GR86 - why are people selling?

GR86 - why are people selling?



9,879 posts

229 months

Friday 14th June 2024
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Composite Guru

2,306 posts

213 months

Friday 14th June 2024
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I won’t be selling mine anytime soon. It has some great photo worthy angles.
Far better than all the 2 ton SUV dross you see being churned out nowadays.

Edited by Composite Guru on Friday 14th June 23:15


3,816 posts

218 months

Monday 2nd September 2024
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Lovely cars


1,432 posts

220 months

Tuesday 3rd September 2024
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AmyRichardson said:
I get what a comment above notes, it's a car you gel with when you're getting more use out of it. When I'm not driving it much (it's not my daily commute wagon, if I'm busy or the weather is cr&p it sits) I get to thinking "should have all-in'd with an Elise/'7 which would have been cheaper, more focused, etc, etc" but then I start doing more miles and love it again. Benign (because my skill bag isn't deep), 200hp/t is plenty, likes you to make an effort but doesn't demand it - and after a few days that no-man's-land feels like a sweet spot.
I go through exactly the same thoughts with mine. Use a shed for commuting and often it's not used, then if it's nice I jump on the motorbike and I think do I need this or do I get something more extreme. But then I drive it for a few days and it feels mega again. It's definitely a car you have to drive regularly to stay in tune with.