Buying an Aventador - pls help

Buying an Aventador - pls help



5,461 posts

160 months

Friday 21st April 2023
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Batman801 said:
Ok got it.. I don't know EXACTLY where the reading comes in brand new - but other cars that are generally fresh in good condition maybe with 1-2k mileage have a clutch wear reading of 1.1mm to 1.6mm..

For an aventador I was told when it reached 7mm it needs to be replaced.

to be clear the health check report states the clutch WEAR reading 14mm.. how is this possible?

I hope this helps.

Any thoughts?

Edited by Batman801 on Thursday 20th April 18:25

Edited by Batman801 on Thursday 20th April 18:57
There’ll be thickness and there’ll be wear. Wear will be derived from the change in friction plate thickness.


10,044 posts

197 months

Friday 21st April 2023
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TBCTBC said:
Batman801 said:
Sorry what do you mean?
the current clutch reads 14mm.

it doesn't have a new clutch. Although the current one can be replaced.
As in when you buy an Aventador new, what is the clutch reading? So you can compare your 14mm reading with a new car and how much wear your car currently has (from new).

Edited by TBCTBC on Thursday 20th April 18:22
exactly mr TBC thumbup


17,056 posts

210 months

Friday 21st April 2023
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1,840 posts

124 months

Friday 21st April 2023
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Batman801 said:
Hi all,

So I had an aventador sent to a lambo main dealer for a health check.

The clutch reading came in at 14mm. With them advising a full replacement at 7mm. ! How is this even possible?

How serious do you view this? The car has done less than 10k mileage. how is this possible? was it launched multiple times?

Is replacing the clutch ok gie you full comfort - or has it possibly done more damage to the gearbox etc at all?

Would you advise replacing the clutch or would you pass on the car altogether?

Appreciate any feedback.

Thank you!

Edited by Batman801 on Thursday 20th April 17:00
Why don’t you just ask the dealer who did the health check?


1,330 posts

264 months

Friday 21st April 2023
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Are the school holidays over yet

Fast Eddie

418 posts

250 months

Saturday 22nd April 2023
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HIS LM said:
Are the school holidays over yet


1,491 posts

203 months

Saturday 22nd April 2023
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Sometimes you just don’t know, but OP is not coming across as the type of person who would be buying a car such as this. Or maybe it’s just someone quite young without much experience of supercar purchases.

Fast Eddie

418 posts

250 months

Sunday 23rd April 2023
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TP321 said:
Sometimes you just don’t know, but OP is not coming across as the type of person who would be buying a car such as this. Or maybe it’s just someone quite young without much experience of supercar purchases.
OP appears to be completely out of his depth


255 posts

86 months

Monday 24th April 2023
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Popcorn is almost ready, salted of sweet ?


2,324 posts

35 months

Tuesday 30th May 2023
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st or get off the pot.


Original Poster:

24 posts

17 months

Tuesday 30th May 2023
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I'm really puzzled by the hostilities on this forum..

for those who were kind enough to share there views, I couldn't ask the service manager as he didn't know. We had to wait for a factory assessment of a "BETA report".. they later confirmed the clutch certainly had to be replaced.. and the car had been launched 6 times.

I've found more friendlier crowd at lambo talk. no need for such bullying crowd just because someone asked a simple question.


463 posts

123 months

Tuesday 27th August
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Hi, did you end up buying one?


651 posts

236 months

Monday 2nd September
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lambo666 said:
Hi, did you end up buying one?
think you can answer that question yourself biggrin