GR Yaris Rust



Original Poster:

1 posts

34 months

Monday 30th September 2024
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This may have been covered elsewhere but im looking to buy a Yaris GR but have read there are rust issues with the this all being overhyped or is it an issue?if its a problem can it be prevented with Waxoyl/Underseal?


17,924 posts

174 months

Wednesday 9th October 2024
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BOBGT3 said:
This may have been covered elsewhere but im looking to buy a Yaris GR but have read there are rust issues with the this all being overhyped or is it an issue?if its a problem can it be prevented with Waxoyl/Underseal?
Owner since they were released not heard of any proper rust issues on owners clubs or forums. There is the usual Japanese car surface rust on the underside but after 4 years outside and 36k I don’t think it’s any different to other cars.


3,899 posts

145 months

Wednesday 9th October 2024
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There was a lad on GR-Zoo with one suffering from front wheel arch corrosion at two years old.

Having seen the underside of a friend’s one, like my GR86 they don’t look like they’ll be particularly resistant to corrosion underneath, either. A cough of paint here and there, body in white some other places and a pretty poorly powder coated subframe that I’ve had to touch in a couple of places already. Glad mine isn’t an everyday car, as it would look scruffy rather quickly!