Tesla - Performance upgrade

Tesla - Performance upgrade



31,343 posts

264 months

Sunday 29th March 2020
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Its normal, power drops as SOC does, its not linear though so felt more at 20% or lower.


3,106 posts

185 months

Sunday 29th March 2020
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Indeed SagMan,

Likely the voltage is sagging. Hence reduced power output.


639 posts

230 months

Sunday 29th March 2020
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Apologies for ignorance , What is SOC ???

So power drop isn’t linear just occurs at certain range ?



31,343 posts

264 months

Sunday 29th March 2020
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SagMan said:
Apologies for ignorance , What is SOC ???

So power drop isn’t linear just occurs at certain range ?

SOC = state of charge

non linear means you dont have 50% power at 50% charge (down form 475 to 410 or so)


639 posts

230 months

Monday 30th March 2020
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RobDickinson said:
SOC = state of charge

non linear means you dont have 50% power at 50% charge (down form 475 to 410 or so)

Got it thanks !

At what charge does power drop off ?
Thank you

George Smiley

5,048 posts

91 months

Monday 30th March 2020
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Do you think they are holding off ludicrous mode as it would beat the S?


31,343 posts

264 months

Monday 30th March 2020
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Personally no, its already at around 5.5C and the motors are stressed enough already I bet

Will they do a hotter 3 once the plaid S is out? Yeah hope so

Heres Johnny

7,517 posts

134 months

Monday 30th March 2020
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SagMan said:
RobDickinson said:
SOC = state of charge

non linear means you dont have 50% power at 50% charge (down form 475 to 410 or so)

Got it thanks !

At what charge does power drop off ?
Thank you
Drops off from once you fall below 100% - are you unable to read the chart? The drop starts relatively slowly as the chart shows

Heres Johnny

7,517 posts

134 months

Monday 30th March 2020
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George Smiley said:
Do you think they are holding off ludicrous mode as it would beat the S?
Performance is driven by the lowest rated part, typically battery output or motor power, and both can deliver short term peaks higher than continuous output levels (its down in part to heat management). There are minor performance differences due to wheels, aero etc but the big variability is motors, battery (and the related cooling and software limits).

Ludicrous was a hardware change that effectively released more power from the battery. It’s thought that technology is in all ms and Mx now but the 75/std range performance is behind the long range because the battery is smaller and can put out less power and the long range is behind the performance because the rear motor is smaller. The P100D has more power than the P90D again because of the battery, The limiting factor shifting from battery to motors to battery again, they’re all close to the edge.

Im not sure we know what’s currently limiting the M3 and if there’s more to give. The long range and performance seem to have the same battery and motor which suggests the long range is simply a software limited performance, the performance- (a Lr with performance model power output) reinforces that view. You can sacrifice longevity by allowing things to run hotter, you can allow short term spikes for say improve launch as a one off show pony but not something you can maintain, hence why Porsche make such a big thing about there performance being repeatable time after time. Or there may just be more to safely give which they’ll unlock as data builds up suggesting warranty won’t be hurt unreasonably, but they’ve kind of already done that once. But you never know. 3.2s down to 2.4s is a hell of a drop, but I could see Tesla wanting the M3 to be sub 3s if they could.


31,343 posts

264 months

Monday 30th March 2020
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Pretty sure the non P 100d's don't have the Inconel battery connections.

Derek Chevalier

4,278 posts

183 months

Monday 30th March 2020
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Heres Johnny said:
George Smiley said:
Do you think they are holding off ludicrous mode as it would beat the S?
Performance is driven by the lowest rated part, typically battery output or motor power, and both can deliver short term peaks higher than continuous output levels (its down in part to heat management). There are minor performance differences due to wheels, aero etc but the big variability is motors, battery (and the related cooling and software limits).

Ludicrous was a hardware change that effectively released more power from the battery. It’s thought that technology is in all ms and Mx now but the 75/std range performance is behind the long range because the battery is smaller and can put out less power and the long range is behind the performance because the rear motor is smaller. The P100D has more power than the P90D again because of the battery, The limiting factor shifting from battery to motors to battery again, they’re all close to the edge.

Im not sure we know what’s currently limiting the M3 and if there’s more to give. The long range and performance seem to have the same battery and motor which suggests the long range is simply a software limited performance, the performance- (a Lr with performance model power output) reinforces that view. You can sacrifice longevity by allowing things to run hotter, you can allow short term spikes for say improve launch as a one off show pony but not something you can maintain, hence why Porsche make such a big thing about there performance being repeatable time after time. Or there may just be more to safely give which they’ll unlock as data builds up suggesting warranty won’t be hurt unreasonably, but they’ve kind of already done that once. But you never know. 3.2s down to 2.4s is a hell of a drop, but I could see Tesla wanting the M3 to be sub 3s if they could.
The Y seems to have a tad more power than the M3P


Heres Johnny

7,517 posts

134 months

Monday 30th March 2020
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RobDickinson said:
Pretty sure the non P 100d's don't have the Inconel battery connections.
Not totally sure - Tesla usually try and reduce the number of parts and I understood with the 100kw battery it was fitted regardless, software controlling the power. The supply chain efficiency would probably ouitweigh the extra cost. Ludicrous has also been from time to time an option rather than standard which if not purchased at the time of ordering could be turned on afterwards (this is the P100D, the old days of the P85D and P90D it used to require hardware) so the kit must have been installed on all of those P100D non ludy cars regardless athough that in itself isnt evidence it was on the 100D I guess.

Points still the same though, we don't publically know how close the P3D is to the current limits of the motors and battery with respect to power, heat disipation and warranty implications


505 posts

65 months

Monday 30th March 2020
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SagMan said:
Noticed something a couple of times . Below circa 130 mile range , the acceleration seems compromised, say 20%. Not every time but had it lower range a few times and seems a notable observation . I’ll register with Tesla forums and see if a normal aspect .
Yes, normal.

Also, a suggestion: change the display from “miles remaining” to “percentage”. In the long run you’ll discover that to be more accurate.


639 posts

230 months

Monday 30th March 2020
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Heres Johnny said:
Drops off from once you fall below 100% - are you unable to read the chart? The drop starts relatively slowly as the chart shows
I couldn't see chart image on my phone. Just logged on via laptop. Got it now.
Many thanks