Any longer term i4 owners?

Any longer term i4 owners?



Original Poster:

2,267 posts

129 months

Tuesday 17th September 2024
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I’d be interested to know from anyone who’s had an i4 turbo emira how they’re getting on with the turbo whine?

I’m still umming and ahhing about whether to get the V6 or i4.
On a test drive of the i4 there was a clear turbo whine behind the drivers seat, which I quite enjoyed at the time.
However it would be good to know from owners if this ends up getting annoying on a 2 hour motorway drive for example?


1,669 posts

180 months

Tuesday 17th September 2024
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Are you sure it's not the large cooling fan?


Original Poster:

2,267 posts

129 months

Tuesday 17th September 2024
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It’s a fairly high pitched whine when under acceleration, sounds like it’s behind the left shoulder

M Daddy

23 posts

49 months

Saturday 5th October 2024
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I've owned my i4 for about 6 months now and I don't find it annoying at all. You only hear it under acceleration. It's quiet when cruising. Also, the sound originates from the left side of the car so even with the windows open it's not that noticeable in RHD.

To be honest I found the supercharger whine to be louder in the V6 when I test drove it. Also, the manual only has 6 gears which means it's doing considerably more revs on the motorway than the 8 speed i4.