89k ok one is categorised but can’t see if the other is

Lp variants are 120k ish