


Original Poster:

502 posts

222 months

Monday 16th January 2017
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Just heard zenos have been placed in to administration


601 posts

251 months

Tuesday 17th January 2017
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That's a shame, I feel sorry for the staff. frown Anybody know more?


5,397 posts

156 months

Tuesday 17th January 2017
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Seems surprising as I thought they were doing OK. Certainly the cars have been very well received.

Competitive market segment though.


8,636 posts

266 months

Tuesday 17th January 2017
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It's a real shame.

They were on my "seriously thinking about it" list, but I was waiting for them to scale to the point in their product plan where the version with the roof and the doors came out.

I wonder how many others like me there are? And I wonder if a funder with a longer term view can be found.

The only downside was the actual cost of the cars was quite a bit more than originally promised...


16,482 posts

236 months

Tuesday 17th January 2017
quotequote all
awg454 said:
Just heard zenos have been placed in to administration
Where did you hear this?


24,331 posts

290 months

Tuesday 17th January 2017
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Beefmeister said:
Where did you hear this?
More here.


16,482 posts

236 months

Tuesday 17th January 2017
quotequote all
jeremyc said:
ore here.


8 posts

96 months

Sunday 5th March 2017
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Sad news, the E10S was also on my wishlist.
By the way I guess the announced production figures communicated (I've read they built over 100 E10's) were overestimated to try convincing some of those potential customers that the firm was not a risky bet.