Post pictures of your Emira

Post pictures of your Emira



Original Poster:

107 posts

237 months

Wednesday 8th February 2023
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Thought we could do with a thread for Phers to post pictures of their cars. I'll start with mine which arrived last week. Seneca Blue, sports suspension and Goodyears.


529 posts

30 months

Wednesday 8th February 2023
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Looks amazing. Congratulations.

Took my CGTS for a nice long blast around the South Downs on Saturday afternoon and saw an Emira coming the other way on one of the twisties. Bloody epic looking thing. Genuinely looks like a £200k supercar. Only downside was I thought it was black, then remembered Lotus didn't do a black, which means it must've been the Verdant Green. Wish they'd made that colour a little lighter.

Either way, lovely car.


49 posts

283 months

Saturday 18th February 2023
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Hethel Yellow, Red Leather, Sports Suspension, Goodyears, Tracker and Homelink


19,932 posts

220 months

Saturday 18th February 2023
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Very similar to my spec on the outside apart from I've gone for black calipers. Different on the inside. Looks lovely!


6,064 posts

150 months

Sunday 19th February 2023
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Great to see some pics of customer cars.



671 posts

199 months

Tuesday 21st February 2023
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To continue the 'in front of Circuit' theme

Hethel yellow
Black Alcantera with yellow stitch interior
Alcantera steering wheel
Sports Chassis on Cup 2s
Black calipers
No upper black pack or privacy glass

And this was slightly 'off yellow' after a circa 150 mile cross country blat on filthy slippery salty roads at about 2degrees.


31 posts

45 months

Tuesday 21st February 2023
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Here's mine collected from factory


671 posts

72 months

Monday 27th February 2023
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We had 4 Emiras at our NYLOC ( North Yorkshire Lotus Owners Club) meeting yesterday, three yellow and a very dark green.I’ll see if I can get my mate to put some pictures up

The Wookie

14,066 posts

237 months

Tuesday 7th March 2023
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Factory collection yesterday

A couple of hours later and put straight to work!


13,000 posts

225 months

Saturday 11th March 2023
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kemik77 said:

Here's mine collected from factory
Great spec , love that.

Fantic SuperT

887 posts

229 months

Friday 24th March 2023
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Delivered this morning. Yes I went for black brake calipers.


Original Poster:

107 posts

237 months

Friday 24th March 2023
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Fantic SuperT said:
Delivered this morning. Yes I went for black brake calipers.
Looks fab, congratulations! Black calipers work well with the black pack and dc wheels.


874 posts

82 months

Sunday 26th March 2023
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kemik77 said:

Here's mine collected from factory
That looks lovely, especially with the white leather interior.
How are you finding the leather? I am still torn between leather (which I think looks better and makes the cabin look lighter and airier) and the alcantara (which I have in my GT86 and also really like).
Does the leather feels as supportive as the alcantara, or is it more 'slippery'? Also how about the feel, does it feel colder (I appreciate they are heated seats, but I assume that isn't instant heat)? I got to see both yesterday but didn't ask to sit in them as they were customer cars pre delivery and therefore plastic wrapped.


719 posts

255 months

Friday 31st March 2023
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Loving mine. Can't wait to get to the magic 1000 miles. A great contrast to the 911's I've been driving recently. I'm really pleased how good the Emira is.


288 posts

217 months

Saturday 1st April 2023
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Time to add some Nimbus Grey to this thread! Car collected today and it was appropriate that I paid a visit to ‘Senna Lane’ with his Lotus connection!


1,080 posts

145 months

Saturday 1st April 2023
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Love the curves on the Nimbus.


642 posts

158 months

Saturday 1st April 2023
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Verdant Green, sports suspension and Goodyears. I need some sun to make the colour pop!


642 posts

158 months

Saturday 1st April 2023
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This shows the colour in sunlight a little better. Currently it is filthy after a weeks ownership, trying to get the first 1,000 miles in.


288 posts

217 months

Saturday 1st April 2023
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A few more from a morning visit to my local circuit:


671 posts

199 months

Saturday 1st April 2023
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lovely lovely lovely.

Needs black LOTUS lettering on the back (like mine, which is a similar combo albeit Hethel Yellow (i.e. no upper black pack, black calipers, silver wheels).

I'm going to get mine done.