Rav4 phev acceleration if ev battery insufficient charge

Rav4 phev acceleration if ev battery insufficient charge



Original Poster:

14 posts

98 months

Monday 28th October 2024
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Hi, interested in non plug in version, Salesman suggested that driving phev version with no ev available range would create a like for like comparison, is he correct?
The phev (with no ev charge available) I drove seemed nippier than I had assumed would be the case and my question is will there always be some residual charge in the ev battery to back up heavy acceleration in such circumstances?


660 posts

125 months

Tuesday 29th October 2024
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The PHEV version won't completely deplete the battery - something like 30% of the battery is kept in reserve to maintain the quoted 300hp.

The PHEV is indeed sprightly and I also believe has better sound insulation than the standard hybrid car. I would try seek the non-phev for a test drive before committing.

Edited by FamousPheasant on Tuesday 29th October 11:07


Original Poster:

14 posts

98 months

Tuesday 29th October 2024
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Thank you, will do.


3,128 posts

179 months

Thursday 7th November 2024
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Love my PHEV Rav4 GR, had it just a week and so far I would highly rate it.


Original Poster:

14 posts

98 months

Friday 15th November 2024
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1,058 posts

213 months

Monday 23rd December 2024
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throt said:
Love my PHEV Rav4 GR, had it just a week and so far I would highly rate it.
I'd second this, had mine for 8 weeks and covered 6.5k miles so far, brilliant car, quick, comfy and perfect for hauling all sorts of stuff around!