Zeros car built in Norfolk who has one

Zeros car built in Norfolk who has one



Original Poster:

3,292 posts

118 months

Thursday 1st March 2018
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Stumbled upon this

I did not even realise this car existed. Anyone got one what they like ?


6,359 posts

198 months

Sunday 15th April 2018
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Ilovejapcrap said:
Stumbled upon this

I did not even realise this car existed. Anyone got one what they like ?
Sorry for the late reply.
Yes, I have one. There are a few of us owners about, and the consensus is they are great little cars.
Not perfect, obviously. Mine is one of the earliest, when they were still almost in the prototype stage, so there have been a few niggles.
The 350bhp ‘R’ is a properly fast car, but even with 200bhp the performance is up with the faster versions of the Elise. The handling is a very good road/track compromise.
We’re still waiting to see what the new owners of the company will do, but it would be a terrible shame if they don’t build anymore.