Fuel Filter- Before or after 044 Pump?

Fuel Filter- Before or after 044 Pump?



Original Poster:

1,533 posts

223 months

Wednesday 12th February 2014
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Hi All,

Reading some old threads about the 044 pump, seems some are recommending it is fitted before the filter.

Is this generally right? What is the benefit?

Is it as simple as a new length of pipe tank>pump, and then alter the pressure side to go through the filter, no need for prefilters or anything?

I have the 044 pump, with the Sytec metal filter, with the paper element. Replaced lines to/from the pump.
I know some of the big power people use pumps in series and stuff like that, but i'm only aiming for M400 spec, so i think the 044 is already overkill on its own.



Edited by StreetDragster on Wednesday 12th February 14:10


5,908 posts

221 months

Wednesday 12th February 2014
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Ideally for the gravity fed standard supply you want a fine filter after the pumps, 044 pumps have their own filter in the outlet fitting end as well.

Unless you have a lift pump in your tank which will push the fuel through the filter.


8,345 posts

269 months

Wednesday 12th February 2014
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The 044 hates to suck, will buzz and worse fail if they do (and continue to do so as the damage will be done).... the sytec filter is a good filter and up to 600bhp so more than good enough for you, but you really need it after an 044 before the rail IMO

As Graham says the 044 actually has a built in filter... but my stock tank was full of alloy filings even after 7years, so I personally would find a very course high flowing filter to put between the tank and the 044.

Get it right and your 044 will be quiet and have years of use out of it, get it wrong and it will buzz even above the noise of the engine and drive you mad frown


275 posts

140 months

Wednesday 12th February 2014
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This is my gas filter in my U.S. version M12.
Is similar used in the U.K?


Original Poster:

1,533 posts

223 months

Wednesday 12th February 2014
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Mine doesn't look like that, its a Sytec one, anodised red with a screw in blue end cap.




2,375 posts

204 months

Wednesday 12th February 2014
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This is my 044, buzzes like a bh and has done since day 1. I hate it. Wish I'd never fitted it and gone for an M400 one instead.


1,173 posts

223 months

Wednesday 12th February 2014
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Blu3R said:
This is my 044, buzzes like a bh and has done since day 1. I hate it. Wish I'd never fitted it and gone for an M400 one instead.

I had the same on my last noble and I hated it, when I built my current one I was determined to get rid of that annoying noise. Now I have to find a way of keeping the mrs quiet.


9,011 posts

243 months

Wednesday 12th February 2014
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If you put some dyno Matt on the lower alloy panel it makes a difference , the noise seems to resonate through the car !!

Like this

Edited by TuxMan on Wednesday 12th February 20:15


8,345 posts

269 months

Thursday 13th February 2014
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Blu3R said:
This is my 044, buzzes like a bh and has done since day 1. I hate it. Wish I'd never fitted it and gone for an M400 one instead.

I believe we need to move the filter to after the pump... And replace the pump :-(


2,097 posts

246 months

Thursday 13th February 2014
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andygtt said:
The 044 hates to suck, will buzz and worse fail if they do (and continue to do so as the damage will be done).... the sytec filter is a good filter and up to 600bhp so more than good enough for you, but you really need it after an 044 before the rail IMO

As Graham says the 044 actually has a built in filter... but my stock tank was full of alloy filings even after 7years, so I personally would find a very course high flowing filter to put between the tank and the 044.

Get it right and your 044 will be quiet and have years of use out of it, get it wrong and it will buzz even above the noise of the engine and drive you mad frown

Mike Tuckwood

1,261 posts

204 months

Thursday 13th February 2014
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An 044 is extreme overkill in the vast majority of situations, there are far more suitable options from Bosch (and others). It's sensible to install a coarse filter before the pump and a fine filter after the pump.


Edited by Mike Tuckwood on Saturday 15th February 18:53


628 posts

173 months

Saturday 15th February 2014
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I am wanting to change fuel pump on my 3R .

So is there no buzzing at all with a coarse filter before the 044 pump and a fine filter after the pump ?

Does the same apply for an m400 pump or are these non buzzing ?


Adrian W

14,311 posts

233 months

Saturday 15th February 2014
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TuxMan said:

Simon who did your wiring, Steve wonder or Cheetah the chimp?


909 posts

213 months

Saturday 15th February 2014
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Adrian W said:
Simon who did your wiring, Steve wonder or Cheetah the chimp?
wetting myself wobble


8,345 posts

269 months

Monday 17th February 2014
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verba1 said:
I am wanting to change fuel pump on my 3R .

So is there no buzzing at all with a coarse filter before the 044 pump and a fine filter after the pump ?

Does the same apply for an m400 pump or are these non buzzing ?

yes a happy 044 will be as quiet as a stock one.. my 2 044's are difficult to hear on idle both inside and outside.

The M400 is able to suck a little like the stock 3r pump.


628 posts

173 months

Monday 17th February 2014
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andygtt said:
yes a happy 044 will be as quiet as a stock one.. my 2 044's are difficult to hear on idle both inside and outside.

The M400 is able to suck a little like the stock 3r pump.
Hi Andy
could you explain what extra pipe work you need and do you have the details of the exact filters needed .


8,345 posts

269 months

Tuesday 18th February 2014
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you simply move the original filter to the other side of the pump and fit a courser filter in its place.

My fuel system is totally different to standard, I even went as far as having my own spec of fuel tank made from scratch so you can't replicate any of mine Im afraid.... I have course sock filters on my lifter pumps that are actually in the fuel tank which then feed a swirl pot which feed the 044's which feed my modified fuel rail.


2,375 posts

204 months

Wednesday 19th February 2014
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andygtt said:
Blu3R said:
This is my 044, buzzes like a bh and has done since day 1. I hate it. Wish I'd never fitted it and gone for an M400 one instead.

I believe we need to move the filter to after the pump... And replace the pump :-(
Only just seen this comment - hope you're not blaming yourself for it mate, not your fault at all!!! Still think the tank mod is a great idea for road use without going to extremes.


8,345 posts

269 months

Thursday 20th February 2014
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Blu3R said:
andygtt said:
Blu3R said:
This is my 044, buzzes like a bh and has done since day 1. I hate it. Wish I'd never fitted it and gone for an M400 one instead.

I believe we need to move the filter to after the pump... And replace the pump :-(
Only just seen this comment - hope you're not blaming yourself for it mate, not your fault at all!!! Still think the tank mod is a great idea for road use without going to extremes.
I actually wonder if you can get a very course filter for the sytec one... then just put a new sytec one after the rail with minimal changes needed... you'd still need a new pump though.


628 posts

173 months

Thursday 13th March 2014
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Metalman said:
I had the same on my last noble and I hated it, when I built my current one I was determined to get rid of that annoying noise. Now I have to find a way of keeping the mrs quiet.
Hi Jason
what mod did you do on your fuel pump set up to get it quiet and is it a bosch 044 ?